theLink 10.0 NHI1 - theKernel - theLink - theConfig - theSq3Lite - theCompiler - theBrain - theGuard
c - tcl - py - rb - jv - cc
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LibMqMsgque_mq.h File Reference
#include "kernel_mk.h"
#include "gen/msgque_overload_mq.h"
+ Include dependency graph for LibMqMsgque_mq.h:

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  MQ_CTX_A
 array of MqContextC instances More...
struct  MqEnvS
 MqEnvS - the class known as env or environment is used to store the protected environment in an service-call … More...
struct  MqCallbackS
 used for callback function pointer management More...
struct  MqLinkSlaveS
 needed to "run-over-all-slaves" → example: MqRouteGetTree More...
struct  MqLinkS
 object responsible to manage a client/server link data More...
struct  MqIoUdsConfigS
 configure a context to use a uds-client-server-linkMore...
struct  MqIoTcpConfigS
 configure a context to use a tcp-client-server-linkMore...
struct  MqIoPipeConfigS
 configure a context to use a pipe-client-server-linkMore...
struct  MqIoLoopConfigS
 Configure a context to use a loop-client-server-link … More...
struct  MqIoInitConfigS
 configure a context to use a init-client-server-linkMore...
struct  MqLinkSetupS
 MqContextC - used to create or delete a instance to manage a linkMore...
struct  MqIoConfigS
 Basic configuration of a context … More...
struct  MqConfigS
 end-user configuration data, also available as command-line options More...
struct  MqSetupS
 application-programmer configuration data More...
struct  MqSysServerThreadMainS
 data used to initialize a new created thread … More...
struct  MqLalS
 Interface between MqContextS and the Operating-System … More...
struct  MqErrorS
 Extend the MkErrorS with PythonMqMsgque specific features … More...
struct  MqFactoryCTorS
 interface for the constructor More...
struct  MqFactoryDTorS
 interface for the destructor More...
struct  MqFactoryS
 data used to define a factory More...
struct  MqCtxTypeS
 MqCtxTypeS - the instance-base for the MqContextCMore...
struct  MqContextS
 PUBLIC data structure for the pymqmsgque-specific-data More...
struct  MqDumpS
 MqDumpC - the class known as dmp or dump is used to export a pymqmsgque data package as binaryMore...
struct  MqRuntimeS
 Extend the MkRuntimeS wie PythonMqMsgque specific features … More...


#define __MQ_ATTR_DEFINED   __parser__(ATTR-DEFINED=MQ)
#define MQ_INSTANCE_RT_X(x)
#define MQ_INSTANCE_RT_XN(x)
#define MQ_INSTANCE_RT_O(o)
#define MQ_INSTANCE_RT_ON(o)
#define MQ_DESTRUCTOR_RT_X(c, x)
#define BEGIN_MQ_C_DECLS   /* empty */
#define END_MQ_C_DECLS   /* empty */
#define MQ_EXTERN
 static library
#define MQ_EXTERN_DATA   extern
#define MK_FORMAT_SOCK   "%i"
#define MQ_SERVICE_CALL_ARGS   MK_RT_ARGS MQ_CTX const mqctx, MK_PTR const __data__
 the MqTokenF arguments with default names
#define MQ_SERVICE_CALL   MK_RT_CALL mqctx, __data__
 the MqTokenF arguments CALL with default names
#define MQ_SERVICE_FREE_ARGS   MK_RT_ARGS MQ_CTX const mqctx, MK_PTR *dataP
 the MqDataFreeF arguments with default names
#define MQ_SERVICE_COPY_ARGS   MK_RT_ARGS MQ_CTX const mqctx, MK_PTR *dataP
 the MqDataFreeF arguments with default names
#define MqLinkS_targetIdent_size   64
 MqClassIdentGet of the link target, only valid on parent-context
#define MQ_CALLBACK_CREATE_ARGS   MK_RT_ARGS MQ_CTX const mqctx, MK_BFL const argv
#define MQ_CALLBACK_CREATE_CALL   MK_RT_CALL mqctx, argv
#define MqConfigS_dispname_size   64
#define MqConfigS_prefix_size   64
#define MqConfigS_postfix_size   64
#define MqConfigS_storage_size   256
 storage file used as default if a database is requested
#define MqInterfaceDoc(mkrt, ctx, fCall, callback, fFree, fCopy)
 placeholder for interface docomentation
#define MqFactoryPanic(fct)
 the MqFactoryCTorF arguments with default names
#define MQ_CALLBACK_FACTORY_CTOR_CALL   MQ_RT_CALL tmpl, create, fct, contextP
#define MqFactoryAdd_1(fct)
#define MqFactoryAdd_2(fct, ident)
#define MQ_ROUTE_CTX_MAX   50
 maximum number of context-items in the return-array from MqRouteResolve
#define MQ_TOK_SIZE   (8+1)
 maximum size of the MQ_TOK
#define MqDumpLog_1XS(dump)
#define MqRT   &MqRuntimeRLS
#define MqRT_O(o)
#define MqRT_X(x)
#define MqRT_ON(o)
#define MqRT_XN(x)
#define MqRtSetup_O(o)
#define MqRtSetup_ON(o)
#define MqRtSetup_X(x)
#define MqRtSetup_XN(x)
#define MqRtSetup_NULL   MK_RT_UNUSED MQ_RT const mqrt = MqRuntimeGetI()
#define MqRtSetup_O_RT(o)
#define MqRtSetup_ON_RT(o)
#define MqRtSetup_X_RT(x)
#define MqRtSetup_XN_RT(x)
#define MqRtSetup_NULL_RT   MqRtSetup_NULL ; MkRtSetup_NULL_RT
#define AllRtSetup_O(o)
#define AllRtSetup_ON(o)
#define AllRtSetup_X(x)
#define AllRtSetup_XN(x)
#define AllRtSetup_NULL   MqRtSetup_NULL ; MkRtSetupFromRtExt(mqrt)

use the thread-enabled-api by using the META_HAS_THREAD preprocessor define

In a thread-environment (pymqmsgque is build with thread support) every thread has its own runtime. This runtime is created as T)hread-L)ocal-S)torage (TLS) and is available using the MkRt call. Using the MkRt call is an expensive task, because it is a function-call. Multiple usage of MkRt create multiple function-calls and this is expensive.

To speed this up, two additional technologies are available: #1 the runtime is saved into the object of an instance at obj->runtime #1 instance-> // this is typesafe #2 the runtime is added as first parameter (called "mkrt") to the callback call #1 example: callback( MQ_SERVICE_CALL_ARGS )

If pymqmsgque was not build with thread support than the API changes #1 the first argument "mkrt" is missing #2 the MkRt is always the fastest access to the runtime.

To join the two different styles (with/without thread) into one API the MQ_RT_* style macros are available. The most important one is the MQ_RT_REF. The MQ_RT_REF always return a reference (not a pointer) to the runtime. The access-qualifier for a reference is "." and for a pointer is "->".

  • MQ_RT_REF = reference, &MQ_RT_REF = pointer
#define MQ_RT_IS_ARG
#define MQ_RT_ARGS_ONLY   MK_RT mkrt, MQ_RT mqrt
#define MQ_RT_CALL_ONLY   mkrt, mqrt
#define MQ_RT_PTR   mqrt
#define MQ_RT_REF   (*mqrt)
MqEnvC - signature define
#define MqEnvC_SIGNATURE   (MkObjectC_SIGNATURE ^ (14u<<10))
#define MqEnvC_MASK   (((1u<<22)-1)<<10)
MqEnvC - cast to superclass
#define MqEnvC_X2env(x)
#define MqEnvC_X2obj(x)
#define MQ_IS_SERVER(ctx)
 extract boolean information from context
#define MQ_IS_SERVER_PARENT(ctx)
#define MQ_IS_CLIENT(ctx)
#define MQ_IS_CLIENT_PARENT(ctx)
#define MQ_IS_CHILD(ctx)
#define MQ_IS_PARENT(ctx)
#define MQ_IS_SLAVE(ctx)
#define MQ_IS_MASTER(ctx)
#define MQ_IS_LOOPBACK(ctx)
#define MQ_GET_PARENT(ctx)
#define MQ_GET_MASTER(ctx)
MqErrorC - signature define
#define MqErrorC_SIGNATURE   (MkErrExtC_SIGNATURE ^ (1u<<3))
#define MqErrorC_MASK   (((1u<<29)-1)<<3)
MqErrorC - cast to superclass
#define MqErrorC_X2err(x)
#define MqErrorC_X2errext(x)
#define MqErrorC_X2ext(x)
#define MqErrorC_X2obj(x)
access the predefined error from \ref doc_mk_py_MkRuntimeC
#define MqERROR_R(r)
#define MqERROR_O(o)
#define MqERROR_X(x)
#define MqERROR_XN(x)
#define MqERROR   MqERROR_R(&MqRuntimeRLS)
MqFactoryC - signature define
#define MqFactoryC_SIGNATURE   (MkObjectC_SIGNATURE ^ (13u<<10))
#define MqFactoryC_MASK   (((1u<<22)-1)<<10)
MqFactoryC - cast to superclass
#define MqFactoryC_X2fct(x)
#define MqFactoryC_X2obj(x)
MqCtxTypeC - signature define
#define MqCtxTypeC_SIGNATURE   (MkTypeC_SIGNATURE ^ (2u<<6))
#define MqCtxTypeC_MASK   (((1u<<26)-1)<<6)
MqCtxTypeC - cast to superclass
#define MqCtxTypeC_X2ctxtyp(x)
#define MqCtxTypeC_X2typ(x)
#define MqCtxTypeC_X2obj(x)
MqContextC - signature define
#define MqContextC_SIGNATURE   (MkObjectC_SIGNATURE ^ (11u<<10))
#define MqContextC_MASK   (((1u<<22)-1)<<10)
MqContextC - cast to superclass
#define MqContextC_X2ctx(x)
#define MqContextC_X2obj(x)
MqContextC - MqContextC_StorageApi_Storage_C_API - overload
#define MqStorageLog_1(ctx)
size of internal buffer to store strings for \e MqSend
type cast \e short to \e long
#define MqHigh_O   BOL
#define MqHigh_Y   I8
#define MqHigh_S   I16
#define MqHigh_I   I32
#define MqHigh_W   I64
#define MqHigh_H   HDL
#define MqHigh_F   FLT
#define MqHigh_D   DBL
#define MqHigh_C   STR
#define MqHigh_B   BIN
#define MqHigh_U   BUF
#define MqHigh_L   BFL
#define MqHigh_A   BAC
MqDumpC - signature define
#define MqDumpC_SIGNATURE   (MkObjectC_SIGNATURE ^ (12u<<10))
#define MqDumpC_MASK   (((1u<<22)-1)<<10)
MqDumpC - cast to superclass
#define MqDumpC_X2dmp(x)
#define MqDumpC_X2obj(x)
MqRuntimeC - signature define
#define MqRuntimeC_SIGNATURE   (MkRtExtC_SIGNATURE ^ (1u<<3))
#define MqRuntimeC_MASK   (((1u<<29)-1)<<3)
MqRuntimeC - cast to superclass
#define MqRuntimeC_X2rt(x)
#define MqRuntimeC_X2rtext(x)
#define MqRuntimeC_X2ext(x)
#define MqRuntimeC_X2obj(x)


typedef struct config_t config_t
 libconfig struct
typedef struct config_setting_t config_setting_t
 libconfig struct
typedef int MQ_LTR
 32bit longterm transaction token because PHP-32 does NOT support long long
typedef int MQ_ROU
 32bit routing token because PHP-32 does NOT support long long
 a slave identiver
typedef int MQ_HDL
 handle data-type
typedef struct MqErrorSMQ_ERR
 class-shortcut for struct MqErrorS *, all shortcut using the XX_YYY syntax (only for public API) …
typedef const struct MqErrorSMQ_ERRN
 class-shortcut for const struct MqErrorS *, all const shortcut using the XX_YYYC syntax (only for public API) …
typedef struct MqErrorS MQ_ERRR
 reference-shortcut for struct MqErrorS, all shortcut using the XX_YYYR syntax (only for public API) …
typedef struct MqRuntimeSMQ_RT
 class-shortcut for struct MqRuntimeS *, all shortcut using the XX_YYY syntax (only for public API) …
typedef const struct MqRuntimeSMQ_RTN
 class-shortcut for const struct MqRuntimeS *, all const shortcut using the XX_YYYC syntax (only for public API) …
typedef struct MqRuntimeS MQ_RTR
 reference-shortcut for struct MqRuntimeS, all shortcut using the XX_YYYR syntax (only for public API) …
typedef struct MqCtxTypeSMQ_CTXTYP
 class-shortcut for struct MqCtxTypeS *, all shortcut using the XX_YYY syntax (only for public API) …
typedef const struct MqCtxTypeSMQ_CTXTYPN
 class-shortcut for const struct MqCtxTypeS *, all const shortcut using the XX_YYYC syntax (only for public API) …
typedef struct MqCtxTypeS MQ_CTXTYPR
 reference-shortcut for struct MqCtxTypeS, all shortcut using the XX_YYYR syntax (only for public API) …
typedef struct MqContextSMQ_CTX
 class-shortcut for struct MqContextS *, all shortcut using the XX_YYY syntax (only for public API) …
typedef const struct MqContextSMQ_CTXN
 class-shortcut for const struct MqContextS *, all const shortcut using the XX_YYYC syntax (only for public API) …
typedef struct MqContextS MQ_CTXR
 reference-shortcut for struct MqContextS, all shortcut using the XX_YYYR syntax (only for public API) …
typedef struct MqDumpSMQ_DMP
 class-shortcut for struct MqDumpS *, all shortcut using the XX_YYY syntax (only for public API) …
typedef const struct MqDumpSMQ_DMPN
 class-shortcut for const struct MqDumpS *, all const shortcut using the XX_YYYC syntax (only for public API) …
typedef struct MqDumpS MQ_DMPR
 reference-shortcut for struct MqDumpS, all shortcut using the XX_YYYR syntax (only for public API) …
typedef struct MqFactorySMQ_FCT
 class-shortcut for struct MqFactoryS *, all shortcut using the XX_YYY syntax (only for public API) …
typedef const struct MqFactorySMQ_FCTN
 class-shortcut for const struct MqFactoryS *, all const shortcut using the XX_YYYC syntax (only for public API) …
typedef struct MqFactoryS MQ_FCTR
 reference-shortcut for struct MqFactoryS, all shortcut using the XX_YYYR syntax (only for public API) …
typedef struct MqEnvSMQ_ENV
 class-shortcut for struct MqEnvS *, all shortcut using the XX_YYY syntax (only for public API) …
typedef const struct MqEnvSMQ_ENVN
 class-shortcut for const struct MqEnvS *, all const shortcut using the XX_YYYC syntax (only for public API) …
typedef struct MqEnvS MQ_ENVR
 reference-shortcut for struct MqEnvS, all shortcut using the XX_YYYR syntax (only for public API) …
typedef int MQ_SOCK_HDL
typedef struct MqCtxTypeSMQ_CTXT
 object context type datatype, use &XX->type to cast to MK_TYP
typedef enum MkErrorE(* MqTokenF) (MQ_SERVICE_CALL_ARGS)
 prototype for an object method function …
typedef void(* MqDataFreeF) (MQ_SERVICE_FREE_ARGS)
 prototype for a free additional token data function …
typedef void(* MqDataCopyF) (MQ_SERVICE_COPY_ARGS)
 prototype for a copy additional token data function …
typedef enum MkErrorE(* MqCreateFLT) (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BFL const args)
 the prototype for the ContextCreate function …
typedef void(* MqDeleteF) (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 the prototype for a ContextDelete function …
typedef void(* MqHelpF) (MK_STRN basename)
 application specific help function type …
typedef void(* MqExitF) (MK_RT mkrt, int num)
 prototype for exit a process or thread …
typedef void(* MqSetupF) (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 used to setup (initialize) a new thread/fork/process created by pymqmsgque using the SysServer? style commands
typedef void(* MqRefCountF) (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX ctx, MK_PTR const env)
 used in MqCtxTypeS::fIncrSelf and MqCtxTypeS::fDecrSelf to protect an "embedded" self on deletion
typedef int(* MqSysSelectF) (int max, void *read, void *write, void *except, struct timeval *timeout)
 select syscall …
typedef enum MkErrorE(* MqFactoryCTorF) (MQ_RT_ARGS MQ_CTX const tmpl, enum MqFactoryE create, MQ_FCT const fct, MQ_CTX *ctx_out)
 type of a MqFactoryC constructor
typedef void(* MqFactoryDTorF) (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX ctx, bool doFactoryCleanup, MQ_FCT const fct)
 type of a MqFactoryC destructor
typedef void(* MqFactoryDataFreeF) (MK_RT mkrt, MK_PTR *dataP)
 prototype for a free additional factory data function
typedef void(* MqFactoryDataCopyF) (MK_RT mkrt, MK_PTR *dataP)
 prototype for a copy additional factory data function
typedef MK_STRN MQ_TOK
 MqContextC - a char[4+1] or hex[8+1] string used to unique identify a service …
typedef MqTokenF MqServiceCallbackF
 MqContextC - the callback-function is used as a service-handle or as a event-handle


MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigReset_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 clean the MqContextS::config data
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigDup_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const to, MQ_CTX const from)
 copy the MqContextS::config data
MQ_EXTERN void MqSetupDup_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const to, MQ_CTXN const from)
 copy the MqContextS::setup data …
MQ_EXTERN void MqSetup (void)
 setup pymqmsgque internal memory …
MQ_EXTERN void MqCleanup (void)
 cleanup pymqmsgque internal memory …
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetName_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN data)
 set the MqConfigS::dispname value and cleanup old value
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetPrefixWithNoLock_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN data)
 set the MqConfigS::prefix with low-priority
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetPrefix_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN data)
 set the server-part (1) of the application-identifer MqConfigS::dispname
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetPostfix_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN data)
 set the client-part (2) of the application-identifer MqConfigS::dispname
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetStorage_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN data)
 set the Storage value and cleanup old value
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetAllTimeout (MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_TIME_T data)
 set the MqIoConfigS::timeout value
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqConfigSetAllDebug_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_I32 const data)
 set the MkRuntimeS::debug value
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetIsString (MQ_CTX const ctx, bool data)
 set the MqConfigS::native value 'S'string or 'L'owEndian or 'B'igEndian
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqConfigSetStartAs (MQ_CTX const ctx, enum MqStartE data)
 set the MqConfigS::startAs value
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqConfigSetStartAsString (MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN data)
 set the MqConfigS::startAs value using string default, thread, fork or spawn
MQ_EXTERN bool MqConfigCheckStartAs (MQ_CTX const ctx, enum MqStartE data)
 check if MqConfigS::startAs can be set to data
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqConfigSetIoUds_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN file)
 configure a context to use a uds-client-server-link
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqConfigSetIoTcp_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN host, MK_STRN port, MK_STRN myhost, MK_STRN myport)
 configure a context to use a tcp-client-server-link
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqConfigSetIoTcpL_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BFL const vals)
 configure a context to use a tcp-client-server-link
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqConfigSetIoPipe_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_SOCK_HDL fh)
 set the pipe configuration data …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqConfigSetDaemon_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN pidfile)
 start the server-context as daemon …
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetBuffersize (MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_I32 data)
 set the MqIoConfigS::buffersize value
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetPkgsize (MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_I32 data)
 set the MqIoConfigS::pkgsize value
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetTimeout (MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_TIME_T data)
 set the MqIoConfigS::timeout value
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetIsServer (MQ_CTX const ctx, bool data)
 set the MqSetupS::isServer value
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetIdentFrom (MQ_CTX const ctx, enum MqIdentE data)
 set the MqConfigS::identFrom value
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetIgnoreExit (MQ_CTX const ctx, bool data)
 set the MqSetupS::ignoreExit value
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetServerSetup_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MqTokenF fCall, MK_CBP callback, MqDataFreeF fFree, MqDataCopyF fCopy)
 set the MqSetupS::ServerSetup
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetServerCleanup_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MqTokenF fCall, MK_CBP callback, MqDataFreeF fFree, MqDataCopyF fCopy)
 set the MqSetupS::ServerCleanup
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetBgError_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MqTokenF fCall, MK_CBP callback, MqDataFreeF fFree, MqDataCopyF fCopy)
 set the MqSetupS::BgError
MQ_EXTERN void MqConfigSetEvent_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MqTokenF fCall, MK_CBP callback, MqDataFreeF fFree, MqDataCopyF fCopy)
 set the MqSetupS::Event
MQ_EXTERN void MqContextLog_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTXN const ctx, MK_OBJN fmtobj, MK_DBG const debug, MK_STRN const callfunc, MK_I32 const lvl)
 log the MqContextC
MQ_EXTERN void MqContextLogShort_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTXN const ctx, MK_OBJN fmtobj, MK_DBG const debug, MK_STRN const callfunc, MK_I32 const lvl, MK_STRN const label)
 log the MqContextC with less info then MqContextLog
MQ_EXTERN void MqContextLogConfig_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTXN const ctx, MK_OBJN fmtobj, MK_DBG const debug, MK_STRN const callfunc, MK_I32 const lvl)
 log the MqContextC part MqConfigS
MQ_EXTERN void MqContextLogSetup_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTXN const ctx, MK_OBJN fmtobj, MK_DBG const debug, MK_STRN const callfunc, MK_I32 const lvl)
 log the MqContextC part MqSetupS
MQ_EXTERN void MqContextLogLink_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTXN ctx, MK_OBJN fmtobj, MK_DBG const debug, MK_STRN const callfunc, MK_I32 const lvl)
 log the MqContextC part MqLinkS
MQ_EXTERN void MqContextLogEnv_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_OBJN fmtobj, MK_DBG const debug, MK_STRN const callfunc, MK_I32 const lvl)
 log the MqContextC part MqEnvS
MQ_EXTERN void MqContextLogType_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_OBJN fmtobj, MK_DBG const debug, MK_STRN const callfunc, MK_I32 const lvl)
 log the MqContextC part MkTypeS
MQ_EXTERN void MqContextLogDebug (MQ_CTX const ctx)
MQ_EXTERN void MqSysServerThreadMain (struct MqSysServerThreadMainS *data)
 initialize a new thread …
MQ_EXTERN void MqErrorEnvReset (MQ_ERR const err)
 reset the MqErrorS::client_protect and the MqErrorS::server_protect
MQ_EXTERN MK_PTR MqFactoryItemGetCreateData (MQ_FCTN const fct)
 helper function to return MqFactoryS::Create::data
MQ_EXTERN MK_PTR MqFactoryItemGetDeleteData (MQ_FCTN const fct)
 helper function to return MqFactoryS::Delete::data
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqFactoryGetOriginalIdent (MQ_FCTN const fct)
 helper function to return MqFactoryS::originalIdent
MQ_EXTERN MQ_FCT MqFactoryGet (MK_STRN const ident)
 return the MqFactoryC
MQ_EXTERN MQ_FCT MqFactoryGetCalled (MK_STRN const ident)
 returns the MqFactoryC identified by ident
MQ_EXTERN MQ_FCT MqFactoryGetCalledL_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MK_BFLN largs)
 returns the MqFactoryC identified as first argument in the largs MkBufferListC
MQ_EXTERN void MqFactoryFree_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_FCT const fct)
 free internal factory memory and call MqFactoryDTorS::fFree + MqFactoryCTorS::fFree
MQ_EXTERN MQ_FCT MqFactoryAdd_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MK_OBJN const error, MqFactoryCTorF const createCallF, MK_CCP const constructor, MqFactoryDataFreeF const createDataFreeF, MqFactoryDataCopyF const createDataCopyF, MqFactoryDTorF const deleteCallF, MK_CCP const destructor, MqFactoryDataFreeF const deleteDataFreeF, MqFactoryDataCopyF const deleteDataCopyF, MK_STRN const ident)
 add a new MqFactoryC identified by factory-identifier and defined by factory-constructor
MQ_EXTERN MQ_FCT MqFactoryTypeAdd_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MK_OBJN const error, MK_STRN const ident, MkSelfCreateF const fctCreate, MkSelfDeleteF const fctDelete, MkConstructorF const constructor, MkSelfDeleteF const selfDelete)
 add a new MqFactoryS-Object identified by a fctT
MQ_EXTERN MQ_FCT MqFactoryDup2_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_FCTN const fct, MK_STRN const ident)
 create a duplicate of the singleton object MqFactoryC using a new factory-identifer
MQ_EXTERN MQ_FCT MqFactoryDefault (MQ_FCT const fct)
 set the default-attribute to the factory
MQ_EXTERN MQ_FCT MqFactoryInitial (MQ_FCT const fct)
 set the initial-attribut to fct
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqFactoryDefaultIdent (void)
 return the factory-identifier of the default MqFactoryC
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqFactoryInitialIdent (void)
 return the factory-identifier of the initial MqFactoryC
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqFactoryNew_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_FCT const fct, MQ_CTX const tmpl, MQ_CTX *const val_out)
 create a new MqContextC from a MqFactoryC
MQ_EXTERN void MqFactoryLogAll_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MK_STRN const callfunc)
 log all "factories" to stderr
MQ_CTXT MqCtxTyp (MK_MNG mng)
 type-check and cast a managed-pointer into an MqCtxTypeS pointer or None if not possible
MQ_EXTERN void MqCtxTypeLog_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTXT const ctxtype, MK_OBJN fmtobj, MK_DBG const debug, MK_STRN const callfunc, MK_I32 const lvl)
 log the MqCtxTypeS
MQ_EXTERN void MqContextInit_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_TYP type, MQ_CTX const tmpl)
 initialize the MqContextC object related data but do not create the object self
MQ_EXTERN void MqContextFree_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 free the MqContextC object related data but do not free the toplevel object self …
MQ_EXTERN MQ_CTX MqContextCreate_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MK_TYP type, MQ_CTX const tmpl)
 create and initialize the MqContextC ...
MQ_EXTERN MQ_CTX MqContextSetup_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MK_TYP type, MQ_CTX const tmpl, MQ_CTX *ctx_out)
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqContextErrorCopy_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTXN const targetCtx, MQ_CTXN const sourceCtx)
 copy a MkErrorS from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqContextErrorMove_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTXN const targetCtx, MQ_CTXN const sourceCtx)
 move a MkErrorS from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx
MK_ERR MqContextErrorFORMAT (MQ_CTXN const fmtobj)
 helper used to access MkErrorDEFAULT from MqContextC
MQ_CTX MqGetRoot (MQ_CTX ctx)
 get the Root (toplevel initial context)
MQ_CTXN MqGetRootN (MQ_CTXN ctx)
 (const) get the Root (toplevel initial context)
MQ_EXTERN void MqExit_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN const callfunc, MK_STRN const callfile, MK_I32 const callline) MK_NO_RETURN
 delete the context and exit the current process or thread …
MQ_EXTERN void MqContextMark_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 Mark objects as used to avoid the freeing of used external memory in an external Garbage-Collection …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqCheckForLeftOverArguments_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BFLN args)
 check for left over arguments from parameter args of MqLinkCreate
MQ_EXTERN MK_BUF MqContextGetBuffer_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 get the MqContextS::ctxbuf object
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqProcessEvent_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, enum MqWaitOnEventE const wait, MK_TIME_T timeout)
 enter the event-loop and wait for an incoming service-request. …
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqContextToString_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTXN const ctx)
 String-Slot - returns the string representation of the inst
MQ_EXTERN void MqEnvProtect_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX ctx)
 protect the service-environment
MQ_EXTERN void MqEnvRestore (MQ_CTX ctx)
 restore the service-environment
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqStorageErrCnt_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR transLId, MK_I32 *cnt_out)
 increment and return the database row-error-count for the row defined with transLId
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqStorageOpen_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN const storageFile)
 switch to a file-based-transaction-database
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqStorageClose_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 close the storage. …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqStorageExport_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR *ltid_out)
 export the read-data-package into the STORAGE
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqStorageImport_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout)
 import the storage-package into the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqStorageIncrRef_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR transLId)
 increase the internal refCount lock of the database-entry
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqStorageDecrRef_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR transLId)
 decrease the internal refCount lock of the database-entry
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqStorageDelete_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout)
 delete the storage-row identified by the transLIdP_inout
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqStorageCount_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR *cnt_out)
 count the number of storage-rows
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqStorageResolve_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_CTX *otherCtxP_out, MQ_LTR *otherLIdP_out)
 extract the context->link.protect.rmtTransLId entry from the database
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqLinkCreate_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BAC args)
 make ctx to a parent-context and setup a new client-server-link
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqLinkConnect_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 re-connect a client-server-link after a server crash or a network downtime …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqLinkShutdown_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 shutdown the communication with a server
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqLinkCreateChild_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_CTX const parent, MK_BAC const args)
 make a context to a child-context on-top of an existing parent-client-server-link
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqLinkDefault_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BAC const args)
 callback as wrapper for MqLinkCreate or MqLinkCreateChild with additional error-check code …
MQ_EXTERN void MqLinkDelete_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 close the client-server-link
MQ_EXTERN bool MqLinkIsConnected (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 is the context connected? …
MQ_CTX MqLinkGetParent (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 get the initial parent-context from a client/server link …
bool MqLinkIsParent (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 is the context a parent-context? …
MK_NUM MqLinkGetCtxId (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 get an identifier which is unique per parent-or-child-context
MK_STRN MqLinkGetTargetIdent (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 get the ident of the link-target
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqRouteCreate_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX ctx, MK_STRN route, MK_STRN service, bool overwrite)
 create/delete a routing-link between context an a service using route
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqRouteDelete_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX ctx, MK_STRN route, MK_STRN service, bool overwrite)
 delete a routing-link created with MqRouteCreate
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqRouteTraverse_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX ctx, MK_STRN service, MK_BAC args)
 traverse a tree down and call service if available.
MQ_EXTERN MQ_CTX_A MqRouteResolve_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN const ident, MK_NUM const retnum)
 return a list of all context belonging to ident
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqRouteGetPath_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN *path_out)
 return the absolut route-connection-string up to the current ctx
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqRouteGetTree_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BFL *treeP_out)
 create an overview about all available routing-target and services …
bool MqServiceIsTransaction (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 check if the ongoing-service-call belongs to a transaction …
MQ_EXTERN MQ_TOK MqServiceTokenGet (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 in an ongoing-service-call get the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer
MQ_EXTERN bool MqServiceTokenCheck (MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token)
 in an ongoing-service-call check if the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer is token
MQ_EXTERN bool MqServiceTokenExists (MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token)
 check if the MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer token is defined as ctx service …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqServiceCreate_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token, MqServiceCallbackF const fCall, MK_CBP callback, MqDataFreeF fFree, MkMarkF fMark)
 create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqServiceStorage_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token)
 setup a service listen on a MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer and save all read-data-package into the STORAGE
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqServiceDelete_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token)
 delete a service. …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadL_START_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BUF buf)
 start to extract a list-items from the read-data-package. …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadL_END_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 finish to extract a list-items from the read-data-package. …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadT_START_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 start to extract a longterm-transaction-item from the read-data-package. …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadT_END_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 finish to extract a longterm-transaction-item from the read-data-package. …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadI8_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_I8 *const val_out)
 read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadBOL_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BOL *const val_out)
 read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadI16_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_I16 *const val_out)
 read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadI32_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_I32 *const val_out)
 read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadFLT_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_FLT *const val_out)
 read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadI64_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_I64 *const val_out)
 read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadDBL_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_DBL *const val_out)
 read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadBUF_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BUF *const val_out)
 get a temporary MkBufferC from the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadBFL_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BFL *const val_out)
 get a temporary MkBufferListC from next list-item in the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadALL_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BFL *const val_inout)
 get a temporary MkBufferListC from all data in the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadLIST_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_NAT_LIST *const val_out)
 get all arguments as native list …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadNEXT_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_NAT_OBJECT *const val_out)
 get the next argument as native object …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadLONG_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_LONG *const val_out)
 read the long native object from the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadHDL_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_HDL *const val_out)
 read the handle from the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadSTR_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN *const val_out)
 read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadBIN_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MkBinaryR *const val_out)
 generic function to read an MK_BIN object from the read-data-package object …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadStringR_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MkStringR *const val_out)
 read a MkStringR from the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadBinaryR_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MkBinaryR *const val_out)
 read a MkBinaryR from the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN void MqReadDbg_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqReadUndo_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 undo the last MqContextC READ API function call …
MQ_EXTERN MK_NUM MqReadGetNumItems (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 get the number of items left in the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkTypeE MqReadGetNextType (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 get the type (MkTypeE) of the next Item in the read-data-buffer or "0" if not available
MQ_EXTERN bool MqReadItemExists (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 check if an item exists in the read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MqTransTypeE MqReadGetTransType (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 return the TransactionType identifer …
MQ_EXTERN enum MqHandShakeE MqReadGetHandShake (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 return the HandShake identifer …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqProxyItem_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const sourceCtx, MQ_CTX const targetCtx)
 Copy a single-data-item from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx.
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqProxyPackage_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const sourceCtx, MQ_CTX const targetCtx, MQ_DMP const dump)
 copy all package-items from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqProxyForward_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const sourceCtx, MQ_CTX const targetCtx, MQ_DMP const dump, MK_TIME_T const timeout)
 send the entire read-data-package-data to the link-target
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendSetHandShake (MQ_CTX const ctx, enum MqHandShakeE handShake)
 set the hand-shake of the send-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendI8_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_I8 const val)
 MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendBOL_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BOL const val)
 MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendI16_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_I16 const val)
 MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendI32_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_I32 const val)
 MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendFLT_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_FLT const val)
 MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendI64_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_I64 const val)
 MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendDBL_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_DBL const val)
 MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendSTR_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN const val)
 MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendStringR_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MkStringR const val)
 MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendBIN_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MkBinaryR const val)
 append a MK_BIN object to the send-data-package. …
enum MkErrorE MqSendBinaryR_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MkBinaryR const val)
 append a MkBinaryR object to the send-data-package. …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendBUF_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BUFN const val)
 append a MkBufferC object to the send-data-package object …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendBFL_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BFLN const val)
 append a MkBufferListC object to the send-data-package object …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendL_FLAT_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BFLN const val)
 append a MkBufferListC object as flat list of items to the send-data-package object …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendBUS_FLAT_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BUSN const val)
 append a MkBufferStreamC object to the send-data-package object …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendV_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_FST const printfmt,...)
 append a vararg string to the send-data-package object …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendVL_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_FST const printfmt, va_list var_list)
 append a vararg string as va_list to the send-data-package object …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendLTR_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR const transLId)
 set the Longterm-Transaction-Id (LTT) in the send-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendLONG_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_LONG const val)
 send the long native object to the send-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendHDL_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_HDL const val)
 send the handle to the send-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendEND_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token, MK_TIME_T timeout)
 MqContextC - finish the send-data-block and call synchronous/asynchronous a remote-service
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendSTART_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 initialize the send-data-package. …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendEND_AND_WAIT_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token, MK_TIME_T timeout)
 finish the send-data-block, call the remote service and wait for result…
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendEND_AND_TRANSACTION_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token, MQ_TOK const callback, MK_TIME_T timeout)
 finish the send-data-block, call the remote service to do a longterm-transaction-call
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendEND_AND_SUB_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token, MqServiceCallbackF const fCall, MK_CBP callback, MqDataFreeF fFree, MK_TIME_T timeout)
 finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do wait for the result and expect multiple sub-results on a callback
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendEND_AND_CALLBACK_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token, MqServiceCallbackF const fCall, MK_CBP callback, MqDataFreeF fFree, MK_TIME_T const timeout)
 finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do not-wait for the result but expect the result on a callback
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendSYNC_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 garantee that all pending asynchronous-service-calls are processed. …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendRETURN_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 MqContextC - finish the send-data-block on the server and optional return the results. …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendRETURN_SUB_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 return Sub-Data-Blocks required by MqSendEND_AND_SUB
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendERROR_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 send the data from the MkErrorC to the link target . …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendL_START_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 start to append an embedded body-list-item to the send-data-package. …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendL_END_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 finish to append an embedded body-list-item to the send-data-package. …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendT_START_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 open a longterm-transaction-item
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendT_END_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 closed a longterm-transaction-item
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSlaveWorker_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_SLAVE_ID const id, MK_STRN fct, MK_BAC args)
 create a master/slave link using the image of the ctx object self. …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSlaveCreate_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_SLAVE_ID const id, MQ_CTX const slave)
 create a master/slave link between the master-parent-context and the slave-parent-context …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSlaveDelete_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_SLAVE_ID const id)
 Delete a slave object from a master/slave link identified by id. …
bool MqSlaveCheck (MQ_CTXN const ctx, MQ_SLAVE_ID const id)
 check if slave-id is valid
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSlaveGet_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_SLAVE_ID const id, MQ_CTX *ctx_out)
 get the slave-context from a master-context
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSlaveGetProxy_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_SLAVE_ID const id, MQ_CTX *ctx_out)
 on slave return the master and on master return the slave identified by id.
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSlaveGetFilter_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_CTX *ctx_out)
 get the filter-ctx or the master-ctx
MQ_CTX MqSlaveGetMaster (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 opposite function of MqSlaveGetFilter
bool MqSlaveIs (MQ_CTXN const ctx)
 is the context a slave-context ? …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSend_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN cstr,...)
 user friendly replacement for the MqContextC_SendApi_C_API
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSendVL2_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN cstr, va_list var_list)
 A version of MqSend with va_list support …
MQ_EXTERN MQ_FCT const MqClassFactoryGet (MQ_CTXN const ctx)
 get the MqFactoryC used by the MqContextC
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqClassFactorySet_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_FCT const item)
 link the MqContextC to a new MqFactoryC
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqClassIdentSet_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN ident)
 link the MqContextC to a new MqFactoryC identified by ident
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqClassIdentGet (MQ_CTXN const ctx)
 get the application-identification
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqClassOriginalIdentGet (MQ_CTXN const ctx)
 get the MqFactoryS::originalIdent from the MqContextC
bool MqConfigGetIsServer (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 does the context object is a server ?
enum MqIdentE MqConfigGetIdentFrom (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 get the MqConfigS::identFrom
bool MqConfigGetIsParent (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 does the context object is a parent ? An objext is a parent id the MqConfigS::parent attribute is None
bool MqConfigGetIsString (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 does the context object is using the string-mode ?
MK_STRN MqConfigGetName (MQ_CTXN const ctx)
 get the name of the context object
MK_STRN MqConfigGetPrefix (MQ_CTXN const ctx)
 get the MqConfigS::prefix
MK_STRN MqConfigGetPostfix (MQ_CTXN const ctx)
 get the MqConfigS::postfix
MK_STRN MqConfigGetStorage (MQ_CTXN const ctx)
 get the storage of the context object
MK_I32 MqConfigGetBuffersize (MQ_CTXN const ctx)
 get the minimum of the read/send buffersize of the socket
MK_I32 MqConfigGetPkgsize (MQ_CTXN const ctx)
 get the maximun size of a BDY package
MK_TIME_T MqConfigGetTimeout (MQ_CTXN const ctx)
 get the timeout value of the context object
MK_STRN MqConfigGetIoUds (MQ_CTXN const ctx)
 return the MqIoUdsConfigS
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqConfigGetIoTcp (MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN *host_out, MK_STRN *port_out, MK_STRN *myhost_out, MK_STRN *myport_out)
 get the configuration-data of the tcp-client-server-link
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqConfigGetIoTcpL (MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_BFL *vals_out)
 get the configuration-data of the tcp-client-server-link as MkBufferListC
MQ_SOCK_HDL MqConfigGetIoPipe (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 return the MqIoPipeConfigS
enum MqStartE MqConfigGetStartAs (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 return the MqConfigS::startAs value
enum MqStatusIsEF MqConfigGetStatusIs (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 return the MqContextS::statusIs value
MQ_EXTERN config_tMqConfigGetConfigFile (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 get the config-file handle used for libconfig API funtions
MQ_EXTERN config_setting_tMqConfigGetConfigRoot (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 get the config-root handle used for libconfig API funtions
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqConfigSetConfigFile_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN const filename)
 set the config-file and parse for well-known config-items
MQ_EXTERN void MqDumpLog_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_DMP const dmp, MK_OBJN fmtobj, MK_I32 const debug, MK_STRN const callfunc, MK_I32 const lvl)
 log the MqDumpC
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqDumpExport_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_DMP *const dumpP_inout)
 create a MqDumpC as export of the ctx-read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqDumpError_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const error, MQ_DMP *const dumpP_inout)
 export the context->error into the dump-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqDumpImport_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_DMP const dump, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 import the dump-package into the ctx-read-data-package
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqDumpBinSet_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MkBinaryR data, MQ_DMP *dmp_out)
 create an MqDumpS object from binary data
MQ_EXTERN MkBinaryR MqDumpBinGet (MQ_DMPN const dump)
 export the binary data from an MqDumpS object
MQ_EXTERN MK_SIZE MqDumpSizeGet (MQ_DMPN const dump)
 report the binary data size from an MqDumpS object
MQ_EXTERN void MqDumpTransLIdSet (MQ_DMP const dump, MQ_LTR transLId)
 set the MqEnvS::transLId
MQ_EXTERN void MqDumpRmtTransLIdSet (MQ_DMP const dump, MQ_LTR rmtTransLId)
 set the MqEnvS::rmtTransLId
MQ_EXTERN void MqDumpAllocSizeSet (MQ_DMP const dump, MK_SIZE allocsize)
 set the allocated buffer of the MqDumpC
MQ_EXTERN MK_SIZE MqDumpAllocSizeGet (MQ_DMPN const dump)
 return the allocated buffer of the MqDumpC
MQ_EXTERN enum MqHandShakeE MqDumpHandShakeGet (MQ_DMPN const dump)
 return the MqHandShakeE as character …
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqDumpTokenGet (MQ_DMPN const dump)
 return the MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer
MQ_EXTERN MQ_RT MqRuntimeInit (MK_RT const mkrt, MQ_RT const mqrt)
 initialize MkRuntimeRLS
MQ_RT MqRuntimeGetI (void)
 inline from MkRuntimeInit
MQ_EXTERN void MqMain (void *code)
 Main entrypoint - start the application
 write pymqmsgque specific user-help to stderr
MQ_EXTERN MK_STR MqHelpMsgque (void)
 return a page with the usage of all pymqmsgque specific options
MQ_EXTERN MK_BFL MqInitResetArg0 (void)
 Reset the process-startup-prefix argument to an empty list …
MQ_EXTERN void MqInitSetArg0 (MK_BAC bfl)
 set the process startup-prefix argument to bfl
MQ_EXTERN void MqInitSetArg0VA (MK_STRN arg0,...)
 set the process startup-prefix to a args
MQ_EXTERN void MqInitSetArg0VAL (MK_STRN arg0, va_list var_list)
 set the process startup-prefix to var_list
MQ_EXTERN MK_BFL MqInitGetArg0 (void)
 get the process startup-prefix argument
MK_STRN MqLogServerOrClient (MQ_CTXN const ctx)
 is ctx a SERVER or a CLIENT ? …
MK_STRN MqLogParentOrChild (MQ_CTXN ctx)
 is ctx a PARENT or a CHILD ? …
MqFactoryC - Misc - function - unspecified functions to perform different tasks
MQ_FCT MqFactoryGetNull (void)
 Null-Slot - return a MqFactoryC typed NULL instance …
MQ_EXTERN void MqFactoryDelete_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_FCT fct)
 Destructor - delete a MqFactoryC instance …
MqContextC - Misc - function - unspecified functions to perform different tasks
MQ_CTX MqContextGetNull (void)
 Null-Slot - return a MqContextC typed NULL instance …
MQ_EXTERN void MqContextDelete_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX ctx)
 Destructor - delete a MqContextC instance …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqStorageLog_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN const callfunc)
 log the storage the status of the open transactions

create a service to link a master-context with a slave-context. …

This function is used to create a proxy-service to forward the body-data from the read-data-package of the master to the send-data-package of the slave. The data is not changed. This function support the reverse-operation also. If the ctx is a master-context than the data is send to slave identified by id. If the ctx is a slave-context than the data is send to the master of the slave.

[in]mkrtthe MkRuntimeS instance to work on - the runtime argument, used by MK_RT_CALL (C-only)
[in]ctxthe MqContextS instance to work on
[in]tokenthe MqContextC SERVICE API to identify the service
[in]idthe SlaveId to unique identify the master/slave link, the id < MQ_SLAVE_USER is internal.
MkExceptionC→ The default-exception from the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK)
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqServiceProxy_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token, MQ_SLAVE_ID const id)
 create a service to link a master-context with a slave-context. …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqServiceProxyCtx_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token, MQ_CTX const target)
 same as MqServiceProxy but use an MqContextC as input.
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqServiceProxyRoundRobin_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token, MK_STRN const ident)
 create a proxy-service using Round-Robin as load-balancer …
MQ_EXTERN bool MqServiceProxyCtxExists (MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token, MQ_CTX const target)
 check if service who belongs to token is a proxy-service
MqDumpC - Misc - function - unspecified functions to perform different tasks
MQ_DMP MqDumpGetNull (void)
 Null-Slot - return a MqDumpC typed NULL instance …
MQ_EXTERN void MqDumpDelete_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_DMP dmp)
 Destructor - delete a MqDumpC instance …
MqContextC - Introspection - inline - access to all instances created by class starting with the last one
MQ_CTX MqContextInstances_RT (MK_PARSER_RT_ONLY)
 get head-instance from linked-list of MqContextS type …
MQ_CTX MqContextNext (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 get next instance from linked-list of MqContextS type
MQ_CTX MqContextPrev (MQ_CTX const ctx)
 get previous instance from linked-list of MqContextS type
MqDumpC - Introspection - inline - access to all instances created by class starting with the last one
 get head-instance from linked-list of MqDumpS type …
MQ_DMP MqDumpNext (MQ_DMP const dmp)
 get next instance from linked-list of MqDumpS type
MQ_DMP MqDumpPrev (MQ_DMP const dmp)
 get previous instance from linked-list of MqDumpS type
MqFactoryC - Introspection - inline - access to all instances created by class starting with the last one
MQ_FCT MqFactoryInstances_RT (MK_PARSER_RT_ONLY)
 get head-instance from linked-list of MqFactoryS type …
MQ_FCT MqFactoryNext (MQ_FCT const fct)
 get next instance from linked-list of MqFactoryS type
MQ_FCT MqFactoryPrev (MQ_FCT const fct)
 get previous instance from linked-list of MqFactoryS type


MQ_EXTERN_DATA bool MqCleanupActive
 signal that code was triggert by MqCleanup
MQ_EXTERN_DATA struct MqLalS MqLal
 Language Abstraction Layer in duty.
MQ_EXTERN_DATA MkThreadLocal struct MqRuntimeS MqRuntimeRLS
MQ_EXTERN_DATA struct MkBufferListSMqInitArg0
 the process-startup-prefix argument …

MqEnvC - type definition

#define MqEnvC_T   (&MQ_RT_REF._MqEnvC_T)
 class as MkSuperTypeS-class-type, useable in a class-macro as: class##_T
#define MqEnvC_TT   (MkTYP(MqEnvC_T))
 class as MkTypeS-class-type, useable in a class-macro as: class##_TT
#define MqEnvST   MqEnvC_T
 instance-type as MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqEnvSTT   (MkTYP(MqEnvST))
 instance-type as MkTypeS-class-type (cast from MqEnvST into MkTypeS) …
#define MqEnvC_type   MQ_ENV
 same as MqEnvS but useable in a class-macro as: class##_type
#define MqEnvCT_X(instance)
 cast from an instance into the MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqEnvCTT_X(instance)
 cast from an instance into the MkTypeS-class-type …
#define MqEnvCT_TT(typ)
 cast from an MkTypeS-class-type into an MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqEnvC_NS   MQ
 map class to namespace …
#define MqEnvCTT   MqEnvCTT
 class as MkTypeS-class-type for MqEnvC in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
#define MqEnvCT   ( (struct MkSuperTypeS *) MqEnvCTT )
 class as MkSuperTypeS-class-type for MqEnvC in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
typedef struct MqEnvS MqEnvCR
 instance-struct-reference same as struct MqEnvS, useable in a class-macro as: class##R
typedef const struct MqEnvS MqEnvCNR
 const instance-struct-reference same as const struct MqEnvS, useable in a class-macro as: class##R

MqEnvC - signature check

#define MqEnvC_Check(mng)
bool MqEnvCheck (MK_MNGN mng)
 check MqEnvS -> MkObjectS::signature
bool MqEnvCheckO (MK_OBJN obj)
 check MqEnvS -> MkObjectS::signature

MqEnvC - cast from a defined or a undefined instance

#define MqEnvRaise(_env)
 raise an error if class-instance is not valid
#define MqENV_R(x)
 cast a known-object into an MqEnvS reference
#define MqENV(x)
 cast a known-object into an MqEnvS pointer
MQ_ENV MqEnv (MK_MNG mng)
 cast a unknown-object into an MqEnvS pointer or NULL if not possible
 (const) cast a unknown-object into an MqEnvS pointer or NULL if not possible

MqErrorC - type definition

#define MqErrorC_T   (&MQ_RT_REF._MqErrorC_T)
 class as MkSuperTypeS-class-type, useable in a class-macro as: class##_T
#define MqErrorC_TT   (MkTYP(MqErrorC_T))
 class as MkTypeS-class-type, useable in a class-macro as: class##_TT
#define MqErrorST   MqErrorC_T
 instance-type as MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqErrorSTT   (MkTYP(MqErrorST))
 instance-type as MkTypeS-class-type (cast from MqErrorST into MkTypeS) …
#define MqErrorC_type   MQ_ERR
 same as MqErrorS but useable in a class-macro as: class##_type
#define MqErrorCT_X(instance)
 cast from an instance into the MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqErrorCTT_X(instance)
 cast from an instance into the MkTypeS-class-type …
#define MqErrorCT_TT(typ)
 cast from an MkTypeS-class-type into an MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqErrorC_NS   MQ
 map class to namespace …
#define MqErrorCTT   MqErrorCTT
 class as MkTypeS-class-type for MqErrorC in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
#define MqErrorCT   ( (struct MkSuperTypeS *) MqErrorCTT )
 class as MkSuperTypeS-class-type for MqErrorC in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
typedef struct MqErrorS MqErrorCR
 instance-struct-reference same as struct MqErrorS, useable in a class-macro as: class##R
typedef const struct MqErrorS MqErrorCNR
 const instance-struct-reference same as const struct MqErrorS, useable in a class-macro as: class##R

MqErrorC - signature check

#define MqErrorC_Check(mng)
bool MqErrCheck (MK_MNGN mng)
 check MqErrorS -> MkObjectS::signature
bool MqErrCheckO (MK_OBJN obj)
 check MqErrorS -> MkObjectS::signature

MqErrorC - cast from a defined or a undefined instance

#define MqErrRaise(_err)
 raise an error if class-instance is not valid
#define MqERR_R(x)
 cast a known-object into an MqErrorS reference
#define MqERR(x)
 cast a known-object into an MqErrorS pointer
MQ_ERR MqErr (MK_MNG mng)
 cast a unknown-object into an MqErrorS pointer or NULL if not possible
 (const) cast a unknown-object into an MqErrorS pointer or NULL if not possible

MqFactoryC - type definition

#define MqFactoryC_T   (&MQ_RT_REF._MqFactoryC_T)
 class as MkSuperTypeS-class-type, useable in a class-macro as: class##_T
#define MqFactoryC_TT   (MkTYP(MqFactoryC_T))
 class as MkTypeS-class-type, useable in a class-macro as: class##_TT
#define MqFactoryST   MqFactoryC_T
 instance-type as MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqFactorySTT   (MkTYP(MqFactoryST))
 instance-type as MkTypeS-class-type (cast from MqFactoryST into MkTypeS) …
#define MqFactoryC_type   MQ_FCT
 same as MqFactoryS but useable in a class-macro as: class##_type
#define MqFactoryCT_X(instance)
 cast from an instance into the MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqFactoryCTT_X(instance)
 cast from an instance into the MkTypeS-class-type …
#define MqFactoryCT_TT(typ)
 cast from an MkTypeS-class-type into an MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqFactoryC_NS   MQ
 map class to namespace …
#define MqFactoryCTT   MqFactoryCTT
 class as MkTypeS-class-type for MqFactoryC in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
#define MqFactoryCT   ( (struct MkSuperTypeS *) MqFactoryCTT )
 class as MkSuperTypeS-class-type for MqFactoryC in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
typedef struct MqFactoryS MqFactoryCR
 instance-struct-reference same as struct MqFactoryS, useable in a class-macro as: class##R
typedef const struct MqFactoryS MqFactoryCNR
 const instance-struct-reference same as const struct MqFactoryS, useable in a class-macro as: class##R

MqFactoryC - signature check

#define MqFactoryC_Check(mng)
bool MqFctCheck (MK_MNGN mng)
 check MqFactoryS -> MkObjectS::signature
bool MqFctCheckO (MK_OBJN obj)
 check MqFactoryS -> MkObjectS::signature

MqFactoryC - cast from a defined or a undefined instance

#define MqFctRaise(_fct)
 raise an error if class-instance is not valid
#define MqFCT_R(x)
 cast a known-object into an MqFactoryS reference
#define MqFCT(x)
 cast a known-object into an MqFactoryS pointer
MQ_FCT MqFct (MK_MNG mng)
 cast a unknown-object into an MqFactoryS pointer or NULL if not possible
 (const) cast a unknown-object into an MqFactoryS pointer or NULL if not possible

MqFactoryC - Export - inline - interact with an external software

#define MqFactoryHandleResolve_e(netHdl)
 wrapper for MqFactoryHandleResolve with error-handline
MK_HDL MqFactoryHandleGet_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_FCT const fct)
 Handle-Get-Slot - returns a export-hdl to the MqFactoryC useable for external storage
MQ_FCT MqFactoryHandleResolve_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MK_HDL const netHdl)
 Handle-Resolve-Slot - return a MqFactoryC from netHdl or None if invalid…


#define MqFactoryLog_2M(fct, m)
MQ_EXTERN void MqFactoryLog_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_FCTN const fct, MK_OBJN fmtobj, MK_DBG const debug, MK_STRN const callfunc, MK_I32 const lvl)
 log the MqFactoryC

MqCtxTypeC - type definition

#define MqCtxTypeSTT   (&MQ_RT_REF._MqCtxTypeC_TT)
 instance-type as MkTypeS-class-type
#define MqCtxTypeC_TT   (&MQ_RT_REF._MqCtxTypeC_TT)
 class as MkTypeS-class-type, useable in a class-macro as: class##_TT
#define MqCtxTypeC_type   MQ_CTXTYP
 same as MqCtxTypeS but useable in a class-macro as: class##_type
#define MqCtxTypeCT_X(instance)
 cast from an instance into the MkTypeS-class-type …
#define MqCtxTypeCTT_X(instance)
 cast from an instance into the MkTypeS-class-type …
#define MqCtxTypeCT_TT(typ)
 cast from an MkTypeS-class-type into an MkTypeS-class-type …
#define MqCtxTypeC_NS   MQ
 map class to namespace …
#define MqCtxTypeCTT   MqCtxTypeCTT
 class as MkTypeS-class-type for MqCtxTypeC in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
#define MqCtxTypeCT   ( (struct MkTypeS *) MqCtxTypeCTT )
 class as MkTypeS-class-type for MqCtxTypeC in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
typedef struct MqCtxTypeS MqCtxTypeCR
 instance-struct-reference same as struct MqCtxTypeS, useable in a class-macro as: class##R
typedef const struct MqCtxTypeS MqCtxTypeCNR
 const instance-struct-reference same as const struct MqCtxTypeS, useable in a class-macro as: class##R

MqCtxTypeC - signature check

#define MqCtxTypeC_Check(mng)
bool MqCtxTypCheck (MK_MNGN mng)
 check MqCtxTypeS -> MkObjectS::signature
bool MqCtxTypCheckO (MK_OBJN obj)
 check MqCtxTypeS -> MkObjectS::signature

MqContextC - type definition

#define MqContextC_T   (&MQ_RT_REF._MqContextC_T)
 class as MqCtxTypeS-class-type, useable in a class-macro as: class##_T
#define MqContextC_TT   (MkTYP(MqContextC_T))
 class as MkTypeS-class-type, useable in a class-macro as: class##_TT
#define MqContextST   MqContextC_T
 instance-type as MqCtxTypeS-class-type …
#define MqContextSTT   (MkTYP(MqContextST))
 instance-type as MkTypeS-class-type (cast from MqContextST into MkTypeS) …
#define MqContextC_type   MQ_CTX
 same as MqContextS but useable in a class-macro as: class##_type
#define MqContextCT_X(instance)
 cast from an instance into the MqCtxTypeS-class-type …
#define MqContextCTT_X(instance)
 cast from an instance into the MkTypeS-class-type …
#define MqContextCT_TT(typ)
 cast from an MkTypeS-class-type into an MqCtxTypeS-class-type …
#define MqContextC_NS   MQ
 map class to namespace …
#define MqContextCTT   MqContextCTT
 class as MkTypeS-class-type for MqContextC in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
#define MqContextCT   ( (struct MqCtxTypeS *) MqContextCTT )
 class as MqCtxTypeS-class-type for MqContextC in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
typedef struct MqContextS MqContextCR
 instance-struct-reference same as struct MqContextS, useable in a class-macro as: class##R
typedef const struct MqContextS MqContextCNR
 const instance-struct-reference same as const struct MqContextS, useable in a class-macro as: class##R

MqContextC - signature check

#define MqContextC_Check(mng)
bool MqCtxCheck (MK_MNGN mng)
 check MqContextS -> MkObjectS::signature
bool MqCtxCheckO (MK_OBJN obj)
 check MqContextS -> MkObjectS::signature

MqContextC - cast from a defined or a undefined instance

#define MqCtxRaise(_ctx)
 raise an error if class-instance is not valid
#define MqCTX_R(x)
 cast a known-object into an MqContextS reference
#define MqCTX(x)
 cast a known-object into an MqContextS pointer
MQ_CTX MqCtx (MK_MNG mng)
 cast a unknown-object into an MqContextS pointer or NULL if not possible
 (const) cast a unknown-object into an MqContextS pointer or NULL if not possible

MqContextC - Export - inline - interact with an external software

#define MqContextHandleResolve_e(netHdl)
 wrapper for MqContextHandleResolve with error-handline
MK_HDL MqContextHandleGet_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 Handle-Get-Slot - returns a export-hdl to the MqContextC useable for external storage
MQ_CTX MqContextHandleResolve_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MK_HDL const netHdl)
 Handle-Resolve-Slot - return a MqContextC from netHdl or None if invalid…


#define MqEnvLog_0()
#define MqEnvLog_1(env)
#define MqEnvLog_2(env, fmt)
#define MqEnvLog_3(env, fmt, lbl)
MQ_EXTERN void MqEnvLog_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_ENVN const env, MK_OBJN fmtobj, MK_DBG const debug, MK_STRN const callfunc, MK_I32 const lvl, MK_STRN const label)
 log the MqEnvS

MqDumpC - type definition

#define MqDumpC_T   (&MQ_RT_REF._MqDumpC_T)
 class as MkSuperTypeS-class-type, useable in a class-macro as: class##_T
#define MqDumpC_TT   (MkTYP(MqDumpC_T))
 class as MkTypeS-class-type, useable in a class-macro as: class##_TT
#define MqDumpST   MqDumpC_T
 instance-type as MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqDumpSTT   (MkTYP(MqDumpST))
 instance-type as MkTypeS-class-type (cast from MqDumpST into MkTypeS) …
#define MqDumpC_type   MQ_DMP
 same as MqDumpS but useable in a class-macro as: class##_type
#define MqDumpCT_X(instance)
 cast from an instance into the MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqDumpCTT_X(instance)
 cast from an instance into the MkTypeS-class-type …
#define MqDumpCT_TT(typ)
 cast from an MkTypeS-class-type into an MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqDumpC_NS   MQ
 map class to namespace …
#define MqDumpCTT   MqDumpCTT
 class as MkTypeS-class-type for MqDumpC in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
#define MqDumpCT   ( (struct MkSuperTypeS *) MqDumpCTT )
 class as MkSuperTypeS-class-type for MqDumpC in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
typedef struct MqDumpS MqDumpCR
 instance-struct-reference same as struct MqDumpS, useable in a class-macro as: class##R
typedef const struct MqDumpS MqDumpCNR
 const instance-struct-reference same as const struct MqDumpS, useable in a class-macro as: class##R

MqDumpC - signature check

#define MqDumpC_Check(mng)
bool MqDmpCheck (MK_MNGN mng)
 check MqDumpS -> MkObjectS::signature
bool MqDmpCheckO (MK_OBJN obj)
 check MqDumpS -> MkObjectS::signature

MqDumpC - cast from a defined or a undefined instance

#define MqDmpRaise(_dmp)
 raise an error if class-instance is not valid
#define MqDMP_R(x)
 cast a known-object into an MqDumpS reference
#define MqDMP(x)
 cast a known-object into an MqDumpS pointer
MQ_DMP MqDmp (MK_MNG mng)
 cast a unknown-object into an MqDumpS pointer or NULL if not possible
 (const) cast a unknown-object into an MqDumpS pointer or NULL if not possible

MqDumpC - Export - inline - interact with an external software

#define MqDumpHandleResolve_e(netHdl)
 wrapper for MqDumpHandleResolve with error-handline
MK_HDL MqDumpHandleGet_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_DMP const dmp)
 Handle-Get-Slot - returns a export-hdl to the MqDumpC useable for external storage
MQ_DMP MqDumpHandleResolve_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MK_HDL const netHdl)
 Handle-Resolve-Slot - return a MqDumpC from netHdl or None if invalid…

MqRuntimeC - type definition

#define MqRuntimeC_T   (&MQ_RT_REF._MqRuntimeC_T)
 class as MkSuperTypeS-class-type, useable in a class-macro as: class##_T
#define MqRuntimeC_TT   (MkTYP(MqRuntimeC_T))
 class as MkTypeS-class-type, useable in a class-macro as: class##_TT
#define MqRuntimeST   MqRuntimeC_T
 instance-type as MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqRuntimeSTT   (MkTYP(MqRuntimeST))
 instance-type as MkTypeS-class-type (cast from MqRuntimeST into MkTypeS) …
#define MqRuntimeC_type   MQ_RT
 same as MqRuntimeS but useable in a class-macro as: class##_type
#define MqRuntimeCT_X(instance)
 cast from an instance into the MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqRuntimeCTT_X(instance)
 cast from an instance into the MkTypeS-class-type …
#define MqRuntimeCT_TT(typ)
 cast from an MkTypeS-class-type into an MkSuperTypeS-class-type …
#define MqRuntimeC_NS   MQ
 map class to namespace …
#define MqRuntimeCTT   MqRuntimeCTT
 class as MkTypeS-class-type for MqRuntimeC in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
#define MqRuntimeCT   ( (struct MkSuperTypeS *) MqRuntimeCTT )
 class as MkSuperTypeS-class-type for MqRuntimeC in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
typedef struct MqRuntimeS MqRuntimeCR
 instance-struct-reference same as struct MqRuntimeS, useable in a class-macro as: class##R
typedef const struct MqRuntimeS MqRuntimeCNR
 const instance-struct-reference same as const struct MqRuntimeS, useable in a class-macro as: class##R

MqRuntimeC - signature check

#define MqRuntimeC_Check(mng)
bool MqRtCheck (MK_MNGN mng)
 check MqRuntimeS -> MkObjectS::signature
bool MqRtCheckO (MK_OBJN obj)
 check MqRuntimeS -> MkObjectS::signature

MqRuntimeC - cast from a defined or a undefined instance

#define MqRtRaise(_rt)
 raise an error if class-instance is not valid
MQ_RT MqRt (MK_MNG mng)
 cast a unknown-object into an MqRuntimeS pointer or NULL if not possible
 (const) cast a unknown-object into an MqRuntimeS pointer or NULL if not possible


 the hand-shake of a service-callMore...
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqHandShakeE_ToString (enum MqHandShakeE value)
 return the MqHandShakeE as string …
MK_I32 MqHandShakeE_ToInt (enum MqHandShakeE value)
 return the MqHandShakeE as integer …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqHandShakeE_FromInt (MK_I32 const value, enum MqHandShakeE *value_out)
 return the MqHandShakeE from integer …


enum  MqTransTypeE {
 the type of the transaction … More...
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqTransTypeE_ToString (enum MqTransTypeE value)
 return the MqTransTypeE as string …
MK_I32 MqTransTypeE_ToInt (enum MqTransTypeE value)
 return the MqTransTypeE as integer …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqTransTypeE_FromInt (MK_I32 const value, enum MqTransTypeE *value_out)
 return the MqTransTypeE from integer …


enum  MqIdentE { MQ_IDENT_PREFIX = 0 , MQ_IDENT_FACTORY = 1 }
 identify the application using prefix (default) or factoryMore...
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqIdentE_ToString (enum MqIdentE value)
 return the MqIdentE as string …
MK_I32 MqIdentE_ToInt (enum MqIdentE value)
 return the MqIdentE as integer …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqIdentE_FromInt (MK_I32 const value, enum MqIdentE *value_out)
 return the MqIdentE from integer …


 User preferences on HOWTO start a new entity. More...
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqStartE_ToString (enum MqStartE value)
 return the MqStartE as string …
MK_I32 MqStartE_ToInt (enum MqStartE value)
 return the MqStartE as integer …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqStartE_FromInt (MK_I32 const value, enum MqStartE *value_out)
 return the MqStartE from integer …


enum  MqStatusIsEF {
 Information about how the context was created. More...
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqStatusIsEF_ToString (enum MqStatusIsEF value)
 return the MqStatusIsEF as string …
MK_I32 MqStatusIsEF_ToInt (enum MqStatusIsEF value)
 return the MqStatusIsEF as integer …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqStatusIsEF_FromInt (MK_I32 const value, enum MqStatusIsEF *value_out)
 return the MqStatusIsEF from integer …


enum  MqFactoryE {
 the factory is called to create an object for ... More...
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqFactoryE_ToString (enum MqFactoryE value)
 return the MqFactoryE as string …
MK_I32 MqFactoryE_ToInt (enum MqFactoryE value)
 return the MqFactoryE as integer …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqFactoryE_FromInt (MK_I32 const value, enum MqFactoryE *value_out)
 return the MqFactoryE from integer …


enum  MqIoComE {
  MQ_IO_PIPE = 0 , MQ_IO_UDS = 1 , MQ_IO_TCP = 2 , MQ_IO_INIT = 3 ,
  MQ_IO_LOOP = 4
 what kind of socket interface to use? … More...
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqIoComE_ToString (enum MqIoComE value)
 return the MqIoComE as string …
MK_I32 MqIoComE_ToInt (enum MqIoComE value)
 return the MqIoComE as integer …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqIoComE_FromInt (MK_I32 const value, enum MqIoComE *value_out)
 return the MqIoComE from integer …


enum  MqWaitOnEventE { MQ_WAIT_NO = 0 , MQ_WAIT_ONCE = 1 , MQ_WAIT_OWN = 2 , MQ_WAIT_FOREVER = 3 }
 wait for an event? … More...
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqWaitOnEventE_ToString (enum MqWaitOnEventE value)
 return the MqWaitOnEventE as string …
MK_I32 MqWaitOnEventE_ToInt (enum MqWaitOnEventE value)
 return the MqWaitOnEventE as integer …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqWaitOnEventE_FromInt (MK_I32 const value, enum MqWaitOnEventE *value_out)
 return the MqWaitOnEventE from integer …


enum  MqSlaveE {
  MQ_SLAVE_USER = 10 , MQ_SLAVE_MAX = 1024
 predefined slave-id for well known slaves … More...
MQ_EXTERN MK_STRN MqSlaveE_ToString (enum MqSlaveE value)
 return the MqSlaveE as string …
MK_I32 MqSlaveE_ToInt (enum MqSlaveE value)
 return the MqSlaveE as integer …
MQ_EXTERN enum MkErrorE MqSlaveE_FromInt (MK_I32 const value, enum MqSlaveE *value_out)
 return the MqSlaveE from integer …

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ AllRtSetup_NULL

#define AllRtSetup_NULL   MqRtSetup_NULL ; MkRtSetupFromRtExt(mqrt)

Definition at line 9300 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ AllRtSetup_O

#define AllRtSetup_O ( o)
#define MqRtSetup_O(o)
#define MkRtSetup_O(o)

Definition at line 9296 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ AllRtSetup_ON

#define AllRtSetup_ON ( o)
#define MqRtSetup_ON(o)
#define MkRtSetup_ON(o)

Definition at line 9297 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ AllRtSetup_X

#define AllRtSetup_X ( x)
#define MqRtSetup_X(x)
#define MkRtSetup_X(x)

Definition at line 9298 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ AllRtSetup_XN

#define AllRtSetup_XN ( x)
#define MqRtSetup_XN(x)
#define MkRtSetup_XN(x)

Definition at line 9299 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.


#define BEGIN_MQ_C_DECLS   /* empty */

Definition at line 249 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.


#define END_MQ_C_DECLS   /* empty */

Definition at line 250 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqConfigS_dispname_size

#define MqConfigS_dispname_size   64

MqConfigS_prefix_size + MqConfigS_postfix_size

Definition at line 1730 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqConfigS_postfix_size

#define MqConfigS_postfix_size   64

Definition at line 1777 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqConfigS_prefix_size

#define MqConfigS_prefix_size   64

Definition at line 1760 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqConfigS_storage_size

#define MqConfigS_storage_size   256

storage file used as default if a database is requested

more at MqContextC STORAGE API

the real filename is: MqConfigS::storage-MqConfigS::prefix

Definition at line 1811 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqLinkS_targetIdent_size

#define MqLinkS_targetIdent_size   64

MqClassIdentGet of the link target, only valid on parent-context

use MqLinkGetTargetIdent or MqLinkGetTargetIdentI to access this value

Definition at line 1002 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqRT

#define MqRT   &MqRuntimeRLS

Definition at line 9264 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqRT_O

#define MqRT_O ( o)
((o) && (*o).objRtExt ? (MQ_RT)(*o).objRtExt : MqRuntimeGetI())
MQ_RT MqRuntimeGetI(void)
inline from MkRuntimeInit
struct MqRuntimeS * MQ_RT
class-shortcut for struct MqRuntimeS *, all shortcut using the XX_YYY syntax (only for public API) …

Definition at line 9271 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.


#define MqRT_ON ( o)
( (*o).objRtExt ? (MQ_RT)(*o).objRtExt : MqRuntimeGetI())

Definition at line 9273 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqRT_X

#define MqRT_X ( x)
((x) && MkOBJ_R(x).objRtExt ? (MQ_RT)MkOBJ_R(x).objRtExt : MqRuntimeGetI())
#define MkOBJ_R(x)

Definition at line 9272 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.


#define MqRT_XN ( x)
( MkOBJ_R(x).objRtExt ? (MQ_RT)MkOBJ_R(x).objRtExt : MqRuntimeGetI())

Definition at line 9274 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqRtSetup_NULL

#define MqRtSetup_NULL   MK_RT_UNUSED MQ_RT const mqrt = MqRuntimeGetI()

Definition at line 9282 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqRtSetup_NULL_RT

#define MqRtSetup_NULL_RT   MqRtSetup_NULL ; MkRtSetup_NULL_RT

Definition at line 9288 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqRtSetup_O

#define MqRtSetup_O ( o)
MK_RT_UNUSED MQ_RT const mqrt = MqRT_O(o)
#define MqRT_O(o)
#define MK_RT_UNUSED
Extend the MkRuntimeS wie PythonMqMsgque specific features …

Definition at line 9278 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqRtSetup_O_RT

#define MqRtSetup_O_RT ( o)
#define MkRtSetup_O_RT(o)

Definition at line 9284 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqRtSetup_ON

#define MqRtSetup_ON ( o)
MK_RT_UNUSED MQ_RT const mqrt = MqRT_ON(o)
#define MqRT_ON(o)

Definition at line 9279 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqRtSetup_ON_RT

#define MqRtSetup_ON_RT ( o)
#define MkRtSetup_ON_RT(o)

Definition at line 9285 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqRtSetup_X

#define MqRtSetup_X ( x)
MK_RT_UNUSED MQ_RT const mqrt = MqRT_X(x)
#define MqRT_X(x)

Definition at line 9280 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqRtSetup_X_RT

#define MqRtSetup_X_RT ( x)
#define MkRtSetup_X_RT(x)

Definition at line 9286 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqRtSetup_XN

#define MqRtSetup_XN ( x)
MK_RT_UNUSED MQ_RT const mqrt = MqRT_XN(x)
#define MqRT_XN(x)

Definition at line 9281 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqRtSetup_XN_RT

#define MqRtSetup_XN_RT ( x)
#define MkRtSetup_XN_RT(x)

Definition at line 9287 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

Function Documentation

◆ MqRuntimeGetI()

MQ_RT MqRuntimeGetI ( void )

inline from MkRuntimeInit

Definition at line 9325 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

9327 return __MkCheckX(MqRuntimeC,&MqRuntimeRLS) ? MqRT : MqRuntimeInit( MkRuntimeGet(), MqRT );
MQ_EXTERN_DATA MkThreadLocal struct MqRuntimeS MqRuntimeRLS
#define MqRT
MQ_EXTERN MQ_RT MqRuntimeInit(MK_RT const mkrt, MQ_RT const mqrt)
initialize MkRuntimeRLS
#define __MkCheckX(cls, x)
MK_RT MkRuntimeGet(void)

◆ MqRuntimeInit()

MQ_EXTERN MQ_RT MqRuntimeInit ( MK_RT const mkrt,
MQ_RT const mqrt )

initialize MkRuntimeRLS

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ MqRuntimeRLS


Definition at line 9317 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.