No Matches
Keyword Index

An alphabetically sorted list of all keywords with references to their documentation:

The following subsections provide a list of all keywords that are recognized by NHI1.

--- Structural indicators ---

All-Language-Compiler (ALC)

The alc is the abbreviation for "all languages compiler" where languages stands for programming languages as well as any form of structured data.

  • languages: C C++ C# VB.NET Java Python Ruby Perl PHP Tcl or GO
  • configuration: doxygen, texi, vim, shell etc

The alc-compiler is the central tool in the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK) and is used to take over error-prone and monotonous tasks that otherwise take a lot of time. The guiding principle in the alc-compiler is simply explained:

‍a code is only correct and valid if the alc-compiler has written it

That sounds a bit aloof at first, but it\'s the truth. because if you take programming seriously, you have to admit to yourself that people are far too imperfect to write really error-free code.

See also
alc compiler

Garbage-Collection (GC)

In computer science, garbage collection (GC) is a form of automatic memory management. The garbage collector attempts to reclaim memory that was allocated by the program, but is no longer referenced;

‍such memory is called garbage.


See also
RUBY is a callenging story

Global-Memory (HEAP)

Heap memory is a region of computer memory used for dynamic allocation of objects at runtime.
It is a dynamic area of memory where blocks of memory are allocated and deallocated dynamically as needed,
in contrast to the stack memory, where memory is allocated and deallocated in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) manner.
Objects stored in the heap have a longer lifetime than objects stored in the stack, as heap-allocated objects persist
until they are explicitly deallocated or until the program ends.


See also
RUBY is a callenging story, Garbage-Collection (GC)

Managed-Object-Technology (MOT)

MkObjectC - managed-object details

Managed-Object-Technology (MOT) is a class system in C that is designed to integrate automatically into other software, which of course also includes other programming languages.

See also
See also
Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK)

Managed-Object-Technology-Class (MOT-C)

The core of the MOT is the class and the class is a C struct with a link between:

The instance-type represents the attributes of the instance (example: MyClassS → MkBufferSMkObjectS)
The class-type represents the attributes of the class (example: MyClassST → MkSuperTypeSTTMkTypeSTT)

The type is a struct and a struc which follows the MOT-format is called a MOT-class.

The type MyClassS is always related to the class MyClassC.

  • By definition a type and a class are using the same root-name like MkBufferS versa MkBufferC.
  • The term class is used in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL) with class support,
    • The term class is also used together with instance to distinguish the class-type from the instance-type.
  • The term type is used in the Target-Programming-Language (TPL) without class support (such as C)
    • The term type is also used to name the struct of the class-type and the instance-type.
  • The term instance is used for the requested and initialized memory of type instance-type.
    • The term instance is also referred to as class-instance.
Example: type template for MyClassS with base type MkBufferS
// instance-type to represent the data from the class MyClassC …
struct MyClassS {
// [super]
// BEGIN-MyClassS-super - created by 'c_Class.tcl -example' - DO NOT change
union {
struct MkObjectS obj; // instance-base MkObjectS
struct MkBufferS buf; // instance-base MkBufferS
} super;
// END-MyClassS-super - created by 'c_Class.tcl -example' - DO NOT change
// [super]
// BEGIN-MyClassS-native
// END-MyClassS-native

A MOT-class always starts with a union called super.

  • The first item in the union is always the MkObjectS instance-base.
  • All items in the super-union share the memory.
  • The super-union is used for the cast-operation (cast the MOT-class into the base-class) also.

A MOT-class is not just limited to the C programming language, but the technology allows the SAME class to be used as a MOT-class in almost all programming languages: "write once → use everything" .

  • To complete the picture, the All-Language-Compiler (ALC) creates all code required to organizes the interaction of the different components and offers the end user a coherent API.
See also
Managed-Object-Technology (MOT)

Managed-Object-Technology-Wrapper (MOT-W)

The MOT-Wrapper is used to connect the MOT-Class (lang=C) to a Target-Programming-Language (TPL) (lang=C++,C#,VB.NET,Java,Python,Ruby,Perl,PHP,Tcl or GO).
Two connection methods are conceivable:

  • [level-0] Connection as reference. TPL-instance and MOT-instance are one object
    struct Wrapper {
    // init...
    struct MyClassC hdl;
    level-0 is experimental and only possible with a language like C++.
    • The biggest problem here is that when the TPL-instance is HARD deleted (e.g. C++ delete ptr) from the outside, the MOT instance is also deleted, which is difficult to control in a complex scenario (e.g. in the event processing of an application server) and ultimately creates "disorder" in the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK).
    • level-0 is not used.
  • [level-1] Connection as pointer. TPL-instance and MOT-instance are two objects
    struct Wrapper {
    // init...
    struct MyClassC *hdl;
    level-1 was implemented and confirmed as a solution through extensive testing.
See also
Managed-Object-Technology (MOT)

Managed-Object-Technology-Null (MOT-N)

The NULL-Intance in Managed-Object-Technology (MOT) is the counterpart to the NULL value pointer in C

NULL defined via MOT
In general, the Managed-Object-Technology (MOT) is connected to the Target-Programming-Language (TPL) via the MOT-Wrapper and the MOT-Wrapper connects two instances,
  • the TPL-instance and the MOT-instance.
Both instances can become NULL separately from each other so that the TPL and MOT are separated.
  • There is therefore not just one NULL but two.
To map a MOT-NULL you need an intact TPL-instance whose MOT-Wrapper-hdl is NULL.
See also
theKernel NULL-Value Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK)

meta-api-source-code-format (META-CODE)

The meta-code is an importand part of the alc compiler because this is the glue between the input file (e.g. api-definition} and the output files (e.g. the code)

The best definition of meta-code is a wrapper around a given API that follows the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK) programming style.

See also
alc compiler

meta-code-compiler (META-COMPILER)

The meta-compiler is the tool to generate the meta-file from the meta-header and the meta-parser.

See also

meta-code-library-definition-file (META-FILE)

The meta-file is created by the meta-code-compiler (META-COMPILER) using the meta-code-parser-extension (META-PARSER), meta-code-external-header-file (META-HEADER) and optional the meta-code-header-wrapper-file (META-WRAPPER) as input.

The meta-file is:

  1. the text-based database with TCL syntax in which the attributes that define a library are stored
  2. generated by the alc-frontend and used by the alc-backend and the alc-middleware.
  3. a singular definition of information, every information is only stored at one place.
  4. ordered in terms of structure, which always delivers the same logic-output for the same logic-input.
  5. intended to be stored in the code-repository in order to ultimately secure the API and to centrally verify a change.
  6. human-readable and human-changeable in order to quickly create test-data or to add your own meta-code extensions.
See also
alc compiler, META-FILE

meta-code-external-header-file (META-HEADER)

The external-header-file is the source of the API information and the goal of the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK) in conjunction with the All-Language-Compiler (ALC) is to use this file to provide language binding for a variety of languages.

See also

meta-code-library (META-LIBRARY)

The meta-library is either created directly by the programmer or is the meta-code-wrapper around a native-library created by the meta-code-compiler (META-COMPILER).

  • The meta-library uses only the meta-data-types and the meta-code-structure.

The native-meta-library is the link between the meta-library and the Target-Programming-Language (TPL), with the connection being established via the Managed-Object-Technology (MOT).

See also

meta-code-parser-extension (META-PARSER)

The meta-parser is a C compliant extension to the C programming language to associate an attribute with an C-object-definition (e.g. function, struct, enum, argument etc.)

See also

meta-code-header-wrapper-file (META-WRAPPER)

If an external-header-file cannot be changed, it is a good idea to call this file via a wrapper and then add the changes using __parser__global__(...) .

See also


The NULL-Value in Managed-Object-Technology (MOT) is the counterpart to the NULL value in C

This problem looks simpler than it is because NULL is not defined in every language.

TCL e.g. does not understand the NULL as a data type and an approximation with "" is only correct to the extent that the target API also understands the "" as a NULL-Value.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case and therefore:

  • wherever a NULL is explicitly required the MK_NULL is used in C .
  • wherever a NULL as string (MK_STRN) is required then the string "MK_NULL" is used in C.

To support the NULL the following items are defined:

  1. the NULL-value called MK_NULL
  2. the NULL-string called MK_NULL_STR
  3. the NULL-string-length called MK_NULL_STR_LEN
  4. the NULL-check called MK_NULL_STR_CHECK
The Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK) translate the string "MK_NULL" into the MK_NULL pointer wherever a pointer is expected as a return value.
See also
theKernel Managed-Object-Technology-Null (MOT-N) Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK)

Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK)

The PLMK is the summary of all tools, libraries and technologies used to build and use the microkernel.
The PLMK includes theKernel and theCompiler as well as the build environment.

The Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK) is separted into three programming-layers:

  1. The library-layer, used by the theKernel library programmer
  2. The tool-layer, used by the theCompiler tool programmer
  3. The target-layer, used by the target-language programmer
The library-layer implement the theKernel library and is responsible for the quality-target of the entire project.
  • implementation of the managed-object technology
  • establishing and managing the library-items
    • providing the startup and cleanup API
    • providing the logging, debugging and error API
    • providing the memory and garbage-collection API
  • written in plain C
The tool-layer creates the tools and is responsible for the integration of all components into the NHI1 framework.
  • implementation of the project and build technology.
  • implementation of the token-stream-compiler technology
  • generate the source-code for the target-layer.
  • written in plain C, TCL and the Target-Programming-Language (TPL)
The target-layer is the API used by the target-language-programmer.
See also
theKernel theCompiler

Remote-Procedure-Call (RPC)

See also

Thread-Local-Global-Namespace (RUNTIME)

A RUNTIME is a thread-local structure that maps the global namespace of a meta-code-library (META-LIBRARY) and is initialized when a new thread is started.

The kernel-runtime MkRuntimeS is always present and maps the meta-kernel.

See also
theKernel theLink

Target-Programming-Language (TPL)

TPL describes the set of all programming languages supported by the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK).

  • This set includes (C,C++,C#,VB.NET,Java,Python,Ruby,Perl,PHP,Tcl or GO) but is not constant and can be expanded at any time.
  • Adding a new language takes about 4 weeks, with about 1/3 spent on implementation and 2/3 on testing.
  • The All-Language-Compiler (ALC) must be expanded for each new programming language, which ultimately improves the All-Language-Compiler (ALC) and the generated code benefits all supported languages.
See also
theKernel theCompiler


What is C?

C is a general-purpose, procedural, high-level programming language used in the development of computer software and applications, system programming, games, and more.

  • C language was developed by Dennis M. Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1972.
  • It is a powerful and flexible language which was first developed for the programming of the UNIX operating System.
  • C is one of the most widely used programming languages.

The C programming language is known for its simplicity and efficiency. It is the best choice to start with programming as it gives you a foundational understanding of programming.

See also


C++ is the most used and most popular programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ is a high-level and object-oriented programming language. This language allows developers to write clean and efficient code for large applications and software development, game development, and operating system programming. It is an expansion of the C programming language to include Object Oriented Programming(OOPs) and is used to develop programs for computers. This C++ Tutorial will cover all the basic to advanced topics of C++ like C++ basics, C++ functions, C++ classes, OOPs and STL concepts.

What is C++?

C++ is a most popular cross-platform programming language which is used to create high-performance applications and software like OS, Games, E-commerce software, etc. It was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, as an extension of C language. C++ give a high level of control over system resources and memory.

Why Learn C++?

  • C++ is one of the most used and popular programming languages.
  • C++ is used in making operating systems, embedded systems, and Graphical User Interfaces.
  • It is an object-oriented programming language that implements all the OOPs concepts such as Abstraction, Encapsulation, and Inheritance, which gives a clear structure to programs and allows code to be reused, lowering development costs and providing security.
  • It is portable and can be used to create applications that can be adapted to multiple platforms.
  • C++ is easy to learn so that you can choose it as your first programming language. It makes programming easy for programmers to switch to C++ because its syntax is similar to C, Java, and C#.
See also
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/c-plus-plus/ https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/


C# is the most common programming language used to develop multiple applications in the.NET framework, and it was introduced by Microsoft in 2000. It was designed to be a simple, object-oriented programming language that can be used to create a wide range of applications and software.

It features a clear syntax, an object-oriented nature, and platform independence, which makes it simpler for developers to organise their code and makes it more legible and manageable.

It is platform-independent in the sense that it may be used to create programmes that operate on different platforms such as Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile devices. This makes C# a versatile language.

See also
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/csharp-programming-language/ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/tour-of-csharp/


Developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995, Java is a highly popular, object-oriented programming language. This platform independent programming language is utilized for Android development, web development, artificial intelligence, cloud applications, and much more.

See also
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/java/ https://www.oracle.com/java


Golang is a procedural and statically typed programming language having the syntax similar to C programming language. Sometimes it is termed as Go Programming Language. It provides a rich standard library, garbage collection, and dynamic-typing capability. It was developed in 2007 by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson at Google but launched in 2009 as an open-source programming language and mainly used in Google’s production systems. Golang is one of the most trending programming languages among developers.

See also
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/golang/ https://go.dev/


The term PHP is an acronym for – Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed specifically for web development. It is open-source which means it is free to download and use. It is very simple to learn and use. The file extension of PHP is “.php”.

PHP was introduced by Rasmus Lerdorf in the first version and participated in the later versions. It is an interpreted language and it does not require a compiler.

Characteristics of PHP

  • PHP code is executed in the server.
  • It can be integrated with many databases such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, and Informix.
  • It is powerful to hold a content management system like WordPress and can be used to control user access.
  • It supports main protocols like HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, IMAP, FTP, and others.
  • Websites like www.facebook.com and www.yahoo.com are also built on PHP.
  • One of the main reasons behind this is that PHP can be easily embedded in HTML files and HTML codes can also be written in a PHP file.
  • The thing that differentiates PHP from the client-side language like HTML is, that PHP codes are executed on the server whereas HTML codes are directly rendered on the browser. PHP codes are first executed on the server and then the result is returned to the browser.
  • The only information that the client or browser knows is the result returned after executing the PHP script on the server and not the actual PHP codes present in the PHP file. Also, PHP files can support other client-side scripting languages like CSS and JavaScript.

Origin and History

  • PHP was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994 and initially stood for “Personal Home Page.” Over the years, it evolved into “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.”
  • PHP is open-source and has a large community of developers contributing to its development.

Purpose of using PHP

  • PHP is primarily used for server-side web development. It enables the creation of dynamic web pages by embedding PHP code within HTML.
  • PHP can perform various tasks, including handling form data, generating dynamic page content, managing databases, and interacting with servers.
See also
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/ruby-programming-language/ https://wiki.php.net/


Perl is a general purpose, high level interpreted and dynamic programming language. Perl supports both the procedural and Object-Oriented programming. Perl is a lot similar to C syntactically and is easy for the users who have knowledge of C, C++. Since Perl is a lot similar to other widely used languages syntactically, it is easier to code and learn in Perl. Programs can be written in Perl in any of the widely used text editors like Notepad++, gedit, etc.

See also
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/perl-programming-language/ https://perldoc.perl.org/


This Programming Language Python Tutorial is very well suited for beginners and also for experienced programmers. This specially designed free Python tutorial will help you learn Python programming most efficiently, with all topics from basics to advanced (like Web-scraping, Django, Learning, etc.) with examples.

What is Python?
Python is a high-level, general-purpose, and very popular programming language. Python programming language (latest Python 3) is being used in web development, and Machine Learning applications, along with all cutting-edge technology in Software Industry. Python language is being used by almost all tech-giant companies like – Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox, Uber… etc.
See also
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-programming-language-tutorial/ https://www.python.org/


Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. Ruby is a pure Object-Oriented language developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto. Everything in Ruby is an object except the blocks but there are replacements too for it i.e procs and lambda. The objective of Ruby’s development was to make it act as a sensible buffer between human programmers and the underlying computing machinery.

See also
RUBY is a callenging story, https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/ruby-programming-language/, https://ruby-doc.org/


What is Tcl?
Tcl is a simple-to-learn yet very powerful programming language. Its syntax is described in just a dozen rules, but it has all the features needed to rapidly create useful programs in almost any field of application - on a wide variety of international platforms. See more about Tcl at What is Tcl
What is Tk?
Tk is a graphical toolkit for Tcl. It allows you to develop graphical applications that run on Windows, Linux, MacOS X and many other platforms. And not just from Tcl - Tk can be used from many languages including C, Ruby, Perl, Python and Lua. See more about Tk at What is Tk
See also


VB.NET stands for Visual Basic. Network Enabled Technologies. Microsoft released the .NET platform in 2001, that supports Visual Basic .NET which is an upgrade to the last version of VB programming language. It is a high-level programming language for the Microsoft .NET Framework. It is also possible to run VB.NET on Linux and MAC operating systems.

Visual Basic or VB is a programming language was initially released in 1991. It was the first programming language that directly supported programmable graphical user interface using language-supplied objects. From that time until 2002, there were 7 other versions released, each version having features that increased the power of the language.

See also
https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-vb-net-and-visual-basic/ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/visual-basic/language-reference/


The build root directory, the real directory used is NHI1_abs_top_builddir


The extension root directory, the real extension directory used is NHI1_EXT


The generated-files root directory, the real generated-files directory used is NHI1_abs_top_gendir


The real source directory: is same as NHI1_abs_top_srcdir


The real build directory: NHI1_BUILD/NHI1_target/NHI1_setup


The real extension directory: NHI1_EXT/NHI1_target/NHI1_setup


The real generated-files directory: NHI1_GEN/NHI1_target/NHI1_setup/...


The real source directory: is same as NHI1_HOME


The setup is the last part of the build-directory :

  • possible values are: aggressive debug debug2 nothread perf-aggressive perf-release release
    • user can define more setups with: Nhi1Exec, Nhi1Config etc
  • the real build-directory is: NHI1_abs_top_builddir

A setup is created with Nhi1Config and is just the configure of the build directory.


The target is the second to last part of the build directory:

  • possible values are: x86_64-suse-linux-gnu
  • basically the return of ./config.guess of the automake/autoconf build environment.
  • other values can also be chosen, but the configure script must accept the value.