No Matches

Nhi1Switch, the tool to switch the build-environment.

usage: Nhi1Switch ?Options? 

  Nhi1Switch, the tool to switch the setup-environment.

  Custom long options:

         select target (i686-suse-linux-gnu|x86_64-suse-linux-gnu|x86_64-w64-mingw32)             =  x86_64-suse-linux-gnu
         select setup (aggressive|debug|debug2|no|nothread|perf-aggressive|perf-release|release)  =  __undef__

  Global options:

    -c                 : clean screen
    -se-v              : get the version information
    -i(+)              : use (not) the interactive mode
    -se-s(+)           : save (not) the configuration
    -p(+)              : print (not) the configuration
    --help,-h          : get user usage
    --help-environment : get environment database usage
    --help-setup       : get setup usage

  Detail usage:

    switch to a new setup-environment.

    The setup environment is set using various 'target' and 'setup' flags. 
    After switching, use the following commands to update your working directory:

    use 'Nhi1Env SETUP'   (source SETUP environment)        to update your 'environment'

    use 'cdpn'            (change directory project nhi1)   to switch to '/home/dev1usr/Project/NHI1'
    use 'Nhi1Config -i'                                     to configure your setup
    use 'Nhi1Make'                                          to setup