No Matches

Nhi1Docs, the tool to configure/buil/install the doxygen documentation.

Info: use 'theKernel' as default 'DOC_HOME'

usage: Nhi1Docs ?Options? 

  Nhi1Docs, the tool to configure/build/install the doxygen documentation.

  Custom long options:

         build graph using the dot tool (yes|no)                      =  no
         make the final build (yes|no)                                =  no
         create TAGFILE (no|FLAG|MAIN)                                =  no
         generate the tagfile for FLAG (yes|no)                       =  no
         generate the tagfile for MAIN (yes|no)                       =  no
         generate XML output (NO|YES)                                 =  NO
         show detail help (yes|no)                                    =  no

  Target options:

         use the package (all|no|mkkernel|mqmsgque|lcconfig|sq3lite)  =  mkkernel
         use the language (all|c|tcl|cs|py|rb|jv|cc|main)             =  all
         use the job scheduler (yes|no)                               =  yes

  Development options:

         filter output by language (yes|no)                           =  no
         number of threads (0-16)                                     =  0
         edit the tool (yes|no)                                       =  no
         use debugging (yes|no)                                       =  no
         use less on output (yes|no)                                  =  yes

  Global options:

    -c                 : clean screen
    -se-v              : get the version information
    -i(+)              : use (not) the interactive mode
    -se-s(+)           : save (not) the configuration
    -p(+)              : print (not) the configuration
    --help,-h          : get user usage
    --help-environment : get environment database usage
    --help-setup       : get setup usage

  Detail usage: