No Matches
alc parser

Associate an attribute with an C-object defined in the META-HEADER


The goal of the parser-extension is to associate an ATTRIBUTE with an existing META-HEADER in order to connect a C-library with a Target-Programming-Language (TPL).

The parser-extension require :

The external-header-file is the source of the API information and the goal of the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK) in conjunction with the All-Language-Compiler (ALC) is to use this file to provide language binding for a variety of languages.


If an external-header-file cannot be changed, it is a good idea to call this file via a wrapper and then add the changes using __parser__global__(...) .


The meta-parser is a C compliant extension to the C programming language to associate an attribute with an C-object-definition (e.g. function, struct, enum, argument etc.)


The meta-compiler is the tool to generate the meta-file from the meta-header and the meta-parser.

The parser-extension create :

The meta-file is created by the meta-code-compiler (META-COMPILER) using the meta-code-parser-extension (META-PARSER), meta-code-external-header-file (META-HEADER) and optional the meta-code-header-wrapper-file (META-WRAPPER) as input.

The meta-file is:

  1. the text-based database with TCL syntax in which the attributes that define a library are stored
  2. generated by the alc-frontend and used by the alc-backend and the alc-middleware.
  3. a singular definition of information, every information is only stored at one place.
  4. ordered in terms of structure, which always delivers the same logic-output for the same logic-input.
  5. intended to be stored in the code-repository in order to ultimately secure the API and to centrally verify a change.
  6. human-readable and human-changeable in order to quickly create test-data or to add your own meta-code extensions.


The meta-library is either created directly by the programmer or is the meta-code-wrapper around a native-library created by the meta-code-compiler (META-COMPILER).

  • The meta-library uses only the meta-data-types and the meta-code-structure.

The native-meta-library is the link between the meta-library and the Target-Programming-Language (TPL), with the connection being established via the Managed-Object-Technology (MOT).


meta-code-external-header-file (META-HEADER)

The external-header-file is the source of the API information and the goal of the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK) in conjunction with the All-Language-Compiler (ALC) is to use this file to provide language binding for a variety of languages.

The meta-header is divided into two variants :

  1. the programmer is the owner of the header-file and can therefore change this file.
  2. the programmer is the user of the header-file and can not change this file without creating a fork.


meta-code-header-wrapper-file (META-WRAPPER)

If an external-header-file cannot be changed, it is a good idea to call this file via a wrapper and then add the changes using __parser__global__(...) .

Example: default-value

The default-value of a function argument is not defined in C because the C language does not support an argument-default-value.

  • However, many other languages support the default-value and so the task of the META-PARSER technology is to connect this attribute to a function argument.

Two scenarios need to be distinguished:

  1. The developer "owns" the META-HEADER and can therefore modify this file to suit his needs:
    extern int dummy (
    char* ident __parser__(default="otto")
    → this is called a local-parser modification
  2. The developer "uses" the META-HEADER and a direct modification would lead to a code fork, which should generally be avoided:
    • META-HEADER : someLib.h
      extern int dummy (
      char* ident
    • META-WRAPPER : meta_someLib.h
      #include "someLib.h"
    → this is called a global-parser modification


meta-code-library-definition-file (META-FILE)

The meta-file is created by the meta-code-compiler (META-COMPILER) using the meta-code-parser-extension (META-PARSER), meta-code-external-header-file (META-HEADER) and optional the meta-code-header-wrapper-file (META-WRAPPER) as input.

The meta-file is:

  1. the text-based database with TCL syntax in which the attributes that define a library are stored
  2. generated by the alc-frontend and used by the alc-backend and the alc-middleware.
  3. a singular definition of information, every information is only stored at one place.
  4. ordered in terms of structure, which always delivers the same logic-output for the same logic-input.
  5. intended to be stored in the code-repository in order to ultimately secure the API and to centrally verify a change.
  6. human-readable and human-changeable in order to quickly create test-data or to add your own meta-code extensions.

The encoding of the meta-file is defined as :

  • utf8 text file formatted as TCL source-code with multiple TCL procs

The syntax of the meta-file is defined as :

namespace eval meta_writer {
##  ME_(PCANRVE)      FIRST: P=pointer, C=class, A=array, N=Native, R=reference, V=vararg, E(NE)=enum
##  ME_P*             The "pointer" data type
##  ME_P(VSBLFECA)    V=void, S=string, B=binary, L=list, F=format, E=exception, C=constructor, A=callback
##  ME_P.(BNX)        B=basicType, N=const, X=unrecognized
  array set typeDoc {
    me-name {short-name definition description} ...
##  ME_C*             The "class" data type
##  ME_C(CX)          C=class, X=special
##  ME_C.(CN)         C=class, N=const
  array set typeDoc { ... }
##  ME_A*             The "array" data type
##  ME_A(SCX)         S=string, C=class, X=unrecognized
##  ME_A.(NX)         N=const, X=unrecognized
  array set typeDoc { ... }
##  ME_N*             The "native" data type
##  ME_N(BIF)         B=bool, I=integer, U=Unsigned, F=float
##  ME_N.(#XL)        #=#bytes, X=longlong, L=long
  array set typeDoc { ... }
##  ME_R*             The "reference" data type
##  ME_R(SCU)         S=string, C=class, U=union
##  ME_R.(NA~)        S=string, A=unrecognized, ~=unrecognized
  array set typeDoc { ... }
##  ME_V*             The "variable argument list" data type
##  ME_V(ACL)         A=..., C=string, L=va_list
##  ME_V.(NV)         N=const, V=unrecognized
  array set typeDoc { ... }
## additional modifer definition :
##   %S = struct, %U = union, %E = enum, %G = unsigned, %N/M = const, %P = ptr

# library definition
headerDEF library     value
headerDEF header      value
headerDEF doc-force   value
headerDEF doc-db      value ...
headerDEF §END§

# attribute for function, function pointer, class and enum
attributeDEF attribute value ...
attributeDEF §END§

# package definition
packageDEF default Value
packageDEF §END§

# used names definition
nameDEF name TYP/DEF definition extra ...
nameDEF §END§

# types definition
typeDEF type me-name definition extra ...
typeDEF §END§

# ignored names definition
ignoreDEF name 1 ...
ignoreDEF §END§

# enum definition
enumDEF enum vals ...
enumDEF §END§

# class definition
classDEF class me-name short-name ...
classDEF §END§

# function pointer definition
fupuDEF fupu return args ...
fupuDEF §END§

# function definition
funcDEF func return args ...
funcDEF §END§

Example: attributeDEF

The attributeDEF is part of the META-FILE and is created by the META-COMPILER using the META-PARSER.

The syntax of the attributeDEF is defined as :

  • attributeDEF function,attribute yes // boolean attribute
    attributeDEF function,attribute value // value attribute
    attributeDEF function,argument,attribute value // function argument value attribute
    attributeDEF attribute,arg1,arg2 value // global value attribute with 2 additional args

To access the boolean-attribute "myattr" the following workflow is used:

  1. add the "myattr" attribute to a function
    __parser__(myattr) // add the "myattr" attribute to function "someFunc"
    void someFunc (void) {
    #define __parser__(...)
  2. in the META-FILE the attributeDEF is created
    attributeDEF someFunc,myattr yes
  3. in the backend-meta-file-loader (tcl) the attributeDEF is mapped to attributeDEF-array
    set attributeDEF(someFunc,myattr) yes
  4. in the backed-tool-library (tcl) the attribute-access-proc is defined
    proc tcl::mathfunc::myattrExists { func } {
    info exists ::attributeDEF($func,myattr)
  5. in the backed-tool (tcl) the loop over all functions can act on the "myattr" attribute
    # pseudo code
    foreach name $allfunctions {
    if {myattrExists($name)} {
    ... do something


meta-code-compiler (META-COMPILER)

The meta-compiler is the tool to generate the meta-file from the meta-header and the meta-parser.

The default meta-compiler tool is called c_meta.tcl and read the META-HEADER and the META-WRAPPER to create the META-FILE.

The meta-compiler has three main components:

  1. configuration and calling of the C-precessor
  2. evaluation of the C-preprocessor output and construction of the data structures
  3. saving the data structures in a META-FILE

In addition to the default meta-compiler, there are also a Target-Programming-Language (TPL) specific meta-compiler (LNG_meta.tcl) whose task is to convert the META-FILE into a language-specific META-FILE (API transformation) in order to simplify the logic in the All-Language-Compiler (ALC) backend tool(s).


meta-code-library (META-LIBRARY)

The meta-library is either created directly by the programmer or is the meta-code-wrapper around a native-library created by the meta-code-compiler (META-COMPILER).

  • The meta-library uses only the meta-data-types and the meta-code-structure.

The native-meta-library is the link between the meta-library and the Target-Programming-Language (TPL), with the connection being established via the Managed-Object-Technology (MOT).

Example: the filesystem of theConfig/c :
The meta-library uses a filesystem-layout to integrate into the nhi1-development-framework.
The code-file-names are defined by the class-tool (c_Class.tcl) and used by the All-Language-Compiler (ALC).
Other development tools like: Shortcut-Tool, Label-Tool or Index-Tool also add requirements to the filesystem-lyout.
// Index-Tool
.indexignore                          // files ignored
.index.mk                             // file created
.makefile_index.bash                  // configuration
tags                                  // file created

// Label-Tool
.label.h                              // template for *.h files
.labelignore                          // files ignored
.label_inc.tcl                        // configration

// Shortcut-Tool
.shortcut                             // created "vim" navigation shortcuts
.shortcutignore                       // files ignored

// ALC compiler
compiler.mk                           // configuration of the makefile
compiler.tcl                          // configuration of the compiler
Makefile.am                           // makefile

// package LcConfig
LibLcConfig_lc.c                      // code …
LibLcConfig_lc.h                      // 
LcEnum_lc.h                           // enum definition (part of the package)
private_lc.h                          // private definitions

// meta code wrapper
config_lc.h                           // configuration
debug_lc.h                            // debugging

LcConfigC_def_lc.h                    // class LcConfigC

LcSettingC_def_lc.h                   // class LcSettingC

// libconfig documentation
libconfig.texi                        // texinfo documentation file
libconfig_2_docdb.tcl                 // texinfo documentation parser -> documentation database
gen/doc_db.dir                        // documentation database

gen                                   // directory for generated code
  nat_lcconfig.meta                   // native-meta-file

  c_lcconfig.meta                     // c-meta-file
  config_inline_lc.c                  // c-meta-library inline2function code
  config_overload_lc.h                // c-meta-library function-overload code (default, runtime, error etc)

  LcConfigC_lc.doc                    // library documentation

tmpl                                  // directory for "pattern" code
  lc_misc_check_lng.h                 // generic class check code
  lc_type_S_macros.h                  // generic type check code

tests                                 // directory for tests
Example: the workflow of theConfig/py :
Process to create the META-LIBRARY and python-library from the META-HEADER and the native-library :
The C makefile                  :   theConfig/c/Makefile.am
  and the libconfig header      :   theConfig/c/libconfig.h
  and the meta-wrapper          :   theConfig/c/config_lc.h
  and the meta-compiler         :   theCompiler/src/c_Meta.tcl
→ create the nat-meta-file      :   theConfig/c/gen/nat_lcconfig.meta
→ create the meta-file          :   theConfig/c/gen/c_lcconfig.meta

The C makefile                  :   theConfig/c/Makefile.am
  and the native-library        :   ext/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu/debug/lib64/libconfig.la
  and the ALC native-backend    :   theCompiler/src/c_Native*.tcl
  and the nat-meta-file         :   theConfig/c/gen/nat_lcconfig.meta
  and the C source files        :   theConfig/c/*Lc*_lc.c/h
  and the gcc compiler          :   gcc-13
→ create the meta-library       :   build/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu/debug/theConfig/c/liblcconfig.la

The python makefile             :   theConfig/py/Makefile.am
  and the meta-library          :   build/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu/debug/theConfig/c/liblcconfig.la
  and the python-backend        :   theCompiler/src/py_XYZ.tcl
  and the meta-file             :   theConfig/c/gen/c_lcconfig.meta
  and the python source files   :   theConfig/py/*Lc*_py.c/h
  and the gcc compiler          :   gcc-13
→ create the TPL library        :   build/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu/debug/theConfig/py/pylcconfig.la


meta-code-parser-extension (META-PARSER)

The meta-parser is a C compliant extension to the C programming language to associate an attribute with an C-object-definition (e.g. function, struct, enum, argument etc.)

The meta-parser uses the C-preprocessor-macro to modify a given C-header-file without changing the C syntax.

  • All macros start with __parser__ and are inactive during C compilation with #define __parser__xyz(...).
  • The macros only become active when the C preprocessor macro __has_parser__ has been defined.

The technology behind it is simple.

  • The META-COMPILER uses the C-preprocessor with active macro __has_parser__ to compile the C-header-file, with the result then being a simplified form of the original C-header-file.
  • This input is then further processed by the META-COMPILER, with the __parser__xyz being read and processed.

The meta-parser-extension is defined as :

The parser-code-extension is …

The c-code-extension is …

The c-preprocessor-extension is …

  • a set of macros defined as __parser__???(…) and evaluate to nothing if the source is compiled without the __has_parser__ compile flag defined.
    #ifndef __has_parser__
    # define __parser__(...)
    # define __parser__define__(...)
    # define __parser__push__(...)
    # define __parser__pop__
    // END: local attributes
    # define __parser__global__(...)
    # define __parser__global__define__(...)
    # define __parser__global__push__(...)
    # define __parser__global__pop__
    // END: global attributes
    # include "parser_mk.h"
    // END: !__has_parser__
  • used by the All-Language-Compiler (ALC) tool c_meta.tcl if the c-preprocessor flag __has_parser__ is set.


parser: add an local attribute …

The local-code-extension is related to the local-attribute :

The __parser__ feature is defined at : META-PARSER and META-FILE

The following __parser__ definitions are supported :

  • The OBJECT can be a FUNCTION, an ENUM, a STRUCT or an other unique named OBJECT.
  • Every VALUE not added is set to yes by default.
    • same: myfunc( type1 arg1 __parser__(internal), ...)
    • same: myfunc( type1 arg1 __parser__(internal=yes), ...)
  • Every local-attribute can be added using the __parser__global__ if the object is added in front:
    • local: __parser__(alias=XYZ) myfunc(...)
    • global: __parser__global__(myfunc:alias=XYZ);
  • Every global-attribute can only be added using the __parser__global__ definition:
    • global: __parser__global__define__(pattern2prefix:PATTERN=PREFIX);
  • Every parser__global have to end with a ";" character like normal C code.
    • _parser__global__(prefix2class:MkRuntime=MkRuntimeC);
  • Multiple local-attributes can be put into one parser definition using the "," character as seperator.
    • multiple: myfunc( type1 arg1 __parser__(internal=yes,default=NULL), ...)
  • An attribute may contain a ":" character to support a path-like depth.
    • _parser__global__(prefix2class:MkRuntime=MkRuntimeC);
  • Multiple VALUES are linked together with the "@" character.
    • __parser__(library=Sq3Lite@native@Sq3@SqLite3)


parser: add an global attribute …

The global-code-extension is related to the global-attribute :

The __parser__global__ feature is defined at : META-PARSER and META-FILE

The following __parser__global__ definitions are supported :

  • The OBJECT can be a FUNCTION, a FUPU, an ENUM, a STRUCT or an other unique named OBJECT.
  • Every __parser__global__(…) have to end with a ";" character like normal "C" code.
  • Every VALUE not added is set to yes by default.
  • Only one definition can be put into one __parser__global__ definition.
  • A Definition may contain a ":" character to support a tree-like depth.
  • A List of values are linked together with the "@" character.


The special keywords:

  • __parser__push__(ATTRIBUTE?=VALUE?, ATTRIBUTE?=VALUE?, …); and
  • __parser__pop__;

are used to add a ATTRIBUTE to a block-of-code.

  • attention: The __parser__push__ and __parser__pop__ must not be nested
Ignore the doc-index from the __parser__push__ block definition
 ... some functions
   __parser__(doc-index=_ignore_)    // ignore the 'BlaBla' for function 'my_special_func'
   void my_special_func(…)
 ... some functions


An ATTRIBUTE is defined with __parser__define__ or __parser__global__define__

  • A list of predifined PARSER Attributes is available at theKernel/c/LibMkKernel_mk.h
  • Every ATTRIBUTE used and not defined generate a warning in META-COMPILER
  • Using an ATTRIBUTE without a definition is possible during development, but is not recommended for production code due to the lack of documentation of the ATTRIBUTE.
  • It is always possible to add an additional ATTRIBUTE in the local C-header-file .

The following syntay is defined :

  • The VALUE is defined as plain string without ":" character, the "@" character is used to join multiple VALUES into one string.
  • A PATH and a ATTRIBUTE is connected using the ":" character.
  • The ATTRIBUTE is always behind the PATH.
  • The ATTRIBUTE and a VALUE are connected using the "=" character.
  • If no VALUE is defined the "=" character can be skipped and the default VALUE is yes.
  • The special VALUE _ignore_ is used to ignore the ATTRIBUTE.
A ATTRIBUTE with multiple VALUEs -

EXAMPLE: __parser__

This is an example from the theKernel/c/kernel_mk.h file and define the BufferLog slot of the MkBufferC class.

MK_BUFN const buf,
MK_OBJN fmtobj __parser__(default=NULL),
MK_DBG const debug __parser__(default=0),
MK_STRN const callfunc __parser__(default=F#FUNC),
MK_I32 const lvl __parser__(default=0)
#define MkBufferLog(...)
#define MK_DECL
#define MK_EXTERN
signed int MK_I32
int MK_DBG
1. map to class MkBufferC
The prefix MkBuffer together with the first parameter MK_BUFN indicate the class MkBufferC.
If the indication is not possible the meta-code-parser-extension (META-PARSER) attribute "class=MkBufferC" force the indication
2. analyse the function-attribute
The function-attributes const,flags=new define two attributes separated by ",". The first attribute const is a boolean-attribute and the second attribute flags=new is a value-attribute.
3. analyse the arguments-attribute(s)
The first argument buf is the class-hdl. All other arguments have a default-value defined with the default=VALUE attribute.
4. META-PARSER and attribute documentation
The usage of the meta-code-parser-extension (META-PARSER) extension und the already defined parser-attribute are documented at the PARSER API

