MqContextC - a char[4+1] or hex[8+1] string used to unique identify a service …
MqContextC - a char[4+1] or hex[8+1] string used to unique identify a service …
A service is defined in pseudocode as:
The token-identifier is defined by the programmer using MqServiceCreate to link a callback with an token-identifier. The token-identifier is part of the MqSendEND, MqSendEND_AND_WAIT, MqSendEND_AND_CALLBACK or MqSendEND_AND_TRANSACTION function-call to identify the service to call.
This is the "traditional" service identifer, the restriction to char[4+1] is used to speedup service lookup by direct mapping of the char[4] string to an MK_I32 integer.
For internal purpose some special token are predefined:
This identifer is used by the rpc feature.
The hex[8+1] is a mapping of the api-function-name to a 32bit hash using the MkSysHashI32 transformed into an
The goal is to create a unique service identifer atomatically from the already uniqe api-function-name.