No Matches
25 sep, 2024

The main focus was on framework development and callback-improvement.

The main focus was on framework development and callback-improvement.

new "callback" documentation
The callback technology in Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK) is currently being revised. The problem is to find a mechanism (model) that enables a callback in all languages and is simultaneously mapped via a single api in the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK). This goal now seems to have been achieved and the documentation has been standardized.
framework updates
#1 BuildNhi1 : more parallelization, new build targets, new release builder.
#2 SetupEnv : new constants and environment variables help.
#3 usage_default : new tool for displaying user help.
#4 make_basic_kernel_link : help when setting up a new package, creates local links to cross-package capabilities.
#5 patch-file : a tool for extending existing files with generated data.