theLink 10.0 NHI1 - theKernel - theLink - theConfig - theSq3Lite - theCompiler - theBrain - theGuard
c - tcl - py - rb - jv - cc
No Matches
Filter6 Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for Filter6:
+ Collaboration diagram for Filter6:

Static Public Member Functions

static void Help (MK_STRN base)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ccmqmsgque::MqContextC
static MqContextCMqContextC_ObjNew (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX hdl)
 return MqContextC from LibMsgqueObject
static MQ_CTX getCTX (MqContextC *clsHdl)
 return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC pointer
static MQ_CTX getCTX__null_allow (MqContextC *clsHdl)
 return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC pointer
static MQ_CTXN getCTXN (const MqContextC *clsHdl)
 (const) return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC pointer
static MQ_CTXN getCTXN__null_allow (const MqContextC *clsHdl)
 (const) return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC pointer
static MQ_CTX getCTX (const MqContextC &clsHdl)
 return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC reference
static MQ_CTX getCTX__null_allow (const MqContextC &clsHdl)
 return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC reference
static MQ_CTXN getCTXN (const MqContextC &clsHdl)
 (const) return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC reference
static MQ_CTXN getCTXN__null_allow (const MqContextC &clsHdl)
 (const) return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC reference
static MqContextCHandleResolve (MK_HDL netHdl)
  C++: [static] MqContextC* MqContextC::HandleResolve(MK_HDL netHdl) C-API
Handle-Resolve-Slot - return a MqContextC from netHdl or MK_NULL if invalid…
static MqContextCInstances ()
  C++: [static] MqContextC* MqContextC::Instances() C-API
get head-instance from linked-list of MqContextS type …
static MqContextCGetNull ()
  C++: [static] MqContextC* MqContextC::GetNull() C-API
Null-Slot - return a MqContextC typed NULL instance …
static MqContextCCreate (MqContextC *tmpl=NULL)
  C++: [constructor,static] MqContextC* MqContextC::Create(MqContextC* tmpl = NULL) C-API
create and initialize the MqContextC ...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ccmkkernel::MkObjectC
static MkObjectCMkObjectC_ObjNew (MK_RT mkrt, MK_OBJ hdl)
static MK_OBJ getOBJ (MkObjectC *clsHdl)
static MK_OBJ getOBJ__null_allow (MkObjectC *clsHdl)
static MK_OBJN getOBJN (const MkObjectC *clsHdl)
static MK_OBJN getOBJN__null_allow (const MkObjectC *clsHdl)
static MK_OBJ getOBJ (const MkObjectC &clsHdl)
static MK_OBJ getOBJ__null_allow (const MkObjectC &clsHdl)
static MK_OBJN getOBJN (const MkObjectC &clsHdl)
static MK_OBJN getOBJN__null_allow (const MkObjectC &clsHdl)
static MkObjectCHandleResolve (MK_HDL netHdl)
static void HandleDeleteByNetHdl (MK_HDL netHdl)
static MkObjectCInstances ()
static MkObjectCGetNull ()
static void DbgM (MK_STRN message, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0)
static void DbgM (const std::string &message, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0)
static MK_I32 SysHashI32 (MK_STRN key, MK_NUM length=-1)
static MK_I32 SysHashI32 (const std::string &key, MK_NUM length=-1)
static MK_STRN SysHashSTR (MK_STRN key, MK_NUM length=-1)
static MK_STRN SysHashSTR (const std::string &key, MK_NUM length=-1)
static void DeleteCallbackCleanup (MK_STRN ident)
static void DeleteCallbackCleanup (const std::string &ident)
static void DeleteCallbackSetup (MK_STRN ident, MkObjectDeleteSCB callback=NULL, MK_STRN filter=NULL)
static void DeleteCallbackSetup (const std::string &ident, MkObjectDeleteSCB callback=NULL, MK_STRN filter=NULL)

Private Member Functions

 Filter6 (MK_TYP const typ, MqContextC *tmpl=NULL)
void ErrorWrite ()
void LOGF ()
void EXIT ()
void SOEX ()
void FilterIn ()
void Event ()
void ServerCleanup ()
void ServerSetup ()

Static Private Member Functions

static void WRIT (MqContextC *ctx)

Private Attributes

regex rgx

Static Private Attributes

static MK_I32 retryCnt = 3


class MqFactoryCT< Filter6 >

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ccmqmsgque::MqContextC
typedef void(MqContextC::*) MqTokenICB()
typedef MqTokenICB MqBgErrorICB
typedef MqTokenICB MqServiceICB
typedef MqTokenICB MqServerSetupICB
typedef MqTokenICB MqServerCleanupICB
typedef MqTokenICB MqEventICB
typedef void(*) MqTokenCCB(MqContextC *)
typedef MqTokenCCB MqBgErrorCCB
typedef MqTokenCCB MqServiceCCB
typedef MqTokenCCB MqServerSetupCCB
typedef MqTokenCCB MqServerCleanupCCB
typedef MqTokenCCB MqEventCCB
- Public Types inherited from ccmkkernel::MkObjectC
typedef void(MkObjectC::*) MkObjectDeleteICB(MkObjectC *)
typedef void(*) MkObjectDeleteCCB(MkObjectC *, MkObjectC *)
typedef void(MkObjectC::* MkObjectDeleteICB) (MkObjectC *)
typedef void(* MkObjectDeleteCCB) (MkObjectC *, MkObjectC *)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ccmqmsgque::MqContextC
 MqContextC (MQ_CTX hdl)
MQ_CTX getCTX () const
 return the LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC instance
MQ_CTX getCTX__null_allow () const
 return the LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC instance
MQ_CTXN getCTXN () const
 (const) return the LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC instance
MQ_CTXN getCTXN__null_allow () const
 (const) return the LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC instance
bool Check () const
 check if pointer is still valid
void Init (MK_STRN caller=__builtin_FUNCTION())
 operator MqContextC * ()
MqContextCNext ()
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.Next() C-API
get next instance from linked-list of MqContextS type
MqContextCPrev ()
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.Prev() C-API
get previous instance from linked-list of MqContextS type
MqFactoryCClassFactoryGet () const
  C++: MqFactoryC* ctx.ClassFactoryGet() C-API
get the MqFactoryC used by the MqContextC
void ClassFactorySet (MqFactoryC *item)
  C++: ctx.ClassFactorySet(MqFactoryC* item) C-API
link the MqContextC to a new MqFactoryC
void ClassFactorySet (const MqFactoryC &item)
  C++: ctx.ClassFactorySet(MqFactoryC* item) C-API
link the MqContextC to a new MqFactoryC
MK_STRN ClassIdentGet () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.ClassIdentGet() C-API
get the application-identification
void ClassIdentSet (MK_STRN ident)
  C++: ctx.ClassIdentSet(MK_STRN ident) C-API
link the MqContextC to a new MqFactoryC identified by ident
void ClassIdentSet (const std::string &ident)
  C++: ctx.ClassIdentSet(MK_STRN ident) C-API
link the MqContextC to a new MqFactoryC identified by ident
MK_STRN ClassOriginalIdentGet () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.ClassOriginalIdentGet() C-API
get the libmqmsgque::MqFactoryS::originalIdent from the MqContextC
MkBufferListCConfigGetIoTcpL ()
  C++: MkBufferListC* ctx.ConfigGetIoTcpL() C-API
get the configuration-data of the tcp-client-server-link as MkBufferListC
MK_I32 ConfigGetBuffersize () const
  C++: MK_I32 ctx.ConfigGetBuffersize() C-API
get the minimum of the read/send buffersize of the socket
MqIdentE ConfigGetIdentFrom ()
  C++: MqIdentE ctx.ConfigGetIdentFrom() C-API
get the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::identFrom
MQ_SOCK_HDL ConfigGetIoPipe ()
  C++: MQ_SOCK_HDL ctx.ConfigGetIoPipe() C-API
return the libmqmsgque::MqIoPipeConfigS
MK_STRN ConfigGetIoUds () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.ConfigGetIoUds() C-API
return the libmqmsgque::MqIoUdsConfigS
MK_BOOL ConfigGetIsParent ()
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ConfigGetIsParent() C-API
does the context object is a parent ? An objext is a parent id the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::parent attribute is MK_NULL
MK_BOOL ConfigGetIsServer ()
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ConfigGetIsServer() C-API
does the context object is a server ?
MK_BOOL ConfigGetIsString ()
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ConfigGetIsString() C-API
does the context object is using the string-mode ?
MK_STRN ConfigGetName () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.ConfigGetName() C-API
get the name of the context object
MK_I32 ConfigGetPkgsize () const
  C++: MK_I32 ctx.ConfigGetPkgsize() C-API
get the maximun size of a BDY package
MK_STRN ConfigGetPostfix () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.ConfigGetPostfix() C-API
get the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::postfix
MK_STRN ConfigGetPrefix () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.ConfigGetPrefix() C-API
get the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::prefix
MqStartE ConfigGetStartAs ()
  C++: MqStartE ctx.ConfigGetStartAs() C-API
return the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::startAs value
MqStatusIsEF ConfigGetStatusIs ()
  C++: MqStatusIsEF ctx.ConfigGetStatusIs() C-API
return the libmqmsgque::MqContextS::statusIs value
MK_STRN ConfigGetStorage () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.ConfigGetStorage() C-API
get the storage of the context object
MK_TIME_T ConfigGetTimeout () const
  C++: MK_TIME_T ctx.ConfigGetTimeout() C-API
get the timeout value of the context object
void ConfigSetConfigFile (MK_STRN filename)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetConfigFile(MK_STRN filename) C-API
set the config-file and parse for well-known config-items
void ConfigSetConfigFile (const std::string &filename)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetConfigFile(MK_STRN filename) C-API
set the config-file and parse for well-known config-items
std::tuple< MK_STRN, MK_STRN, MK_STRN, MK_STRNConfigGetIoTcp ()
  C++: {host:MK_STRN port:MK_STRN myhost:MK_STRN myport:MK_STRN} ctx.ConfigGetIoTcp() C-API
get the configuration-data of the tcp-client-server-link
void ConfigSetBgError (MqBgErrorCCB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetBgError(MqBgErrorICB MqBgErrorCCB MqBgErrorIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::BgError
void ConfigSetBgError (MqBgErrorICB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetBgError(MqBgErrorICB MqBgErrorCCB MqBgErrorIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::BgError
void ConfigSetBgError (MqBgErrorIF *callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetBgError(MqBgErrorICB MqBgErrorCCB MqBgErrorIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::BgError
void ConfigSetEvent (MqEventCCB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetEvent(MqEventICB MqEventCCB MqEventIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::Event
void ConfigSetEvent (MqEventICB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetEvent(MqEventICB MqEventCCB MqEventIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::Event
void ConfigSetEvent (MqEventIF *callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetEvent(MqEventICB MqEventCCB MqEventIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::Event
void ConfigSetServerCleanup (MqServerCleanupCCB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetServerCleanup(MqServerCleanupICB MqServerCleanupCCB MqServerCleanupIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ServerCleanup
void ConfigSetServerCleanup (MqServerCleanupICB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetServerCleanup(MqServerCleanupICB MqServerCleanupCCB MqServerCleanupIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ServerCleanup
void ConfigSetServerCleanup (MqServerCleanupIF *callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetServerCleanup(MqServerCleanupICB MqServerCleanupCCB MqServerCleanupIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ServerCleanup
void ConfigSetServerSetup (MqServerSetupCCB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetServerSetup(MqServerSetupICB MqServerSetupCCB MqServerSetupIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ServerSetup
void ConfigSetServerSetup (MqServerSetupICB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetServerSetup(MqServerSetupICB MqServerSetupCCB MqServerSetupIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ServerSetup
void ConfigSetServerSetup (MqServerSetupIF *callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetServerSetup(MqServerSetupICB MqServerSetupCCB MqServerSetupIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ServerSetup
void ConfigReset ()
  C++: ctx.ConfigReset() C-API
clean the libmqmsgque::MqContextS::config data
MK_BOOL ConfigCheckStartAs (MqStartE data)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ConfigCheckStartAs(MqStartE data) C-API
check if libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::startAs can be set to data
void ConfigSetAllDebug (MK_I32 data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetAllDebug(MK_I32 data) C-API
set the MkRuntimeS::debug value
void ConfigSetBuffersize (MK_I32 data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetBuffersize(MK_I32 data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqIoConfigS::buffersize value
void ConfigSetDaemon (MK_STRN pidfile)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetDaemon(MK_STRN pidfile) C-API
start the server-context as daemon …
void ConfigSetDaemon (const std::string &pidfile)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetDaemon(MK_STRN pidfile) C-API
start the server-context as daemon …
void ConfigSetIdentFrom (MqIdentE data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIdentFrom(MqIdentE data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::identFrom value
void ConfigSetIgnoreExit (MK_BOOL data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIgnoreExit(MK_BOOL data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ignoreExit value
void ConfigSetIoPipe (MQ_SOCK_HDL fh)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIoPipe(MQ_SOCK_HDL fh) C-API
set the pipe configuration data …
void ConfigSetIoTcp (MK_STRN host=NULL, MK_STRN port=NULL, MK_STRN myhost=NULL, MK_STRN myport=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIoTcp(MK_STRN host = NULL, MK_STRN port = NULL, MK_STRN myhost = NULL, MK_STRN myport = NULL) C-API
configure a context to use a tcp-client-server-link
void ConfigSetIoTcp (MkBufferListC *vals)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIoTcp(MkBufferListC* vals) C-API
configure a context to use a tcp-client-server-link
void ConfigSetIoTcp (const MkBufferListC &vals)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIoTcp(MkBufferListC* vals) C-API
configure a context to use a tcp-client-server-link
void ConfigSetIoUds (MK_STRN file)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIoUds(MK_STRN file) C-API
configure a context to use a uds-client-server-link
void ConfigSetIoUds (const std::string &file)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIoUds(MK_STRN file) C-API
configure a context to use a uds-client-server-link
void ConfigSetIsServer (MK_BOOL data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIsServer(MK_BOOL data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::isServer value
void ConfigSetIsString (MK_BOOL data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIsString(MK_BOOL data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::native value 'S'string or 'L'owEndian or 'B'igEndian
void ConfigSetName (MK_STRN data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetName(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispname value and cleanup old value
void ConfigSetName (const std::string &data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetName(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispname value and cleanup old value
void ConfigSetPkgsize (MK_I32 data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetPkgsize(MK_I32 data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqIoConfigS::pkgsize value
void ConfigSetPostfix (MK_STRN data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetPostfix(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the client-part (2) of the application-identifer libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispname
void ConfigSetPostfix (const std::string &data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetPostfix(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the client-part (2) of the application-identifer libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispname
void ConfigSetPrefix (MK_STRN data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetPrefix(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the server-part (1) of the application-identifer libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispname
void ConfigSetPrefix (const std::string &data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetPrefix(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the server-part (1) of the application-identifer libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispname
void ConfigSetStartAs (MqStartE data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetStartAs(MqStartE data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::startAs value
void ConfigSetStartAsString (MK_STRN data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetStartAsString(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::startAs value using string default, thread, fork or spawn
void ConfigSetStartAsString (const std::string &data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetStartAsString(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::startAs value using string default, thread, fork or spawn
void ConfigSetStorage (MK_STRN data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetStorage(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the Storage value and cleanup old value
void ConfigSetStorage (const std::string &data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetStorage(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the Storage value and cleanup old value
void ConfigSetTimeout (MK_TIME_T data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetTimeout(MK_TIME_T data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqIoConfigS::timeout value
void EnvProtect ()
  C++: ctx.EnvProtect() C-API
protect the service-environment
void EnvRestore ()
  C++: ctx.EnvRestore() C-API
restore the service-environment
MkErrorCErrorFORMAT () const
  C++: MkErrorC* fmtobj.ErrorFORMAT() C-API
helper used to access MkErrorDEFAULT from MqContextC
MkErrorE ErrorCopy (const MqContextC *sourceCtx) const
  C++: MkErrorE targetCtx.ErrorCopy(const MqContextC* sourceCtx) C-API
copy a MkErrorS from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx
MkErrorE ErrorCopy (const MqContextC &sourceCtx) const
  C++: MkErrorE targetCtx.ErrorCopy(const MqContextC* sourceCtx) C-API
copy a MkErrorS from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx
MkErrorE ErrorMove (const MqContextC *sourceCtx) const
  C++: MkErrorE targetCtx.ErrorMove(const MqContextC* sourceCtx) C-API
move a MkErrorS from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx
MkErrorE ErrorMove (const MqContextC &sourceCtx) const
  C++: MkErrorE targetCtx.ErrorMove(const MqContextC* sourceCtx) C-API
move a MkErrorS from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx
void SendVL2 (MK_STRN cstr, va_list var_list)
  C++: ctx.SendVL2(MK_STRN cstr, va_list var_list) C-API
A version of MqSend with va_list support …
void SendVL2 (const std::string &cstr, va_list var_list)
  C++: ctx.SendVL2(MK_STRN cstr, va_list var_list) C-API
A version of MqSend with va_list support …
MqContextCLinkGetParent ()
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.LinkGetParent() C-API
get the initial parent-context from a client/server link …
void LinkConnect ()
  C++: ctx.LinkConnect() C-API
re-connect a client-server-link after a server crash or a network downtime …
void LinkCreate (MkBufferListC *args=NULL)
  C++: ctx.LinkCreate(MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
make ctx to a parent-context and setup a new client-server-link
void LinkCreate (const MkBufferListC &args)
  C++: ctx.LinkCreate(MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
make ctx to a parent-context and setup a new client-server-link
void LinkCreateChild (MqContextC *parent, MkBufferListC *args=NULL)
  C++: ctx.LinkCreateChild(MqContextC* parent, MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
make a context to a child-context on-top of an existing parent-client-server-link
void LinkCreateChild (const MqContextC &parent, const MkBufferListC &args)
  C++: ctx.LinkCreateChild(MqContextC* parent, MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
make a context to a child-context on-top of an existing parent-client-server-link
void LinkDelete ()
  C++: ctx.LinkDelete() C-API
close the client-server-link
MK_NUM LinkGetCtxId ()
  C++: MK_NUM ctx.LinkGetCtxId() C-API
get an identifier which is unique per parent-or-child-context
MK_STRN LinkGetTargetIdent ()
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.LinkGetTargetIdent() C-API
get the ident of the link-target
MK_BOOL LinkIsConnected ()
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.LinkIsConnected() C-API
is the context connected? …
MK_BOOL LinkIsParent ()
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.LinkIsParent() C-API
is the context a parent-context? …
void LinkShutdown ()
  C++: ctx.LinkShutdown() C-API
shutdown the communication with a server
void LogConfig (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogConfig(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqConfigS
void LogConfig (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogConfig(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqConfigS
void LogEnv (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogEnv(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqEnvS
void LogEnv (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogEnv(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqEnvS
void LogLink (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogLink(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqLinkS
void LogLink (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogLink(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqLinkS
void LogSetup (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogSetup(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqSetupS
void LogSetup (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogSetup(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqSetupS
void LogShort (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0, MK_STRN label=NULL) const
  C++: ctx.LogShort(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0, MK_STRN label = NULL) C-API
log the MqContextC with less info then MqContextLog
void LogShort (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0, MK_STRN label=NULL) const
  C++: ctx.LogShort(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0, MK_STRN label = NULL) C-API
log the MqContextC with less info then MqContextLog
void LogType (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogType(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part MkTypeS
void LogType (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogType(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part MkTypeS
MK_STRN LogParentOrChild () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.LogParentOrChild() C-API
is ctx a PARENT or a CHILD ? …
MK_STRN LogServerOrClient () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.LogServerOrClient() C-API
is ctx a SERVER or a CLIENT ? …
MkBufferCGetBuffer ()
  C++: MkBufferC* ctx.GetBuffer() C-API
get the libmqmsgque::MqContextS::ctxbuf object
MqContextCGetRoot ()
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.GetRoot() C-API
get the Root (toplevel initial context)
void Exit (MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_STRN callfile=__builtin_FILE(), MK_I32 callline=__builtin_LINE())
  C++: ctx.Exit(MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_STRN callfile = __builtin_FILE(), MK_I32 callline = __builtin_LINE()) C-API
delete the context and exit the current process or thread …
void ProcessEvent (MqWaitOnEventE wait=MQ_WAIT_NO, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.ProcessEvent(MqWaitOnEventE wait = MQ_WAIT_NO, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
enter the event-loop and wait for an incoming service-request. …
void ProxyForward (MqContextC *targetCtx, MqDumpC *dump=NULL, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: sourceCtx.ProxyForward(MqContextC* targetCtx, MqDumpC* dump = NULL, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
send the entire read-data-package-data to the link-target
void ProxyForward (const MqContextC &targetCtx, const MqDumpC &dump, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: sourceCtx.ProxyForward(MqContextC* targetCtx, MqDumpC* dump = NULL, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
send the entire read-data-package-data to the link-target
void ProxyItem (MqContextC *targetCtx)
  C++: sourceCtx.ProxyItem(MqContextC* targetCtx) C-API
Copy a single-data-item from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx.
void ProxyItem (const MqContextC &targetCtx)
  C++: sourceCtx.ProxyItem(MqContextC* targetCtx) C-API
Copy a single-data-item from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx.
MkBufferListCReadALL (MkBufferListC *val_inout=NULL)
  C++: MkBufferListC* ctx.ReadALL(MkBufferListC* val_inout = NULL) C-API
get a temporary MkBufferListC from all data in the read-data-package
MkBufferListCReadBFL ()
  C++: MkBufferListC* ctx.ReadBFL() C-API
get a temporary MkBufferListC from next list-item in the read-data-package
MkBufferCReadBUF ()
  C++: MkBufferC* ctx.ReadBUF() C-API
get a temporary MkBufferC from the read-data-package
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadBIN C-API
generic function to read an libmkkernel::MK_BIN object from the read-data-package object …
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadBOL C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MK_BNP ReadBinaryR ()
  C++: MK_BNP ctx.ReadBinaryR() C-API
read a MkBinaryR from the read-data-package
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadDBL C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadFLT C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
  C++: MK_HDL ctx.ReadHDL() C-API
read the handle from the read-data-package
MK_I16 ReadI16 ()
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadI16 C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MK_I32 ReadI32 ()
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadI32 C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MK_I64 ReadI64 ()
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadI64 C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MK_I8 ReadI8 ()
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadI8 C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MkBufferListCReadLIST ()
  C++: MkBufferListC* ctx.ReadLIST() C-API
get all arguments as native list …
  C++: MK_LONG ctx.ReadLONG() C-API
read the long native object from the read-data-package
MkBufferCReadNEXT ()
  C++: MkBufferC* ctx.ReadNEXT() C-API
get the next argument as native object …
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadSTR C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
std::string ReadStringR ()
  C++: std::string ctx.ReadStringR() C-API
read a MkStringR from the read-data-package
void ReadL_END ()
  C++: ctx.ReadL_END() C-API
finish to extract a list-items from the read-data-package. …
void ReadL_START (MkBufferC *buf=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ReadL_START(MkBufferC* buf = NULL) C-API
start to extract a list-items from the read-data-package. …
void ReadL_START (const MkBufferC &buf)
  C++: ctx.ReadL_START(MkBufferC* buf = NULL) C-API
start to extract a list-items from the read-data-package. …
void ReadT_END ()
  C++: ctx.ReadT_END() C-API
finish to extract a longterm-transaction-item from the read-data-package. …
void ReadT_START ()
  C++: ctx.ReadT_START() C-API
start to extract a longterm-transaction-item from the read-data-package. …
void ReadDbg ()
MkTypeE ReadGetNextType ()
  C++: MkTypeE ctx.ReadGetNextType() C-API
get the type (MkTypeE) of the next Item in the read-data-buffer or "0" if not available
MK_NUM ReadGetNumItems ()
  C++: MK_NUM ctx.ReadGetNumItems() C-API
get the number of items left in the read-data-package
MK_BOOL ReadItemExists ()
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ReadItemExists() C-API
check if an item exists in the read-data-package
void ReadUndo ()
  C++: ctx.ReadUndo() C-API
undo the last MqContextC READ API function call …
MkBufferListCRouteGetTree ()
  C++: MkBufferListC* ctx.RouteGetTree() C-API
create an overview about all available routing-target and services …
void RouteCreate (MK_STRN route, MK_STRN service, MK_BOOL overwrite=false)
  C++: ctx.RouteCreate(MK_STRN route, MK_STRN service, MK_BOOL overwrite = false) C-API
create/delete a routing-link between context an a service using route
void RouteCreate (const std::string &route, const std::string &service, MK_BOOL overwrite=false)
  C++: ctx.RouteCreate(MK_STRN route, MK_STRN service, MK_BOOL overwrite = false) C-API
create/delete a routing-link between context an a service using route
void RouteDelete (MK_STRN route, MK_STRN service, MK_BOOL overwrite=false)
  C++: ctx.RouteDelete(MK_STRN route, MK_STRN service, MK_BOOL overwrite = false) C-API
delete a routing-link created with MqRouteCreate
void RouteDelete (const std::string &route, const std::string &service, MK_BOOL overwrite=false)
  C++: ctx.RouteDelete(MK_STRN route, MK_STRN service, MK_BOOL overwrite = false) C-API
delete a routing-link created with MqRouteCreate
MqContextC_A RouteResolve (MK_STRN ident, MK_NUM retnum=-1)
  C++: MqContextC_A ctx.RouteResolve(MK_STRN ident, MK_NUM retnum = -1) C-API
return a list of all context belonging to ident
MqContextC_A RouteResolve (const std::string &ident, MK_NUM retnum=-1)
  C++: MqContextC_A ctx.RouteResolve(MK_STRN ident, MK_NUM retnum = -1) C-API
return a list of all context belonging to ident
void RouteTraverse (MK_STRN service, MkBufferListC *args=NULL)
  C++: ctx.RouteTraverse(MK_STRN service, MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
traverse a tree down and call service if available.
void RouteTraverse (MK_STRN service, const MkBufferListC &args)
  C++: ctx.RouteTraverse(MK_STRN service, MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
traverse a tree down and call service if available.
void RouteTraverse (const std::string &service, MkBufferListC *args=NULL)
  C++: ctx.RouteTraverse(MK_STRN service, MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
traverse a tree down and call service if available.
void RouteTraverse (const std::string &service, const MkBufferListC &args)
  C++: ctx.RouteTraverse(MK_STRN service, MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
traverse a tree down and call service if available.
MK_STRN RouteGetPath ()
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.RouteGetPath() C-API
return the absolut route-connection-string up to the current ctx
void SendBFL (const MkBufferListC *val)
  C++: ctx.SendBFL(const MkBufferListC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferListC object to the send-data-package object …
void SendBFL (const MkBufferListC &val)
  C++: ctx.SendBFL(const MkBufferListC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferListC object to the send-data-package object …
void SendBIN (MK_BNP val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendBIN C-API
append a libmkkernel::MK_BIN object to the send-data-package. …
void SendBOL (MK_BOL val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendBOL C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendBUF (const MkBufferC *val)
  C++: ctx.SendBUF(const MkBufferC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferC object to the send-data-package object …
void SendBUF (const MkBufferC &val)
  C++: ctx.SendBUF(const MkBufferC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferC object to the send-data-package object …
void SendBUS_FLAT (const MkBufferStreamC *val)
  C++: ctx.SendBUS_FLAT(const MkBufferStreamC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferStreamC object to the send-data-package object …
void SendBUS_FLAT (const MkBufferStreamC &val)
  C++: ctx.SendBUS_FLAT(const MkBufferStreamC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferStreamC object to the send-data-package object …
void SendBinaryR (MK_BNP val)
  C++: ctx.SendBinaryR(MK_BNP val) C-API
append a MkBinaryR object to the send-data-package. …
void SendDBL (MK_DBL val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendDBL C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendFLT (MK_FLT val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendFLT C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendHDL (MK_HDL val)
  C++: ctx.SendHDL(MK_HDL val) C-API
send the handle to the send-data-package
void SendI16 (MK_I16 val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendI16 C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendI32 (MK_I32 val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendI32 C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendI64 (MK_I64 val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendI64 C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendI8 (MK_I8 val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendI8 C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendLONG (MK_LONG val)
  C++: ctx.SendLONG(MK_LONG val) C-API
send the long native object to the send-data-package
void SendLTR (MQ_LTR transLId)
void SendL_FLAT (const MkBufferListC *val)
  C++: ctx.SendL_FLAT(const MkBufferListC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferListC object as flat list of items to the send-data-package object …
void SendL_FLAT (const MkBufferListC &val)
  C++: ctx.SendL_FLAT(const MkBufferListC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferListC object as flat list of items to the send-data-package object …
void SendSTR (MK_STRN val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendSTR C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendSTR (const std::string &val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendSTR C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendStringR (const std::string &val)
  C++: ctx.SendStringR(const std::string& val) C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendV (MK_FST printfmt,...)
  C++: ctx.SendV(MK_FST printfmt, ... ) C-API
append a vararg string to the send-data-package object …
void SendVL (MK_FST printfmt, va_list var_list)
  C++: ctx.SendVL(MK_FST printfmt, va_list var_list) C-API
append a vararg string as va_list to the send-data-package object …
void SendEND (MQ_TOK token, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND(MQ_TOK token, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
MqContextC - finish the send-data-block and call synchronous/asynchronous a remote-service
void SendEND (const std::string &token, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND(MQ_TOK token, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
MqContextC - finish the send-data-block and call synchronous/asynchronous a remote-service
void SendEND_AND_CALLBACK (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceCCB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_CALLBACK(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do not-wait for the result but expect the result on a callback
void SendEND_AND_CALLBACK (const std::string &token, MqServiceCCB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_CALLBACK(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do not-wait for the result but expect the result on a callback
void SendEND_AND_CALLBACK (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_CALLBACK(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do not-wait for the result but expect the result on a callback
void SendEND_AND_CALLBACK (const std::string &token, MqServiceICB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_CALLBACK(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do not-wait for the result but expect the result on a callback
void SendEND_AND_CALLBACK (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceIF *callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_CALLBACK(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do not-wait for the result but expect the result on a callback
void SendEND_AND_CALLBACK (const std::string &token, MqServiceIF *callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_CALLBACK(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do not-wait for the result but expect the result on a callback
void SendEND_AND_SUB (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceCCB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_SUB(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do wait for the result and expect multiple sub-results on a callback
void SendEND_AND_SUB (const std::string &token, MqServiceCCB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_SUB(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do wait for the result and expect multiple sub-results on a callback
void SendEND_AND_SUB (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_SUB(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do wait for the result and expect multiple sub-results on a callback
void SendEND_AND_SUB (const std::string &token, MqServiceICB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_SUB(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do wait for the result and expect multiple sub-results on a callback
void SendEND_AND_SUB (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceIF *callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_SUB(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do wait for the result and expect multiple sub-results on a callback
void SendEND_AND_SUB (const std::string &token, MqServiceIF *callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_SUB(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do wait for the result and expect multiple sub-results on a callback
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service to do a longterm-transaction-call
void SendEND_AND_TRANSACTION (const std::string &token, const std::string &callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service to do a longterm-transaction-call
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service and wait for result…
void SendEND_AND_WAIT (const std::string &token, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service and wait for result…
void SendSTART ()
  C++: ctx.SendSTART() C-API
initialize the send-data-package. …
void SendSYNC ()
  C++: ctx.SendSYNC() C-API
garantee that all pending asynchronous-service-calls are processed. …
void SendL_END ()
  C++: ctx.SendL_END() C-API
finish to append an embedded body-list-item to the send-data-package. …
void SendL_START ()
  C++: ctx.SendL_START() C-API
start to append an embedded body-list-item to the send-data-package. …
void SendT_END ()
  C++: ctx.SendT_END() C-API
closed a longterm-transaction-item
void SendT_START ()
  C++: ctx.SendT_START() C-API
open a longterm-transaction-item
void SendERROR ()
  C++: ctx.SendERROR() C-API
send the data from the MkErrorC to the link target . …
void SendRETURN ()
  C++: ctx.SendRETURN() C-API
MqContextC - finish the send-data-block on the server and optional return the results. …
void SendRETURN_SUB ()
  C++: ctx.SendRETURN_SUB() C-API
return Sub-Data-Blocks required by MqSendEND_AND_SUB
void ServiceCreate (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceCCB callback)
  C++: ctx.ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
void ServiceCreate (const std::string &token, MqServiceCCB callback)
  C++: ctx.ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
void ServiceCreate (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB callback)
  C++: ctx.ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
void ServiceCreate (const std::string &token, MqServiceICB callback)
  C++: ctx.ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
void ServiceCreate (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceIF *callback)
  C++: ctx.ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
void ServiceCreate (const std::string &token, MqServiceIF *callback)
  C++: ctx.ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
void ServiceDelete (MQ_TOK token)
  C++: ctx.ServiceDelete(MQ_TOK token) C-API
delete a service. …
void ServiceDelete (const std::string &token)
  C++: ctx.ServiceDelete(MQ_TOK token) C-API
delete a service. …
MK_BOOL ServiceIsTransaction ()
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceIsTransaction() C-API
check if the ongoing-service-call belongs to a transaction …
void ServiceProxy (MQ_TOK token, MQ_SLAVE_ID id=MQ_SLAVE_OTHER)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxy(MQ_TOK token, MQ_SLAVE_ID id = MQ_SLAVE_OTHER) C-API
create a service to link a master-context with a slave-context. …
void ServiceProxy (const std::string &token, MQ_SLAVE_ID id=MQ_SLAVE_OTHER)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxy(MQ_TOK token, MQ_SLAVE_ID id = MQ_SLAVE_OTHER) C-API
create a service to link a master-context with a slave-context. …
void ServiceProxyCtx (MQ_TOK token, MqContextC *target)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxyCtx(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
same as MqServiceProxy but use an MqContextC as input.
void ServiceProxyCtx (MQ_TOK token, const MqContextC &target)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxyCtx(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
same as MqServiceProxy but use an MqContextC as input.
void ServiceProxyCtx (const std::string &token, MqContextC *target)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxyCtx(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
same as MqServiceProxy but use an MqContextC as input.
void ServiceProxyCtx (const std::string &token, const MqContextC &target)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxyCtx(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
same as MqServiceProxy but use an MqContextC as input.
MK_BOOL ServiceProxyCtxExists (MQ_TOK token, MqContextC *target)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceProxyCtxExists(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
check if service who belongs to token is a proxy-service
MK_BOOL ServiceProxyCtxExists (MQ_TOK token, const MqContextC &target)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceProxyCtxExists(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
check if service who belongs to token is a proxy-service
MK_BOOL ServiceProxyCtxExists (const std::string &token, MqContextC *target)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceProxyCtxExists(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
check if service who belongs to token is a proxy-service
MK_BOOL ServiceProxyCtxExists (const std::string &token, const MqContextC &target)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceProxyCtxExists(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
check if service who belongs to token is a proxy-service
void ServiceProxyRoundRobin (MQ_TOK token, MK_STRN ident)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxyRoundRobin(MQ_TOK token, MK_STRN ident) C-API
create a proxy-service using Round-Robin as load-balancer …
void ServiceProxyRoundRobin (const std::string &token, const std::string &ident)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxyRoundRobin(MQ_TOK token, MK_STRN ident) C-API
create a proxy-service using Round-Robin as load-balancer …
void ServiceStorage (MQ_TOK token)
  C++: ctx.ServiceStorage(MQ_TOK token) C-API
setup a service listen on a MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer and save all read-data-package into the STORAGE
void ServiceStorage (const std::string &token)
  C++: ctx.ServiceStorage(MQ_TOK token) C-API
setup a service listen on a MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer and save all read-data-package into the STORAGE
MK_BOOL ServiceTokenCheck (MQ_TOK token)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceTokenCheck(MQ_TOK token) C-API
in an ongoing-service-call check if the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer is token
MK_BOOL ServiceTokenCheck (const std::string &token)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceTokenCheck(MQ_TOK token) C-API
in an ongoing-service-call check if the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer is token
MK_BOOL ServiceTokenExists (MQ_TOK token)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceTokenExists(MQ_TOK token) C-API
check if the MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer token is defined as ctx service …
MK_BOOL ServiceTokenExists (const std::string &token)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceTokenExists(MQ_TOK token) C-API
check if the MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer token is defined as ctx service …
MQ_TOK ServiceTokenGet ()
  C++: MQ_TOK ctx.ServiceTokenGet() C-API
in an ongoing-service-call get the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer
MqContextCSlaveGetMaster ()
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.SlaveGetMaster() C-API
opposite function of MqSlaveGetFilter
MqContextCSlaveGet (MQ_SLAVE_ID id)
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.SlaveGet(MQ_SLAVE_ID id) C-API
get the slave-context from a master-context
MqContextCSlaveGetFilter ()
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.SlaveGetFilter() C-API
get the filter-ctx or the master-ctx
MqContextCSlaveGetProxy (MQ_SLAVE_ID id)
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.SlaveGetProxy(MQ_SLAVE_ID id) C-API
on slave return the master and on master return the slave identified by id.
MK_BOOL SlaveCheck (MQ_SLAVE_ID id) const
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.SlaveCheck(MQ_SLAVE_ID id) C-API
check if slave-id is valid
void SlaveCreate (MQ_SLAVE_ID id, MqContextC *slave)
  C++: ctx.SlaveCreate(MQ_SLAVE_ID id, MqContextC* slave) C-API
create a master/slave link between the master-parent-context and the slave-parent-context …
void SlaveCreate (MQ_SLAVE_ID id, const MqContextC &slave)
  C++: ctx.SlaveCreate(MQ_SLAVE_ID id, MqContextC* slave) C-API
create a master/slave link between the master-parent-context and the slave-parent-context …
void SlaveDelete (MQ_SLAVE_ID id)
  C++: ctx.SlaveDelete(MQ_SLAVE_ID id) C-API
Delete a slave object from a master/slave link identified by id. …
MK_BOOL SlaveIs () const
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.SlaveIs() C-API
is the context a slave-context ? …
void SlaveWorker (MQ_SLAVE_ID id, MK_STRN fct="WORKER", MkBufferListC *args=NULL)
  C++: ctx.SlaveWorker(MQ_SLAVE_ID id, MK_STRN fct = "WORKER", MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
create a master/slave link using the image of the ctx object self. …
MQ_LTR StorageDelete (MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout=NULL)
  C++: MQ_LTR ctx.StorageDelete(MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout = NULL) C-API
delete the storage-row identified by the transLIdP_inout
MQ_LTR StorageImport (MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout=NULL)
  C++: MQ_LTR ctx.StorageImport(MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout = NULL) C-API
import the storage-package into the read-data-package
void StorageClose ()
  C++: ctx.StorageClose() C-API
close the storage. …
void StorageDecrRef (MQ_LTR transLId)
  C++: ctx.StorageDecrRef(MQ_LTR transLId) C-API
decrease the internal refCount lock of the database-entry
void StorageIncrRef (MQ_LTR transLId)
  C++: ctx.StorageIncrRef(MQ_LTR transLId) C-API
increase the internal refCount lock of the database-entry
void StorageLog (MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION())
  C++: ctx.StorageLog(MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION()) C-API
log the storage the status of the open transactions
void StorageOpen (MK_STRN storageFile)
  C++: ctx.StorageOpen(MK_STRN storageFile) C-API
switch to a file-based-transaction-database
void StorageOpen (const std::string &storageFile)
  C++: ctx.StorageOpen(MK_STRN storageFile) C-API
switch to a file-based-transaction-database
MQ_LTR StorageCount ()
  C++: MQ_LTR ctx.StorageCount() C-API
count the number of storage-rows
MK_I32 StorageErrCnt (MQ_LTR transLId)
  C++: MK_I32 ctx.StorageErrCnt(MQ_LTR transLId) C-API
increment and return the database row-error-count for the row defined with transLId
MQ_LTR StorageExport ()
  C++: MQ_LTR ctx.StorageExport() C-API
export the read-data-package into the STORAGE
std::tuple< MqContextC *, MQ_LTRStorageResolve ()
  C++: {otherCtxP:MqContextC* otherLIdP:MQ_LTR} ctx.StorageResolve() C-API
extract the context->link.protect.rmtTransLId entry from the database
 MqContextC (MqContextC *tmpl=NULL)
  C++: [constructor,static] MqContextC* MqContextC::Create(MqContextC* tmpl = NULL) C-API
create and initialize the MqContextC ...
bool isParent ()
bool isChild ()
bool isMaster ()
bool isSlave ()
void LinkCheckOptionI32 (MK_STRN opt, MK_I32 *val)
  C++: ctx.LinkCreate(MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
make ctx to a parent-context and setup a new client-server-link
void SlaveWorker (MK_NUM id, MK_STRN factory, const MkBufferListC &args)
  C++: ctx.SlaveWorker(MQ_SLAVE_ID id, MK_STRN fct = "WORKER", MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
create a master/slave link using the image of the ctx object self. …
MkBufferListCSend (MK_STRN cstr,...)
  C++: ctx.Send(MK_STRN cstr, ... ) C-API
user friendly replacement for the MqContextC_SendApi_C_API … default MqTokenICB
MkBufferListCSend (const std::string &str,...)
MkBufferListCSend (MK_STRN cstr, MqTokenICB const callback,...)
  C++: ctx.Send(MK_STRN cstr, ... ) C-API
user friendly replacement for the MqContextC_SendApi_C_API … default MqTokenICB
MkBufferListCSend (const std::string &str, MqTokenICB const callback,...)
MkBufferListCSend (MK_STRN cstr, MqTokenCCB const callback,...)
  C++: ctx.Send(MK_STRN cstr, ... ) C-API
user friendly replacement for the MqContextC_SendApi_C_API … default MqTokenCCB
MkBufferListCSend (const std::string &str, MqTokenCCB const callback,...)
MkBufferListCSend (MK_STRN cstr, IService *const service,...)
  C++: ctx.Send(MK_STRN cstr, ... ) C-API
user friendly replacement for the MqContextC_SendApi_C_API … default ccmqmsgque::IService
MkBufferListCSend (const std::string &str, IService *const service,...)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ccmkkernel::MkObjectC
MK_OBJ getOBJ () const
MK_OBJ getOBJ__null_allow () const
MK_OBJN getOBJN () const
MK_OBJN getOBJN__null_allow () const
bool Check () const
virtual ~MkObjectC ()
MK_MNG getMNG () const
MK_STRN ToNativeNameOfClass () const
MK_STR SysStrDup (MK_STRN str)
void SysFree (MK_PTR tgt)
void Sleep (unsigned int const sec)
void USleep (unsigned int const usec)
void HandleDelete ()
MK_HDL HandleGet ()
MkObjectCNext ()
MkObjectCPrev ()
void DbgDump (MK_STRN message="var", MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
void DbgL (MK_STRN message, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
void DbgL (const std::string &message, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
void DbgLogC (MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
void DbgO (MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
void DbgSTACK (MK_I32 skip=0, MK_I32 num=-1, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
void LogC (MK_STRN message, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
void LogC (const std::string &message, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
void LogHEX (MK_STRN callfunc, MK_BNP data) const
void LogHEX (const std::string &callfunc, MK_BNP data) const
void LogV (MK_STRN callfunc, MK_DBG debug, MK_FST printfmt,...) const
void LogV (const std::string &callfunc, MK_DBG debug, MK_FST printfmt,...) const
void LogVL (MK_STRN callfunc, MK_DBG debug, MK_FST printfmt, va_list var_list) const
void LogVL (const std::string &callfunc, MK_DBG debug, MK_FST printfmt, va_list var_list) const
void Log (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
void Log (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
void LogDetail (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
void LogDetail (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
void LogSimple (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
void LogSimple (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
MkErrorCErrorCatch (std::exception *exception=NULL, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
MkErrorCErrorCatch (const std::exception &exception, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
MkErrorCToError ()
MK_I32 HandleGetOfType ()
MK_BOOL IsNull ()
MK_STRN ToName () const
MK_STRN ToNameOfClass ()
MK_STRN ToNameOfType () const
MK_STRN ToString () const
MK_I32 RefGet ()
void SysKill (MK_I32 pid, MK_I32 signal) const
MK_I32 SysGetPid () const
void Delete ()
void Dispose ()
void DeleteCallbackSetup (MK_STRN ident, MkObjectDeleteCCB callback=NULL, MK_STRN filter=NULL)
void DeleteCallbackSetup (const std::string &ident, MkObjectDeleteCCB callback=NULL, MK_STRN filter=NULL)
void DeleteCallbackSetup (MK_STRN ident, MkObjectDeleteICB callback=NULL, MK_STRN filter=NULL)
void DeleteCallbackSetup (const std::string &ident, MkObjectDeleteICB callback=NULL, MK_STRN filter=NULL)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ccmqmsgque::IServerSetup
- Public Member Functions inherited from ccmqmsgque::IServerCleanup
- Public Member Functions inherited from ccmqmsgque::IEvent
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ccmqmsgque::MqContextC
static thread_local MqContextC MK_NULL_REF = {(MK_OBJ)0}
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ccmkkernel::MkObjectC
static thread_local MkObjectC MK_NULL_REF
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ccmqmsgque::MqContextC
 MqContextC (MK_TYP const typ, MqContextC *tmpl=NULL)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ccmkkernel::MkObjectC
void atomInit (MK_OBJ obj)
 MkObjectC ()
 MkObjectC (MK_OBJ obj)
void ErrorCheck (enum MkErrorE err, MK_STRN const caller=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 const line=__builtin_LINE()) const
void ErrorCheck (MK_STRN const caller=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 const line=__builtin_LINE()) const
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ccmkkernel::MkObjectC
static void ErrorCheck (MK_MNGN mng, enum MkErrorE err, MK_STRN const caller=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 const line=__builtin_LINE())
static MK_PTR atomObjNew (MK_RT mkrt, MK_OBJ obj)
static MK_PTR atomObjCreate (MK_RT mkrt, MK_OBJ obj)
- Protected Attributes inherited from ccmkkernel::MkObjectC
MK_OBJ hdl

Detailed Description

Definition at line 29 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Filter6()

Filter6::Filter6 ( MK_TYP const typ,
MqContextC * tmpl = NULL )

Definition at line 36 of file

36 : MqContextC(typ, tmpl) {
38 rgx = "^(?:Filter6-1|Filter6|fs1.*)$";
39 }
regex rgx
void ConfigSetIgnoreExit(MK_BOOL data)
C++: ctx.ConfigSetIgnoreExit(MK_BOOL data) → C-API set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ignoreExit va...

Member Function Documentation

◆ ErrorWrite()

void Filter6::ErrorWrite ( )

Definition at line 45 of file

45 {
46 auto err = ErrorFORMAT();
47 fprintf(FH, "ERROR: %s\n", err->GetText());
48 fflush(FH);
49 err->Reset();
50 }
MkErrorC * ErrorFORMAT() const
C++: MkErrorC* fmtobj.ErrorFORMAT() → C-API helper used to access MkErrorDEFAULT from MqContext...
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Event()

void Filter6::Event ( )

Implements ccmqmsgque::IEvent.

Definition at line 91 of file

91 {
92 // check if data is available
93 if (StorageCount() == 0LL) {
94 // no data available, set error-code to CONTINUE
96 } else {
97 MQ_LTR Id = 0LL;
98 // an item is available, try to send the data
99 try {
100 // get the filter-context
101 MqContextC *ftr = SlaveGetFilter();
102 // read package from storage
103 Id = StorageImport();
104 // forward the entire BDY data to the ftr-target
105 try {
106 ProxyForward(ftr);
107 } catch (const MkExceptionC& e) {
108 if (StorageErrCnt(Id) <= Filter6::retryCnt) {
109 StorageDecrRef(Id);
110 return;
111 } else {
112 throw;
113 }
114 } catch (...) {
115 throw;
116 }
117 } catch (const exception& e) {
118 ErrorCatch (e);
119 // on error write the error-text and "forget" the data
120 ErrorWrite();
121 }
122 // on "success" or on "error" delete item from storage
123 if (Id != 0LL) StorageDelete(&Id);
124 }
125 }
static MK_I32 retryCnt
void ErrorWrite()
PUBLIC data structure for the ccmqmsgque-specific-data → C-API: libmqmsgque::MqContextS
MkErrorC * ErrorCatch(std::exception *exception=NULL, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
void ProxyForward(MqContextC *targetCtx, MqDumpC *dump=NULL, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
C++: sourceCtx.ProxyForward(MqContextC* targetCtx, MqDumpC* dump = NULL, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIME...
MqContextC * SlaveGetFilter()
C++: MqContextC* ctx.SlaveGetFilter() → C-API get the filter-ctx or the master-ctx …
MK_I32 StorageErrCnt(MQ_LTR transLId)
C++: MK_I32 ctx.StorageErrCnt(MQ_LTR transLId) → C-API increment and return the database row-er...
MQ_LTR StorageDelete(MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout=NULL)
C++: MQ_LTR ctx.StorageDelete(MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout = NULL) → C-API delete the storage-row id...
void StorageDecrRef(MQ_LTR transLId)
C++: ctx.StorageDecrRef(MQ_LTR transLId) → C-API decrease the internal refCount lock of the dat...
MQ_LTR StorageCount()
C++: MQ_LTR ctx.StorageCount() → C-API count the number of storage-rows …
MQ_LTR StorageImport(MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout=NULL)
C++: MQ_LTR ctx.StorageImport(MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout = NULL) → C-API import the storage-packag...
int MQ_LTR
32bit longterm transaction token because PHP-32 does NOT support long long

◆ EXIT()

void Filter6::EXIT ( )

Definition at line 78 of file

78 {
79 Exit();
80 }
void Exit(MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_STRN callfile=__builtin_FILE(), MK_I32 callline=__builtin_LINE())
C++: ctx.Exit(MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_STRN callfile = __builtin_FILE(),...
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FilterIn()

void Filter6::FilterIn ( )

Definition at line 86 of file

86 {
88 SendRETURN();
89 }
void SendRETURN()
C++: ctx.SendRETURN() → C-API MqContextC - finish the send-data-block on the server and optiona...
MQ_LTR StorageExport()
C++: MQ_LTR ctx.StorageExport() → C-API export the read-data-package into the STORAGE …
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Help()

static void Filter6::Help ( MK_STRN base)

Definition at line 155 of file

156 {
157 fputs("\n", stderr);
158 fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [OPTION]... [ARGUMENT]...\n", base);
159 fputs("\n", stderr);
160 fputs(" This tool is database (MqStorage...) test tool of NHI1.\n", stderr);
161 fputs("\n", stderr);
162 fprintf(stderr, " %s [ARGUMENT]... syntax:\n", base);
163 fprintf(stderr, " aclient... %c %s ... %c aserver\n", MK_ALFA, base, MK_ALFA);
164 fputs("\n", stderr);
165 fputs(MqHelp (NULL), stderr);
166 fputs("\n", stderr);
167 fprintf(stderr, " %s [OPTION]:\n", base);
168 fputs( " -h, --help print this help\n", stderr);
169 fputs("\n", stderr);
170 fputs( " --retryCnt how often an item should be send on error (default: 3)\n", stderr);
171 fputs("\n", stderr);
173 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
174 }
#define MK_ALFA
write ccmqmsgque specific user-help to stderr

◆ LOGF()

void Filter6::LOGF ( )

Definition at line 52 of file

52 {
53 // get the "link-target"
55 // check "Ident" from the "link-target"
56 if (std::regex_match(ftr->ConfigGetName(),rgx)) {
57 // if "Ident" is not "transFilter" use the data as file-name to open a file
58 FH = fopen (ReadSTR(), "a");
59 } else {
60 // if "Ident" is "transFilter" send the data to the "link-target"
61 ProxyForward(ftr);
62 }
63 SendRETURN();
64 }
MK_STRN ConfigGetName() const
C++: MK_STRN ctx.ConfigGetName() → C-API get the name of the context object
C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadSTR → C-API read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package …
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ServerCleanup()

void Filter6::ServerCleanup ( )

Implements ccmqmsgque::IServerCleanup.

Definition at line 127 of file

127 {
128 if (FH != NULL) fclose (FH);
129 }

◆ ServerSetup()

void Filter6::ServerSetup ( )

Implements ccmqmsgque::IServerSetup.

Definition at line 132 of file

132 {
133 MqContextC *ftr = SlaveGetFilter();
134 FH = NULL;
135 // SERVER: listen on every token (+ALL)
140 ServiceStorage ("PRNT");
141 ServiceStorage ("PRN2");
142 ftr->ServiceCreate ("WRIT", MqTokenCCB(&Filter6::WRIT));
144 ftr->ServiceProxy ("WRT2", MQ_SLAVE_MASTER);
146 if (isParent()) {
147 LinkCheckOptionI32 ("--retryCnt", &Filter6::retryCnt);
148 }
149 }
void FilterIn()
void EXIT()
void SOEX()
static void WRIT(MqContextC *ctx)
void LOGF()
void(*) MqTokenCCB(MqContextC *)
void ServiceProxy(MQ_TOK token, MQ_SLAVE_ID id=MQ_SLAVE_OTHER)
C++: ctx.ServiceProxy(MQ_TOK token, MQ_SLAVE_ID id = MQ_SLAVE_OTHER) → C-API create a service t...
void ServiceStorage(MQ_TOK token)
C++: ctx.ServiceStorage(MQ_TOK token) → C-API setup a service listen on a MqContextC_ServiceApi...
void ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceCCB callback)
C++: ctx.ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback) ...
internal: the master-slave-id, (on a slave get the master)

◆ SOEX()

void Filter6::SOEX ( )

Definition at line 82 of file

82 {
84 }
void SetEXIT(MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION())
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ WRIT()

static void Filter6::WRIT ( MqContextC * ctx)

Definition at line 66 of file

66 {
67 // get the "master"
68 Filter6 *master = dynamic_cast<Filter6*>(ctx->SlaveGetMaster());
69 if (std::regex_match(master->ConfigGetName(),master->rgx)) {
70 fprintf (master->FH, "%s\n", ctx->ReadSTR());
71 fflush (master->FH);
72 } else {
73 ctx->ProxyForward(master);
74 }
75 ctx->SendRETURN();
76 }
MqContextC * SlaveGetMaster()
C++: MqContextC* ctx.SlaveGetMaster() → C-API opposite function of MqSlaveGetFilter
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ MqFactoryCT< Filter6 >

friend class MqFactoryCT< Filter6 >

Definition at line 186 of file

Member Data Documentation

◆ FH

FILE* Filter6::FH

Definition at line 42 of file

◆ retryCnt

int Filter6::retryCnt = 3

Definition at line 33 of file

◆ rgx

regex Filter6::rgx

Definition at line 43 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: