theLink 10.0 NHI1 - theKernel - theLink - theConfig - theSq3Lite - theCompiler - theBrain - theGuard
c - tcl - cs - py - rb - jv - cc
No Matches
Filter4 Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for Filter4:
+ Collaboration diagram for Filter4:

Public Member Functions

 Filter4 (MK_TYP const typ=NULL, MqContextC *tmpl=NULL)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ccmqmsgque::MqContextC
 MqContextC (MQ_CTX hdl)
MQ_CTX getCTX () const
 return the LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC instance
MQ_CTX getCTX__null_allow () const
 return the LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC instance
MQ_CTXN getCTXN () const
 (const) return the LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC instance
MQ_CTXN getCTXN__null_allow () const
 (const) return the LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC instance
bool Check () const
 check if pointer is still valid
void Init (MK_STRN caller=__builtin_FUNCTION())
 operator MqContextC * ()
MqContextCNext ()
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.Next() C-API
get next instance from linked-list of MqContextS type
MqContextCPrev ()
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.Prev() C-API
get previous instance from linked-list of MqContextS type
MqFactoryCClassFactoryGet () const
  C++: MqFactoryC* ctx.ClassFactoryGet() C-API
get the MqFactoryC used by the MqContextC
void ClassFactorySet (MqFactoryC *item)
  C++: ctx.ClassFactorySet(MqFactoryC* item) C-API
link the MqContextC to a new MqFactoryC
void ClassFactorySet (const MqFactoryC &item)
  C++: ctx.ClassFactorySet(MqFactoryC* item) C-API
link the MqContextC to a new MqFactoryC
MK_STRN ClassIdentGet () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.ClassIdentGet() C-API
get the application-identification
void ClassIdentSet (MK_STRN ident)
  C++: ctx.ClassIdentSet(MK_STRN ident) C-API
link the MqContextC to a new MqFactoryC identified by ident
void ClassIdentSet (const std::string &ident)
  C++: ctx.ClassIdentSet(MK_STRN ident) C-API
link the MqContextC to a new MqFactoryC identified by ident
MK_STRN ClassOriginalIdentGet () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.ClassOriginalIdentGet() C-API
get the libmqmsgque::MqFactoryS::originalIdent from the MqContextC
MkBufferListCConfigGetIoTcpL ()
  C++: MkBufferListC* ctx.ConfigGetIoTcpL() C-API
get the configuration-data of the tcp-client-server-link as MkBufferListC
MK_I32 ConfigGetBuffersize () const
  C++: MK_I32 ctx.ConfigGetBuffersize() C-API
get the minimum of the read/send buffersize of the socket
MqIdentE ConfigGetIdentFrom ()
  C++: MqIdentE ctx.ConfigGetIdentFrom() C-API
get the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::identFrom
MQ_SOCK_HDL ConfigGetIoPipe ()
  C++: MQ_SOCK_HDL ctx.ConfigGetIoPipe() C-API
return the libmqmsgque::MqIoPipeConfigS
MK_STRN ConfigGetIoUds () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.ConfigGetIoUds() C-API
return the libmqmsgque::MqIoUdsConfigS
MK_BOOL ConfigGetIsParent ()
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ConfigGetIsParent() C-API
does the context object is a parent ? An objext is a parent id the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::parent attribute is MK_NULL
MK_BOOL ConfigGetIsServer ()
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ConfigGetIsServer() C-API
does the context object is a server ?
MK_BOOL ConfigGetIsString ()
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ConfigGetIsString() C-API
does the context object is using the string-mode ?
MK_STRN ConfigGetName () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.ConfigGetName() C-API
get the name of the context object
MK_I32 ConfigGetPkgsize () const
  C++: MK_I32 ctx.ConfigGetPkgsize() C-API
get the maximun size of a BDY package
MK_STRN ConfigGetPostfix () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.ConfigGetPostfix() C-API
get the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispPostfix
MK_STRN ConfigGetPrefix () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.ConfigGetPrefix() C-API
get the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispPrefix
MqStartE ConfigGetStartAs ()
  C++: MqStartE ctx.ConfigGetStartAs() C-API
return the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::startAs value
MqStatusIsEF ConfigGetStatusIs ()
  C++: MqStatusIsEF ctx.ConfigGetStatusIs() C-API
return the libmqmsgque::MqContextS::statusIs value
MK_STRN ConfigGetStorage () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.ConfigGetStorage() C-API
get the storage of the context object
MK_TIME_T ConfigGetTimeout () const
  C++: MK_TIME_T ctx.ConfigGetTimeout() C-API
get the timeout value of the context object
void ConfigSetConfigFile (MK_STRN filename)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetConfigFile(MK_STRN filename) C-API
set the config-file and parse for well-known config-items
void ConfigSetConfigFile (const std::string &filename)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetConfigFile(MK_STRN filename) C-API
set the config-file and parse for well-known config-items
std::tuple< MK_STRN, MK_STRN, MK_STRN, MK_STRNConfigGetIoTcp ()
  C++: {host:MK_STRN port:MK_STRN myhost:MK_STRN myport:MK_STRN} ctx.ConfigGetIoTcp() C-API
get the configuration-data of the tcp-client-server-link
void ConfigSetBgError (MqBgErrorCCB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetBgError(MqBgErrorICB MqBgErrorCCB MqBgErrorIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::BgError
void ConfigSetBgError (MqBgErrorICB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetBgError(MqBgErrorICB MqBgErrorCCB MqBgErrorIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::BgError
void ConfigSetBgError (MqBgErrorIF *callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetBgError(MqBgErrorICB MqBgErrorCCB MqBgErrorIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::BgError
void ConfigSetEvent (MqEventCCB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetEvent(MqEventICB MqEventCCB MqEventIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::Event
void ConfigSetEvent (MqEventICB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetEvent(MqEventICB MqEventCCB MqEventIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::Event
void ConfigSetEvent (MqEventIF *callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetEvent(MqEventICB MqEventCCB MqEventIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::Event
void ConfigSetServerCleanup (MqServerCleanupCCB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetServerCleanup(MqServerCleanupICB MqServerCleanupCCB MqServerCleanupIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ServerCleanup
void ConfigSetServerCleanup (MqServerCleanupICB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetServerCleanup(MqServerCleanupICB MqServerCleanupCCB MqServerCleanupIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ServerCleanup
void ConfigSetServerCleanup (MqServerCleanupIF *callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetServerCleanup(MqServerCleanupICB MqServerCleanupCCB MqServerCleanupIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ServerCleanup
void ConfigSetServerSetup (MqServerSetupCCB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetServerSetup(MqServerSetupICB MqServerSetupCCB MqServerSetupIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ServerSetup
void ConfigSetServerSetup (MqServerSetupICB callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetServerSetup(MqServerSetupICB MqServerSetupCCB MqServerSetupIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ServerSetup
void ConfigSetServerSetup (MqServerSetupIF *callback=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetServerSetup(MqServerSetupICB MqServerSetupCCB MqServerSetupIF* callback = NULL) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ServerSetup
void ConfigReset ()
  C++: ctx.ConfigReset() C-API
clean the libmqmsgque::MqContextS::config data
MK_BOOL ConfigCheckStartAs (MqStartE data)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ConfigCheckStartAs(MqStartE data) C-API
check if libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::startAs can be set to data
void ConfigSetAllDebug (MK_I32 data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetAllDebug(MK_I32 data) C-API
set the MkRuntimeS::debug value
void ConfigSetBuffersize (MK_I32 data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetBuffersize(MK_I32 data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqIoConfigS::buffersize value
void ConfigSetDaemon (MK_STRN pidfile)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetDaemon(MK_STRN pidfile) C-API
start the server-context as daemon …
void ConfigSetDaemon (const std::string &pidfile)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetDaemon(MK_STRN pidfile) C-API
start the server-context as daemon …
void ConfigSetIdentFrom (MqIdentE data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIdentFrom(MqIdentE data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::identFrom value
void ConfigSetIgnoreExit (MK_BOOL data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIgnoreExit(MK_BOOL data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ignoreExit value
void ConfigSetIoPipe (MQ_SOCK_HDL fh)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIoPipe(MQ_SOCK_HDL fh) C-API
set the pipe configuration data …
void ConfigSetIoTcp (MK_STRN host=NULL, MK_STRN port=NULL, MK_STRN myhost=NULL, MK_STRN myport=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIoTcp(MK_STRN host = NULL, MK_STRN port = NULL, MK_STRN myhost = NULL, MK_STRN myport = NULL) C-API
configure a context to use a tcp-client-server-link
void ConfigSetIoTcp (MkBufferListC *vals)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIoTcp(MkBufferListC* vals) C-API
configure a context to use a tcp-client-server-link
void ConfigSetIoTcp (const MkBufferListC &vals)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIoTcp(MkBufferListC* vals) C-API
configure a context to use a tcp-client-server-link
void ConfigSetIoUds (MK_STRN file)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIoUds(MK_STRN file) C-API
configure a context to use a uds-client-server-link
void ConfigSetIoUds (const std::string &file)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIoUds(MK_STRN file) C-API
configure a context to use a uds-client-server-link
void ConfigSetIsServer (MK_BOOL data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIsServer(MK_BOOL data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::isServer value
void ConfigSetIsString (MK_BOOL data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetIsString(MK_BOOL data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::native value 'S'string or 'L'owEndian or 'B'igEndian
void ConfigSetName (MK_STRN data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetName(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispName value and cleanup old value
void ConfigSetName (const std::string &data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetName(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispName value and cleanup old value
void ConfigSetPkgsize (MK_I32 data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetPkgsize(MK_I32 data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqIoConfigS::pkgsize value
void ConfigSetPostfix (MK_STRN data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetPostfix(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the client-part (2) of the application-identifer libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispName
void ConfigSetPostfix (const std::string &data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetPostfix(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the client-part (2) of the application-identifer libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispName
void ConfigSetPrefix (MK_STRN data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetPrefix(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the server-part (1) of the application-identifer libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispName
void ConfigSetPrefix (const std::string &data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetPrefix(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the server-part (1) of the application-identifer libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispName
void ConfigSetStartAs (MqStartE data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetStartAs(MqStartE data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::startAs value
void ConfigSetStartAsString (MK_STRN data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetStartAsString(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::startAs value using string default, thread, fork or spawn
void ConfigSetStartAsString (const std::string &data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetStartAsString(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::startAs value using string default, thread, fork or spawn
void ConfigSetStorage (MK_STRN data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetStorage(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the Storage value and cleanup old value
void ConfigSetStorage (const std::string &data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetStorage(MK_STRN data) C-API
set the Storage value and cleanup old value
void ConfigSetTimeout (MK_TIME_T data)
  C++: ctx.ConfigSetTimeout(MK_TIME_T data) C-API
set the libmqmsgque::MqIoConfigS::timeout value
void EnvProtect ()
  C++: ctx.EnvProtect() C-API
protect the service-environment
void EnvRestore ()
  C++: ctx.EnvRestore() C-API
restore the service-environment
MkErrorCErrorFORMAT () const
  C++: MkErrorC* fmtobj.ErrorFORMAT() C-API
helper used to access MkErrorDEFAULT from MqContextC
MkErrorE ErrorCopy (const MqContextC *sourceCtx) const
  C++: MkErrorE targetCtx.ErrorCopy(const MqContextC* sourceCtx) C-API
copy a MkErrorS from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx
MkErrorE ErrorCopy (const MqContextC &sourceCtx) const
  C++: MkErrorE targetCtx.ErrorCopy(const MqContextC* sourceCtx) C-API
copy a MkErrorS from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx
MkErrorE ErrorMove (const MqContextC *sourceCtx) const
  C++: MkErrorE targetCtx.ErrorMove(const MqContextC* sourceCtx) C-API
move a MkErrorS from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx
MkErrorE ErrorMove (const MqContextC &sourceCtx) const
  C++: MkErrorE targetCtx.ErrorMove(const MqContextC* sourceCtx) C-API
move a MkErrorS from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx
void SendVL2 (MK_STRN cstr, va_list var_list)
  C++: ctx.SendVL2(MK_STRN cstr, va_list var_list) C-API
A version of MqSend with va_list support …
void SendVL2 (const std::string &cstr, va_list var_list)
  C++: ctx.SendVL2(MK_STRN cstr, va_list var_list) C-API
A version of MqSend with va_list support …
MqContextCLinkGetParent ()
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.LinkGetParent() C-API
get the initial parent-context from a client/server link …
void LinkConnect ()
  C++: ctx.LinkConnect() C-API
re-connect a client-server-link after a server crash or a network downtime …
void LinkCreate (MkBufferListC *args=NULL)
  C++: ctx.LinkCreate(MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
make ctx to a parent-context and setup a new client-server-link
void LinkCreate (const MkBufferListC &args)
  C++: ctx.LinkCreate(MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
make ctx to a parent-context and setup a new client-server-link
void LinkCreateChild (MqContextC *parent, MkBufferListC *args=NULL)
  C++: ctx.LinkCreateChild(MqContextC* parent, MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
make a context to a child-context on-top of an existing parent-client-server-link
void LinkCreateChild (const MqContextC &parent, const MkBufferListC &args)
  C++: ctx.LinkCreateChild(MqContextC* parent, MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
make a context to a child-context on-top of an existing parent-client-server-link
void LinkDelete ()
  C++: ctx.LinkDelete() C-API
close the client-server-link
MK_NUM LinkGetCtxId ()
  C++: MK_NUM ctx.LinkGetCtxId() C-API
get an identifier which is unique per parent-or-child-context
MK_STRN LinkGetTargetIdent ()
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.LinkGetTargetIdent() C-API
get the ident of the link-target
MK_BOOL LinkIsConnected ()
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.LinkIsConnected() C-API
is the context connected? …
MK_BOOL LinkIsParent ()
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.LinkIsParent() C-API
is the context a parent-context? …
void LinkShutdown ()
  C++: ctx.LinkShutdown() C-API
shutdown the communication with a server
void LogConfig (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogConfig(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqConfigS
void LogConfig (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogConfig(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqConfigS
void LogEnv (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogEnv(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqEnvS
void LogEnv (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogEnv(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqEnvS
void LogLink (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogLink(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqLinkS
void LogLink (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogLink(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqLinkS
void LogSetup (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogSetup(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqSetupS
void LogSetup (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogSetup(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part libmqmsgque::MqSetupS
void LogShort (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0, MK_STRN label=NULL) const
  C++: ctx.LogShort(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0, MK_STRN label = NULL) C-API
log the MqContextC with less info then MqContextLog
void LogShort (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0, MK_STRN label=NULL) const
  C++: ctx.LogShort(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0, MK_STRN label = NULL) C-API
log the MqContextC with less info then MqContextLog
void LogType (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogType(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part MkTypeS
void LogType (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
  C++: ctx.LogType(const MkObjectC* fmtobj = NULL, MK_DBG debug = 0, MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl = 0) C-API
log the MqContextC part MkTypeS
MK_STRN LogParentOrChild () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.LogParentOrChild() C-API
is ctx a PARENT or a CHILD ? …
MK_STRN LogServerOrClient () const
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.LogServerOrClient() C-API
is ctx a SERVER or a CLIENT ? …
MkBufferCGetBuffer ()
  C++: MkBufferC* ctx.GetBuffer() C-API
get the libmqmsgque::MqContextS::ctxbuf object
MqContextCGetRoot ()
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.GetRoot() C-API
get the Root (toplevel initial context)
void Exit (MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_STRN callfile=__builtin_FILE(), MK_I32 callline=__builtin_LINE())
  C++: ctx.Exit(MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_STRN callfile = __builtin_FILE(), MK_I32 callline = __builtin_LINE()) C-API
delete the context and exit the current process or thread …
void ProcessEvent (MqWaitOnEventE wait=MQ_WAIT_NO, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.ProcessEvent(MqWaitOnEventE wait = MQ_WAIT_NO, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
enter the event-loop and wait for an incoming service-request. …
void ProxyForward (MqContextC *targetCtx, MqDumpC *dump=NULL, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: sourceCtx.ProxyForward(MqContextC* targetCtx, MqDumpC* dump = NULL, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
send the entire read-data-package-data to the link-target
void ProxyForward (const MqContextC &targetCtx, const MqDumpC &dump, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: sourceCtx.ProxyForward(MqContextC* targetCtx, MqDumpC* dump = NULL, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
send the entire read-data-package-data to the link-target
void ProxyItem (MqContextC *targetCtx)
  C++: sourceCtx.ProxyItem(MqContextC* targetCtx) C-API
Copy a single-data-item from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx.
void ProxyItem (const MqContextC &targetCtx)
  C++: sourceCtx.ProxyItem(MqContextC* targetCtx) C-API
Copy a single-data-item from the sourceCtx to the targetCtx.
MkBufferListCReadALL (MkBufferListC *val_inout=NULL)
  C++: MkBufferListC* ctx.ReadALL(MkBufferListC* val_inout = NULL) C-API
get a temporary MkBufferListC from all data in the read-data-package
MkBufferListCReadBFL ()
  C++: MkBufferListC* ctx.ReadBFL() C-API
get a temporary MkBufferListC from next list-item in the read-data-package
MkBufferCReadBUF ()
  C++: MkBufferC* ctx.ReadBUF() C-API
get a temporary MkBufferC from the read-data-package
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadBIN C-API
generic function to read an libmkkernel::MK_BIN object from the read-data-package object …
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadBOL C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MK_BNP ReadBinaryR ()
  C++: MK_BNP ctx.ReadBinaryR() C-API
read a MkBinaryR from the read-data-package
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadDBL C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadFLT C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
  C++: MK_HDL ctx.ReadHDL() C-API
read the handle from the read-data-package
MK_I16 ReadI16 ()
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadI16 C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MK_I32 ReadI32 ()
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadI32 C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MK_I64 ReadI64 ()
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadI64 C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MK_I8 ReadI8 ()
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadI8 C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
MkBufferListCReadLIST ()
  C++: MkBufferListC* ctx.ReadLIST() C-API
get all arguments as native list …
  C++: MK_LONG ctx.ReadLONG() C-API
read the long native object from the read-data-package
MkBufferCReadNEXT ()
  C++: MkBufferC* ctx.ReadNEXT() C-API
get the next argument as native object …
  C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadSTR C-API
read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package
std::string ReadStringR ()
  C++: std::string ctx.ReadStringR() C-API
read a MkStringR from the read-data-package
void ReadL_END ()
  C++: ctx.ReadL_END() C-API
finish to extract a list-items from the read-data-package. …
void ReadL_START (MkBufferC *buf=NULL)
  C++: ctx.ReadL_START(MkBufferC* buf = NULL) C-API
start to extract a list-items from the read-data-package. …
void ReadL_START (const MkBufferC &buf)
  C++: ctx.ReadL_START(MkBufferC* buf = NULL) C-API
start to extract a list-items from the read-data-package. …
void ReadT_END ()
  C++: ctx.ReadT_END() C-API
finish to extract a longterm-transaction-item from the read-data-package. …
void ReadT_START ()
  C++: ctx.ReadT_START() C-API
start to extract a longterm-transaction-item from the read-data-package. …
void ReadDbg ()
MkTypeE ReadGetNextType ()
  C++: MkTypeE ctx.ReadGetNextType() C-API
get the type (MkTypeE) of the next Item in the read-data-buffer or "0" if not available
MK_NUM ReadGetNumItems ()
  C++: MK_NUM ctx.ReadGetNumItems() C-API
get the number of items left in the read-data-package
MK_BOOL ReadItemExists ()
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ReadItemExists() C-API
check if an item exists in the read-data-package
void ReadUndo ()
  C++: ctx.ReadUndo() C-API
undo the last MqContextC READ API function call …
MkBufferListCRouteGetTree ()
  C++: MkBufferListC* ctx.RouteGetTree() C-API
create an overview about all available routing-target and services …
void RouteCreate (MK_STRN route, MK_STRN service, MK_BOOL overwrite=false)
  C++: ctx.RouteCreate(MK_STRN route, MK_STRN service, MK_BOOL overwrite = false) C-API
create/delete a routing-link between context an a service using route
void RouteCreate (const std::string &route, const std::string &service, MK_BOOL overwrite=false)
  C++: ctx.RouteCreate(MK_STRN route, MK_STRN service, MK_BOOL overwrite = false) C-API
create/delete a routing-link between context an a service using route
void RouteDelete (MK_STRN route, MK_STRN service, MK_BOOL overwrite=false)
  C++: ctx.RouteDelete(MK_STRN route, MK_STRN service, MK_BOOL overwrite = false) C-API
delete a routing-link created with MqRouteCreate
void RouteDelete (const std::string &route, const std::string &service, MK_BOOL overwrite=false)
  C++: ctx.RouteDelete(MK_STRN route, MK_STRN service, MK_BOOL overwrite = false) C-API
delete a routing-link created with MqRouteCreate
MqContextC_A RouteResolve (MK_STRN ident, MK_NUM retnum=-1)
  C++: MqContextC_A ctx.RouteResolve(MK_STRN ident, MK_NUM retnum = -1) C-API
return a list of all context belonging to ident
MqContextC_A RouteResolve (const std::string &ident, MK_NUM retnum=-1)
  C++: MqContextC_A ctx.RouteResolve(MK_STRN ident, MK_NUM retnum = -1) C-API
return a list of all context belonging to ident
void RouteTraverse (MK_STRN service, MkBufferListC *args=NULL)
  C++: ctx.RouteTraverse(MK_STRN service, MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
traverse a tree down and call service if available.
void RouteTraverse (MK_STRN service, const MkBufferListC &args)
  C++: ctx.RouteTraverse(MK_STRN service, MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
traverse a tree down and call service if available.
void RouteTraverse (const std::string &service, MkBufferListC *args=NULL)
  C++: ctx.RouteTraverse(MK_STRN service, MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
traverse a tree down and call service if available.
void RouteTraverse (const std::string &service, const MkBufferListC &args)
  C++: ctx.RouteTraverse(MK_STRN service, MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
traverse a tree down and call service if available.
MK_STRN RouteGetPath ()
  C++: MK_STRN ctx.RouteGetPath() C-API
return the absolut route-connection-string up to the current ctx
void SendBFL (const MkBufferListC *val)
  C++: ctx.SendBFL(const MkBufferListC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferListC object to the send-data-package object …
void SendBFL (const MkBufferListC &val)
  C++: ctx.SendBFL(const MkBufferListC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferListC object to the send-data-package object …
void SendBIN (MK_BNP val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendBIN C-API
append a libmkkernel::MK_BIN object to the send-data-package. …
void SendBOL (MK_BOL val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendBOL C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendBUF (const MkBufferC *val)
  C++: ctx.SendBUF(const MkBufferC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferC object to the send-data-package object …
void SendBUF (const MkBufferC &val)
  C++: ctx.SendBUF(const MkBufferC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferC object to the send-data-package object …
void SendBUS_FLAT (const MkBufferStreamC *val)
  C++: ctx.SendBUS_FLAT(const MkBufferStreamC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferStreamC object to the send-data-package object …
void SendBUS_FLAT (const MkBufferStreamC &val)
  C++: ctx.SendBUS_FLAT(const MkBufferStreamC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferStreamC object to the send-data-package object …
void SendBinaryR (MK_BNP val)
  C++: ctx.SendBinaryR(MK_BNP val) C-API
append a MkBinaryR object to the send-data-package. …
void SendDBL (MK_DBL val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendDBL C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendFLT (MK_FLT val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendFLT C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendHDL (MK_HDL val)
  C++: ctx.SendHDL(MK_HDL val) C-API
send the handle to the send-data-package
void SendI16 (MK_I16 val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendI16 C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendI32 (MK_I32 val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendI32 C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendI64 (MK_I64 val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendI64 C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendI8 (MK_I8 val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendI8 C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendLONG (MK_LONG val)
  C++: ctx.SendLONG(MK_LONG val) C-API
send the long native object to the send-data-package
void SendLTR (MQ_LTR transLId)
void SendL_FLAT (const MkBufferListC *val)
  C++: ctx.SendL_FLAT(const MkBufferListC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferListC object as flat list of items to the send-data-package object …
void SendL_FLAT (const MkBufferListC &val)
  C++: ctx.SendL_FLAT(const MkBufferListC* val) C-API
append a MkBufferListC object as flat list of items to the send-data-package object …
void SendSTR (MK_STRN val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendSTR C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendSTR (const std::string &val)
  C++: doc_mq_cc_SendSTR C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendStringR (const std::string &val)
  C++: ctx.SendStringR(const std::string& val) C-API
MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
void SendV (MK_FST printfmt,...)
  C++: ctx.SendV(MK_FST printfmt, ... ) C-API
append a vararg string to the send-data-package object …
void SendVL (MK_FST printfmt, va_list var_list)
  C++: ctx.SendVL(MK_FST printfmt, va_list var_list) C-API
append a vararg string as va_list to the send-data-package object …
void SendEND (MQ_TOK token, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND(MQ_TOK token, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
MqContextC - finish the send-data-block and call synchronous/asynchronous a remote-service
void SendEND (const std::string &token, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND(MQ_TOK token, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
MqContextC - finish the send-data-block and call synchronous/asynchronous a remote-service
void SendEND_AND_CALLBACK (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceCCB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_CALLBACK(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do not-wait for the result but expect the result on a callback
void SendEND_AND_CALLBACK (const std::string &token, MqServiceCCB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_CALLBACK(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do not-wait for the result but expect the result on a callback
void SendEND_AND_CALLBACK (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_CALLBACK(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do not-wait for the result but expect the result on a callback
void SendEND_AND_CALLBACK (const std::string &token, MqServiceICB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_CALLBACK(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do not-wait for the result but expect the result on a callback
void SendEND_AND_CALLBACK (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceIF *callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_CALLBACK(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do not-wait for the result but expect the result on a callback
void SendEND_AND_CALLBACK (const std::string &token, MqServiceIF *callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_CALLBACK(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do not-wait for the result but expect the result on a callback
void SendEND_AND_SUB (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceCCB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_SUB(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do wait for the result and expect multiple sub-results on a callback
void SendEND_AND_SUB (const std::string &token, MqServiceCCB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_SUB(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do wait for the result and expect multiple sub-results on a callback
void SendEND_AND_SUB (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_SUB(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do wait for the result and expect multiple sub-results on a callback
void SendEND_AND_SUB (const std::string &token, MqServiceICB callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_SUB(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do wait for the result and expect multiple sub-results on a callback
void SendEND_AND_SUB (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceIF *callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_SUB(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do wait for the result and expect multiple sub-results on a callback
void SendEND_AND_SUB (const std::string &token, MqServiceIF *callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
  C++: ctx.SendEND_AND_SUB(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) C-API
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service, do wait for the result and expect multiple sub-results on a callback
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service to do a longterm-transaction-call
void SendEND_AND_TRANSACTION (const std::string &token, const std::string &callback, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service to do a longterm-transaction-call
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service and wait for result…
void SendEND_AND_WAIT (const std::string &token, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
finish the send-data-block, call the remote service and wait for result…
void SendSTART ()
  C++: ctx.SendSTART() C-API
initialize the send-data-package. …
void SendSYNC ()
  C++: ctx.SendSYNC() C-API
garantee that all pending asynchronous-service-calls are processed. …
void SendL_END ()
  C++: ctx.SendL_END() C-API
finish to append an embedded body-list-item to the send-data-package. …
void SendL_START ()
  C++: ctx.SendL_START() C-API
start to append an embedded body-list-item to the send-data-package. …
void SendT_END ()
  C++: ctx.SendT_END() C-API
closed a longterm-transaction-item
void SendT_START ()
  C++: ctx.SendT_START() C-API
open a longterm-transaction-item
void SendERROR ()
  C++: ctx.SendERROR() C-API
send the data from the MkErrorC to the link target . …
void SendRETURN ()
  C++: ctx.SendRETURN() C-API
MqContextC - finish the send-data-block on the server and optional return the results. …
void SendRETURN_SUB ()
  C++: ctx.SendRETURN_SUB() C-API
return Sub-Data-Blocks required by MqSendEND_AND_SUB
void ServiceCreate (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceCCB callback)
  C++: ctx.ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
void ServiceCreate (const std::string &token, MqServiceCCB callback)
  C++: ctx.ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
void ServiceCreate (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB callback)
  C++: ctx.ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
void ServiceCreate (const std::string &token, MqServiceICB callback)
  C++: ctx.ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
void ServiceCreate (MQ_TOK token, MqServiceIF *callback)
  C++: ctx.ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
void ServiceCreate (const std::string &token, MqServiceIF *callback)
  C++: ctx.ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
void ServiceDelete (MQ_TOK token)
  C++: ctx.ServiceDelete(MQ_TOK token) C-API
delete a service. …
void ServiceDelete (const std::string &token)
  C++: ctx.ServiceDelete(MQ_TOK token) C-API
delete a service. …
MK_BOOL ServiceIsTransaction ()
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceIsTransaction() C-API
check if the ongoing-service-call belongs to a transaction …
void ServiceProxy (MQ_TOK token, MQ_SLAVE_ID id=MQ_SLAVE_OTHER)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxy(MQ_TOK token, MQ_SLAVE_ID id = MQ_SLAVE_OTHER) C-API
create a service to link a master-context with a slave-context. …
void ServiceProxy (const std::string &token, MQ_SLAVE_ID id=MQ_SLAVE_OTHER)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxy(MQ_TOK token, MQ_SLAVE_ID id = MQ_SLAVE_OTHER) C-API
create a service to link a master-context with a slave-context. …
void ServiceProxyCtx (MQ_TOK token, MqContextC *target)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxyCtx(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
same as MqServiceProxy but use an MqContextC as input.
void ServiceProxyCtx (MQ_TOK token, const MqContextC &target)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxyCtx(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
same as MqServiceProxy but use an MqContextC as input.
void ServiceProxyCtx (const std::string &token, MqContextC *target)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxyCtx(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
same as MqServiceProxy but use an MqContextC as input.
void ServiceProxyCtx (const std::string &token, const MqContextC &target)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxyCtx(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
same as MqServiceProxy but use an MqContextC as input.
MK_BOOL ServiceProxyCtxExists (MQ_TOK token, MqContextC *target)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceProxyCtxExists(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
check if service who belongs to token is a proxy-service
MK_BOOL ServiceProxyCtxExists (MQ_TOK token, const MqContextC &target)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceProxyCtxExists(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
check if service who belongs to token is a proxy-service
MK_BOOL ServiceProxyCtxExists (const std::string &token, MqContextC *target)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceProxyCtxExists(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
check if service who belongs to token is a proxy-service
MK_BOOL ServiceProxyCtxExists (const std::string &token, const MqContextC &target)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceProxyCtxExists(MQ_TOK token, MqContextC* target) C-API
check if service who belongs to token is a proxy-service
void ServiceProxyRoundRobin (MQ_TOK token, MK_STRN ident)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxyRoundRobin(MQ_TOK token, MK_STRN ident) C-API
create a proxy-service using Round-Robin as load-balancer …
void ServiceProxyRoundRobin (const std::string &token, const std::string &ident)
  C++: ctx.ServiceProxyRoundRobin(MQ_TOK token, MK_STRN ident) C-API
create a proxy-service using Round-Robin as load-balancer …
void ServiceStorage (MQ_TOK token)
  C++: ctx.ServiceStorage(MQ_TOK token) C-API
setup a service listen on a MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer and save all read-data-package into the STORAGE
void ServiceStorage (const std::string &token)
  C++: ctx.ServiceStorage(MQ_TOK token) C-API
setup a service listen on a MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer and save all read-data-package into the STORAGE
MK_BOOL ServiceTokenCheck (MQ_TOK token)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceTokenCheck(MQ_TOK token) C-API
in an ongoing-service-call check if the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer is token
MK_BOOL ServiceTokenCheck (const std::string &token)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceTokenCheck(MQ_TOK token) C-API
in an ongoing-service-call check if the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer is token
MK_BOOL ServiceTokenExists (MQ_TOK token)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceTokenExists(MQ_TOK token) C-API
check if the MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer token is defined as ctx service …
MK_BOOL ServiceTokenExists (const std::string &token)
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.ServiceTokenExists(MQ_TOK token) C-API
check if the MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer token is defined as ctx service …
MQ_TOK ServiceTokenGet ()
  C++: MQ_TOK ctx.ServiceTokenGet() C-API
in an ongoing-service-call get the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer
MqContextCSlaveGetMaster ()
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.SlaveGetMaster() C-API
opposite function of MqSlaveGetFilter
MqContextCSlaveGet (MQ_SLAVE_ID id)
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.SlaveGet(MQ_SLAVE_ID id) C-API
get the slave-context from a master-context
MqContextCSlaveGetFilter ()
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.SlaveGetFilter() C-API
get the filter-ctx or the master-ctx
MqContextCSlaveGetProxy (MQ_SLAVE_ID id)
  C++: MqContextC* ctx.SlaveGetProxy(MQ_SLAVE_ID id) C-API
on slave return the master and on master return the slave identified by id.
MK_BOOL SlaveCheck (MQ_SLAVE_ID id) const
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.SlaveCheck(MQ_SLAVE_ID id) C-API
check if slave-id is valid
void SlaveCreate (MQ_SLAVE_ID id, MqContextC *slave)
  C++: ctx.SlaveCreate(MQ_SLAVE_ID id, MqContextC* slave) C-API
create a master/slave link between the master-parent-context and the slave-parent-context …
void SlaveCreate (MQ_SLAVE_ID id, const MqContextC &slave)
  C++: ctx.SlaveCreate(MQ_SLAVE_ID id, MqContextC* slave) C-API
create a master/slave link between the master-parent-context and the slave-parent-context …
void SlaveDelete (MQ_SLAVE_ID id)
  C++: ctx.SlaveDelete(MQ_SLAVE_ID id) C-API
Delete a slave object from a master/slave link identified by id. …
MK_BOOL SlaveIs () const
  C++: MK_BOOL ctx.SlaveIs() C-API
is the context a slave-context ? …
void SlaveWorker (MQ_SLAVE_ID id, MK_STRN fct="WORKER", MkBufferListC *args=NULL)
  C++: ctx.SlaveWorker(MQ_SLAVE_ID id, MK_STRN fct = "WORKER", MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
create a master/slave link using the image of the ctx object self. …
MQ_LTR StorageDelete (MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout=0)
  C++: MQ_LTR ctx.StorageDelete(MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout = 0) C-API
delete the storage-row identified by the transLIdP_inout
MQ_LTR StorageImport (MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout=0)
  C++: MQ_LTR ctx.StorageImport(MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout = 0) C-API
import the storage-package into the read-data-package
void StorageClose ()
  C++: ctx.StorageClose() C-API
close the storage. …
void StorageDecrRef (MQ_LTR transLId)
  C++: ctx.StorageDecrRef(MQ_LTR transLId) C-API
decrease the internal refCount lock of the database-entry
void StorageIncrRef (MQ_LTR transLId)
  C++: ctx.StorageIncrRef(MQ_LTR transLId) C-API
increase the internal refCount lock of the database-entry
void StorageLog (MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION())
  C++: ctx.StorageLog(MK_STRN callfunc = __builtin_FUNCTION()) C-API
log the storage the status of the open transactions
void StorageOpen (MK_STRN storageFile)
  C++: ctx.StorageOpen(MK_STRN storageFile) C-API
switch to a file-based-transaction-database
void StorageOpen (const std::string &storageFile)
  C++: ctx.StorageOpen(MK_STRN storageFile) C-API
switch to a file-based-transaction-database
MQ_LTR StorageCount ()
  C++: MQ_LTR ctx.StorageCount() C-API
count the number of storage-rows
MK_I32 StorageErrCnt (MQ_LTR transLId)
  C++: MK_I32 ctx.StorageErrCnt(MQ_LTR transLId) C-API
increment and return the database row-error-count for the row defined with transLId
MQ_LTR StorageExport ()
  C++: MQ_LTR ctx.StorageExport() C-API
export the read-data-package into the STORAGE
std::tuple< MqContextC *, MQ_LTRStorageResolve ()
  C++: {otherCtxP:MqContextC* otherLIdP:MQ_LTR} ctx.StorageResolve() C-API
extract the context->link.protect.rmtTransLId entry from the database
 MqContextC (MqContextC *tmpl=NULL)
  C++: [constructor,static] MqContextC* MqContextC::Create(MqContextC* tmpl = NULL) C-API
create and initialize the MqContextC ...
bool isParent ()
bool isChild ()
bool isMaster ()
bool isSlave ()
void LinkCheckOptionI32 (MK_STRN opt, MK_I32 *val)
  C++: ctx.LinkCreate(MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
make ctx to a parent-context and setup a new client-server-link
void SlaveWorker (MK_NUM id, MK_STRN factory, const MkBufferListC &args)
  C++: ctx.SlaveWorker(MQ_SLAVE_ID id, MK_STRN fct = "WORKER", MkBufferListC* args = NULL) C-API
create a master/slave link using the image of the ctx object self. …
MkBufferListCSend (MK_STRN cstr,...)
  C++: ctx.Send(MK_STRN cstr, ... ) C-API
user friendly replacement for the MqContextC_SendApi_C_API … default MqTokenICB
MkBufferListCSend (const std::string &str,...)
MkBufferListCSend (MK_STRN cstr, MqTokenICB const callback,...)
  C++: ctx.Send(MK_STRN cstr, ... ) C-API
user friendly replacement for the MqContextC_SendApi_C_API … default MqTokenICB
MkBufferListCSend (const std::string &str, MqTokenICB const callback,...)
MkBufferListCSend (MK_STRN cstr, MqTokenCCB const callback,...)
  C++: ctx.Send(MK_STRN cstr, ... ) C-API
user friendly replacement for the MqContextC_SendApi_C_API … default MqTokenCCB
MkBufferListCSend (const std::string &str, MqTokenCCB const callback,...)
MkBufferListCSend (MK_STRN cstr, MqServiceIF *const service,...)
  C++: ctx.Send(MK_STRN cstr, ... ) C-API
user friendly replacement for the MqContextC_SendApi_C_API … default ccmqmsgque::MqServiceIF
MkBufferListCSend (const std::string &str, MqServiceIF *const service,...)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ccmkkernel::MkObjectC
MK_OBJ getOBJ () const
MK_OBJ getOBJ__null_allow () const
MK_OBJN getOBJN () const
MK_OBJN getOBJN__null_allow () const
bool Check () const
virtual ~MkObjectC ()
MK_MNG getMNG () const
MK_STRN ToNativeNameOfClass () const
MK_STR SysStrDup (MK_STRN str)
void SysFree (MK_PTR tgt)
void Sleep (unsigned int const sec)
void USleep (unsigned int const usec)
void HandleDelete ()
MK_BOOL HandleExists ()
MK_HDL HandleGet ()
MK_HDL HandleGetOfType ()
MK_HDL HandleGetOr0 ()
MkObjectCNext ()
MkObjectCPrev ()
void DbgDump (MK_STRN message="var", MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
void DbgL (MK_STRN message, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
void DbgL (const std::string &message, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
void DbgLogC (MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
void DbgO (MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
void DbgSTACK (MK_I32 skip=0, MK_I32 num=-1, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
void LogC (MK_STRN message, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
void LogC (const std::string &message, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
void LogHEX (MK_STRN callfunc, MK_BNP data) const
void LogHEX (const std::string &callfunc, MK_BNP data) const
void LogV (MK_STRN callfunc, MK_DBG debug, MK_FST printfmt,...) const
void LogV (const std::string &callfunc, MK_DBG debug, MK_FST printfmt,...) const
void LogVL (MK_STRN callfunc, MK_DBG debug, MK_FST printfmt, va_list var_list) const
void LogVL (const std::string &callfunc, MK_DBG debug, MK_FST printfmt, va_list var_list) const
void Log (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
void Log (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
void LogDetail (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
void LogDetail (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
void LogSimple (const MkObjectC *fmtobj=NULL, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
void LogSimple (const MkObjectC &fmtobj, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0) const
MkErrorCErrorCatch (std::exception *exception=NULL, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
MkErrorCErrorCatch (const std::exception &exception, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
MkErrorCToError ()
MK_BOOL IsNull ()
MK_STRN ToName () const
MK_STRN ToNameOfClass ()
MK_STRN ToNameOfType () const
MK_STRN ToString () const
MK_I32 RefGet ()
void SysKill (MK_I32 pid, MK_I32 signal) const
MK_I32 SysGetPid () const
void Delete ()
void Dispose ()
void DeleteCallbackSetup (MK_STRN ident, MkObjectDeleteCCB callback=NULL, MK_STRN filter=NULL)
void DeleteCallbackSetup (const std::string &ident, MkObjectDeleteCCB callback=NULL, MK_STRN filter=NULL)
void DeleteCallbackSetup (MK_STRN ident, MkObjectDeleteICB callback=NULL, MK_STRN filter=NULL)
void DeleteCallbackSetup (const std::string &ident, MkObjectDeleteICB callback=NULL, MK_STRN filter=NULL)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ccmqmsgque::MqServerSetupIF
- Public Member Functions inherited from ccmqmsgque::MqServerCleanupIF
- Public Member Functions inherited from ccmqmsgque::MqEventIF
- Public Member Functions inherited from ccmqmsgque::MqServiceIF

Private Member Functions

void ErrorWrite ()
void Event ()
void Service (MqContextC *ctx)
void LOGF ()
void WRIT ()
void EXIT ()
void ServerCleanup ()
void ServerSetup ()

Private Attributes

queue< MqDumpC * > itms
MK_I32 errCnt = 0

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ccmqmsgque::MqContextC
typedef void(MqContextC::*) MqTokenICB()
typedef MqTokenICB MqBgErrorICB
typedef MqTokenICB MqServiceICB
typedef MqTokenICB MqServerSetupICB
typedef MqTokenICB MqServerCleanupICB
typedef MqTokenICB MqEventICB
typedef void(*) MqTokenCCB(MqContextC *)
typedef MqTokenCCB MqBgErrorCCB
typedef MqTokenCCB MqServiceCCB
typedef MqTokenCCB MqServerSetupCCB
typedef MqTokenCCB MqServerCleanupCCB
typedef MqTokenCCB MqEventCCB
- Public Types inherited from ccmkkernel::MkObjectC
typedef void(MkObjectC::*) MkObjectDeleteICB(MK_STRN const, MK_HDL const, MK_HDL const)
typedef void(*) MkObjectDeleteCCB(MkObjectC *, MK_STRN const, MK_HDL const, MK_HDL const)
typedef void(MkObjectC::* MkObjectDeleteICB) (MK_STRN const, MK_HDL const, MK_HDL const)
typedef void(* MkObjectDeleteCCB) (MkObjectC *, MK_STRN const, MK_HDL const, MK_HDL const)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ccmqmsgque::MqContextC
static MqContextCMqContextC_ObjNew (MK_RT_ARGS MQ_CTX hdl)
 return MqContextC from LibMsgqueObject
static MQ_CTX getCTX (MqContextC *clsHdl)
 return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC pointer
static MQ_CTX getCTX__null_allow (MqContextC *clsHdl)
 return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC pointer
static MQ_CTXN getCTXN (const MqContextC *clsHdl)
 (const) return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC pointer
static MQ_CTXN getCTXN__null_allow (const MqContextC *clsHdl)
 (const) return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC pointer
static MQ_CTX getCTX (const MqContextC &clsHdl)
 return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC reference
static MQ_CTX getCTX__null_allow (const MqContextC &clsHdl)
 return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC reference
static MQ_CTXN getCTXN (const MqContextC &clsHdl)
 (const) return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC reference
static MQ_CTXN getCTXN__null_allow (const MqContextC &clsHdl)
 (const) return LibMsgqueObject from current MqContextC reference
static MqContextCHandleResolve (MK_HDL netHdl)
  C++: [static] MqContextC* MqContextC::HandleResolve(MK_HDL netHdl) C-API
Handle-Resolve-Slot - return a MqContextC from netHdl or MK_NULL if invalid…
static MqContextCInstances ()
  C++: [static] MqContextC* MqContextC::Instances() C-API
get head-instance from linked-list of MqContextS type …
static MqContextCGetNull ()
  C++: [static] MqContextC* MqContextC::GetNull() C-API
Null-Slot - return a MqContextC typed NULL instance …
static MqContextCCreate (MqContextC *tmpl=NULL)
  C++: [constructor,static] MqContextC* MqContextC::Create(MqContextC* tmpl = NULL) C-API
create and initialize the MqContextC ...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ccmkkernel::MkObjectC
static MkObjectCMkObjectC_ObjNew (MK_RT_ARGS MK_OBJ hdl)
static MK_OBJ getOBJ (MkObjectC *clsHdl)
static MK_OBJ getOBJ__null_allow (MkObjectC *clsHdl)
static MK_OBJN getOBJN (const MkObjectC *clsHdl)
static MK_OBJN getOBJN__null_allow (const MkObjectC *clsHdl)
static MK_OBJ getOBJ (const MkObjectC &clsHdl)
static MK_OBJ getOBJ__null_allow (const MkObjectC &clsHdl)
static MK_OBJN getOBJN (const MkObjectC &clsHdl)
static MK_OBJN getOBJN__null_allow (const MkObjectC &clsHdl)
static MkObjectCHandleResolve (MK_HDL netHdl)
static void HandleDeleteByNetHdl (MK_HDL netHdl)
static MkObjectCInstances ()
static MkObjectCGetNull ()
static void DbgM (MK_STRN message, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0)
static void DbgM (const std::string &message, MK_DBG debug=0, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 lvl=0)
static MK_I32 SysHashI32 (MK_STRN key, MK_NUM length=-1)
static MK_I32 SysHashI32 (const std::string &key, MK_NUM length=-1)
static MK_STRN SysHashSTR (MK_STRN key, MK_NUM length=-1)
static MK_STRN SysHashSTR (const std::string &key, MK_NUM length=-1)
static void DeleteCallbackCleanup (MK_STRN ident)
static void DeleteCallbackCleanup (const std::string &ident)
static void DeleteCallbackSetup (MK_STRN ident, MkObjectDeleteSCB callback=NULL, MK_STRN filter=NULL)
static void DeleteCallbackSetup (const std::string &ident, MkObjectDeleteSCB callback=NULL, MK_STRN filter=NULL)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ccmqmsgque::MqContextC
static thread_local MqContextC MK_NULL_REF = {(MK_OBJ)0}
- Static Public Attributes inherited from ccmkkernel::MkObjectC
static thread_local MkObjectC MK_NULL_REF
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ccmqmsgque::MqContextC
 MqContextC (MK_TYP const typ, MqContextC *tmpl=NULL)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ccmkkernel::MkObjectC
void atomInit (MK_OBJ obj)
 MkObjectC ()
 MkObjectC (MK_OBJ obj)
void ErrorCheck (enum MkErrorE err, MK_STRN const caller=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 const line=__builtin_LINE()) const
void ErrorCheck (MK_STRN const caller=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 const line=__builtin_LINE()) const
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from ccmkkernel::MkObjectC
static void ErrorCheck (MK_MNGN mng, enum MkErrorE err, MK_STRN const caller=__builtin_FUNCTION(), MK_I32 const line=__builtin_LINE())
static MK_PTR atomObjNew (MK_RT_ARGS MK_OBJ obj)
static MK_PTR atomObjCreate (MK_RT_ARGS MK_OBJ obj)
- Protected Attributes inherited from ccmkkernel::MkObjectC
MK_OBJ hdl

Detailed Description

Definition at line 29 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Filter4()

Filter4::Filter4 ( MK_TYP const typ = NULL,
MqContextC * tmpl = NULL )

Definition at line 32 of file

32 : MqContextC(typ, tmpl) {
34 }
void ConfigSetIgnoreExit(MK_BOOL data)
C++: ctx.ConfigSetIgnoreExit(MK_BOOL data) → C-API set the libmqmsgque::MqSetupS::ignoreExit va...

Member Function Documentation

◆ ErrorWrite()

void Filter4::ErrorWrite ( )

Definition at line 41 of file

41 {
42 auto err = ErrorFORMAT();
43 fprintf(FH, "ERROR: %s\n", err->GetText());
44 fflush(FH);
45 err->Reset ();
46 }
MkErrorC * ErrorFORMAT() const
C++: MkErrorC* fmtobj.ErrorFORMAT() → C-API helper used to access MkErrorDEFAULT from MqContext...
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Event()

void Filter4::Event ( )

Implements ccmqmsgque::MqEventIF.

Definition at line 48 of file

48 {
49 // check if data is available
50 if (itms.empty()) {
51 // no data available, set error-code to CONTINUE
53 } else {
54 // extract the first (oldest) item from the store
55 MqDumpC *dump = itms.front();
56 // an item is available, try to send the data
57 try {
58 // get the filter-context
60 // send BDY data to the link-target
61 try {
62 ProxyForward(ftr, dump);
63 } catch (const MkExceptionC& ex) {
64 if (++errCnt <= 3) {
65 return;
66 } else {
67 throw;
68 }
69 } catch (...) {
70 throw;
71 }
72 } catch (const exception& e) {
73 ErrorCatch (e);
74 // on error write the error-text and "forget" the data
75 ErrorWrite ();
76 }
77 // delete the data, will contine with next item
78 delete dump;
79 itms.pop();
80 errCnt = 0;
81 }
82 }
queue< MqDumpC * > itms
MK_I32 errCnt
void ErrorWrite()
PUBLIC data structure for the ccmqmsgque-specific-data → C-API: libmqmsgque::MqContextS
MqDumpC - the class known as dmp or dump is used to export a ccmqmsgque data package as binary … ...
Definition MqDumpC_cc.hh:27
MkErrorC * ErrorCatch(std::exception *exception=NULL, MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION()) const
void ProxyForward(MqContextC *targetCtx, MqDumpC *dump=NULL, MK_TIME_T timeout=MK_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT)
C++: sourceCtx.ProxyForward(MqContextC* targetCtx, MqDumpC* dump = NULL, MK_TIME_T timeout = MK_TIME...
MqContextC * SlaveGetFilter()
C++: MqContextC* ctx.SlaveGetFilter() → C-API get the filter-ctx or the master-ctx …

◆ EXIT()

void Filter4::EXIT ( )

Definition at line 113 of file

113 {
114 ErrorFORMAT()->SetEXIT();
115 }
void SetEXIT(MK_STRN callfunc=__builtin_FUNCTION())
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ LOGF()

void Filter4::LOGF ( )

Definition at line 90 of file

90 {
91 // get the "link-target"
93 // check "Ident" from the "link-target"
94 if (strcmp(ftr->ConfigGetPrefix(),"Filter4-1") == 0) {
95 // if "Ident" is "transFilter" send the data to the "link-target"
96 ProxyForward(ftr);
97 } else {
98 // if "Ident" is not "transFilter" use the data as file-name to open a file
99 FH = fopen (ReadSTR(), "a");
100 }
101 SendRETURN();
102 }
MK_STRN ConfigGetPrefix() const
C++: MK_STRN ctx.ConfigGetPrefix() → C-API get the libmqmsgque::MqConfigS::dispPrefix
C++: doc_mq_cc_ReadSTR → C-API read a PRIMITIVE TYPE from the read-data-package …
void SendRETURN()
C++: ctx.SendRETURN() → C-API MqContextC - finish the send-data-block on the server and optiona...
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ServerCleanup()

void Filter4::ServerCleanup ( )

Implements ccmqmsgque::MqServerCleanupIF.

Definition at line 117 of file

117 {
118 while (!itms.empty()) {
119 delete itms.front();
120 itms.pop();
121 }
122 if (FH != NULL) fclose (FH);
123 }

◆ ServerSetup()

void Filter4::ServerSetup ( )

Implements ccmqmsgque::MqServerSetupIF.

Definition at line 125 of file

125 {
126 MqContextC *ftr = static_cast<MqContextC*>(SlaveGetFilter());
127 // SERVER: listen on every token (+ALL)
130 ServiceCreate ("+ALL", this);
132 FH = NULL;
133 }
void LOGF()
void EXIT()
void WRIT()
void ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceCCB callback)
C++: ctx.ServiceCreate(MQ_TOK token, MqServiceICB MqServiceCCB MqServiceIF* cal...

◆ Service()

void Filter4::Service ( MqContextC * ctx)

Implements ccmqmsgque::MqServiceIF.

Definition at line 84 of file

84 {
85 auto dump = MqDumpC::Export(ctx);
86 itms.push (dump);
87 SendRETURN();
88 }
static MqDumpC * Export(MqContextC *ctx, MqDumpC *dumpP_inout=NULL)
C++: [constructor,static] MqDumpC* MqDumpC::Export(MqContextC* ctx, MqDumpC* dumpP_inout = NULL) → C...

◆ WRIT()

void Filter4::WRIT ( )

Definition at line 105 of file

105 {
106 Filter4 *ctx = static_cast<Filter4*>(SlaveGetMaster());
107 fprintf (ctx->FH, "%s\n", ReadSTR());
108 fflush (ctx->FH);
109 SendRETURN();
110 }
MqContextC * SlaveGetMaster()
C++: MqContextC* ctx.SlaveGetMaster() → C-API opposite function of MqSlaveGetFilter
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ errCnt

MK_I32 Filter4::errCnt = 0

Definition at line 39 of file

◆ FH

FILE* Filter4::FH = NULL

Definition at line 38 of file

◆ itms

queue<MqDumpC*> Filter4::itms

Definition at line 37 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: