No Matches

NHI1 changes

V0_50 Mai 2023; NHI1-0.50, PLMK-5.0 und libmsgque-9.0

§li massive rewrite, splitt §libmsgque into §theLink, §theConfig, §theBrain, §theGuard and §theCompiler §li enhance §MangedObject and §LibMkKernel

§section nhi1_changelog_old OLD changes

§section V0_30 January 2021: v NHI1-0.30, PLMK-4.0 und libmsgque-8.0 §li massive rewrite of major parts of the software §li §e compiler based technology to create und use software written in major programming languages §n

§section V0_18 May 2014: v NHI1-0.18, PLMK-2.6 und libmsgque-5.6

§subsection V0_18_1 REDESIGN testcases §li using the new automake test-feature to provide a more standarized output §li cleanup filter routing bugs in §c aguard testing

§subsection V0_18_2 IMPROVE new routing feature §li in a Filter-Setup the §e ident of the §e client and the §e server is now forwarded by the filter(s). this mean the string returned by §c LinkGetTargetIdent show not the §e Filter-Ident more.

§subsection V0_18_3 DELETE python memory bugs §li fix a bug with wrong reference-counting

§subsection V0_18_4 IMPROVE build and documentation tools §li use latest build-tools provide by opensuse 13.1 §li use latest tcl, perl, php, python and ruby sources §li cleanup documentation, erase docu-bugs.

§section V0_17 Mai 2013: v NHI1-0.17, PLMK-2.5 und libmsgque-5.5

§subsection V0_17_1 REDESIGN buildsystem §li using out of root build by default §li automake/autoconf scripts now using patterns §li change syntax to –with-LNG for programming languags support §li using an in-memory filesystem to build and test the software

§subsection V0_17_2 NEW linux container support (lxc) §li tool: lxc-nhi1 to create a new lxc container (tested on opensuse) §li tool: lxc-watchdog to manage the new lxc container cluster

§subsection V0_17_3 REDESIGN test §li now using parallel testing with the "make -j #" option §li tool: tests/TestControl.bash to make a mass build test

§subsection V0_17_4 NEW end-user tools §li Nhi1BuildExtension: build tcp,perl,phy,ruby,phyton language §li Nhi1Config: wrapper to configure §li Nhi1Docs: build documentation tree §li Nhi1Exec: find and exec scripts/tests §li Nhi1Label: label files, provide common header §li Nhi1Tags: create tags file to lookup functions §li rcBuildFs: unix service to manage an in-memory filesystem

§subsection V0_17_5 BUG-Fix §li 1. libmsgque: missing close-on-exec flag on sockets §li 2. aguard: wrong build-key length.

§subsection V0_17_6 REDESIGN theBrain §li using now the build-in sqlite database. §li using a special systax to define a strong typed datatype in sqlite

§subsection V0_17_7 REDESIGN Windows build §li now using mingw and microsoft sdk compiler §li automake/autoconf configuration update to find windows build tools

§section V0_17alfa 2013 - NHI1-0.17alfa, PLMK-2.5 und libmsgque-5.5

  1. fig bug in rbmsgque, now the toplevel class initialize method does not need a template dummy argument anymore.

§verbatim class MyServer < MqS def initialize() super() ... end ... end §endverbatim

  1. fix bug in phpmsgque, initialization of "MqInitCreate" now done during FactoryAdd or FactoryDefault
  2. fix bug in c# configuration - not handel version-numbers right
  3. java install in opensuse lxc-container and fix bug doesn't complain about missing java executables.

§verbatim zypper in jdk-7u11-linux-x64.rpm /usr/sbin/update-alternatives –install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/java/latest/bin/java" 20000 /usr/sbin/update-alternatives –install "/usr/bin/javac" "javac" "/usr/java/latest/bin/javac" 20000 /usr/sbin/update-alternatives –install "/usr/bin/javah" "javah" "/usr/java/latest/bin/javah" 20000 §endverbatim

§n §n

§section V0_16 08 Apr 2011 - NHI1-0.16, PLMK-2.4 und libmsgque-5.4

this release change the build-environement on windows from Visual-X-Express to cygwin/mingw

§verbatim svn diff –summarize -r '{2011-03-15}:{2011-05-8}' svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/trunk §endverbatim

§n §n

§section V0_15 15 Feb 2011 - NHI1-0.15, PLMK-2.4 und libmsgque-5.4

Update §b windows support

§verbatim svn diff –summarize -r '{2011-02-27}:{2011-03-15}' svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/trunk §endverbatim

§n §n

§section V0_14 27 Feb 2011 - NHI1-0.14, PLMK-2.3 und libmsgque-5.3

This release add §e persistent-transaction-support-part-2. The §RDocNs{StorageApi} interface was added to store/retrieve a §e data-package from/to the database.

§verbatim svn diff –summarize -r '{2011-02-05}:{2011-02-27}' svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/trunk §endverbatim

§n §n

§section V0_13 05 Feb 2011 - NHI1-0.13, PLMK-2.2 und libmsgque-5.2

This release add §e persistent-transaction-support-part-1 and an improved §e factory-interface. In addition some code/documentation errors were fixed.

§verbatim svn diff –summarize -r '{2011-01-21}:{2011-02-05}' svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/trunk §endverbatim

§n §n

§section V0_12 21 Jan 2011 - NHI1-0.12, PLMK-2.1 und libmsgque-5.1

This release embed "sqlite" support into the PLMK kernel.

§verbatim svn diff –summarize -r '{2011-01-14}:{2011-01-21}' svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/trunk §endverbatim

§n §n

§section V0_11 13 Jan 2011 - NHI1-0.11, PLMK-2.0 und libmsgque-5.0

This release add support for the §AllLngTxt{FactoryObject} design pattern.

§verbatim svn diff –summarize -r '{2010-11-30}:{2011-01-14}' §endverbatim

§n §n

§section V0_10 29 Nov 2010 - NHI1-0.10, PLMK-1.8 und libmsgque-4.8

This release add support for the new programming-language "Go" from Google.

files changed: §verbatim svn diff –summarize svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/ svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/trunk

M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/tests/all.tcl M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/tests/error.test M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/tests/client.test M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/tests/library.tcl M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/tests/csserver.exe M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/tests M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/jvmsgque/context_jv.c M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/jvmsgque/jvmsgque.jar M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/perlmsgque/Net-PerlMsgque/lib/Net/PerlMsgque.pm M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/csmsgque/csmsgque.cs AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/MakeGoMsgque.inc.in AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/Makefile.in AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/read.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/client.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/MqSException.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/MqBinary.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/send.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/MkBufferS.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/link.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/MqS.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/service.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/test1.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/test2.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/gomsgque.c AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/config.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/server.go A svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/Makefile AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/gomsgque.h AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src/slave.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/src AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque/Makefile.am AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/gomsgque M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/docs/main/Doxyfile M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/docs/main/main.doc M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/docs/doxygen.sh M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/docs/Doxyfile.generic M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/c/service.c M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/c/msgque.c M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/c/msgque_mq.h M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/c/read.c M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/c/buffer.c M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/c/slave.c M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/c/token.c M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/c/bufferL.c M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/c/trans.c M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/c/link.c M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/theLink/Makefile.am M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/c/Filter4.c AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/go/MyServer.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/go/mulclient.go A svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/go/Makefile.in AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/go/testclient.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/go/src AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/go/MyClient.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/go/mulserver.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/go/Makefile.am AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/go/Filter1.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/go/testserver.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/go/Filter2.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/go/Filter3.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/go/Filter4.go AM svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/go M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/example/php/Makefile.in M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/bin/Label M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/bin/LbMain M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/NEWS M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/.OtConfig M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/configure.in M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/win/env-build.sh M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/win/msgque_config.h M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/win/win/win.vsprops M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/acinclude.m4 M svn+ssh://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/nhi1/tags/NHI1-0.9/Makefile.am §endverbatim

§n §n

§section V0_9 08 Nov 2010 - NHI1-0.9, PLMK-1.7 und libmsgque-4.7

This version adds the ability to:

  • §phpmsgque "PHP" language support.
  • a new interface of the §RDocNsA{ProcessEvent} function and the §RCNs{ConfigS::startAs} configuration option.
  • terminate an application from a callback with the §RDocNsA{ErrorSetEXIT} function.

The PHP language is characterized by an extensive but undocumented C API. The number of features combined with a growing and moving language made the extension programming difficult and lengthy. The successful PHP extension shows the flexibility and adaptability of NHI1.

§n §n

§section V0_8 22 Oct 2010 - NHI1-0.8, PLMK-1.6 und libmsgque-4.6

This release adds the ability to:

  • Ruby language support (LNG)
  • L)anguage A)bstraction L)ayer (§ref MqLalS)
  • G)arbage C)ollection Object-Mark (§RCNs{Mark})

Ruby is an object-oriented programming language like Python. The new §libmsgque C-function §RCNs{Mark} was added to the GC support and marks all objects that are referenced within 'libmsgque'. The programmer now has the opportunity to replace internal functions such as: §ref MqLalS::SysCalloc "SysCalloc", §ref MqLalS::SysMalloc "SysMalloc", §ref MqLalS::SysRealloc "SysRealloc", §ref MqLalS::SysFree "SysFree", §ref MqLalS::SysSelect "SysSelect", §ref MqLalS::SysFork "SysFork", §ref MqLalS::SysServerSpawn "SysServerSpawn", §ref MqLalS::SysServerThread "SysServerThread", §ref MqLalS::SysServerFork "SysServerFork", §ref MqLalS::SysWait "SysWait", §ref MqLalS::SysUSleep "SysUSleep", §ref MqLalS::SysSleep "SysSleep", §ref MqLalS::SysDaemonize "SysDaemonize", §ref MqLalS::SysExit "SysExit", §ref MqLalS::SysAbort "SysAbort" to adapt to the environment (§ref MqLalS).

§n §n

§section V0_7 08 Mar 2010 - NHI1-0.7, PLMK-1.6 and libmsgque-4.5

This is a §e major-feature-release to add §e longtime-transaction support.

§subsection V0_7_lt longtime-transaction support

A §e longtime-transaction is a transaction with an infinite time period between the start and the end. A §e longtime-transaction is always a §e persistent-transaction too. The §e persistent support is available as an in-memory solution on the §e application-server or in an additional §e bidirectional-filter, with local storage, available for the next release.§n

A typical scenario for a §e longtime-transaction is:

  • A user with a client connect to the server and start a §e longtime-transaction job. After a while the user shutdown the client and leave the office. At the next morning the user start the client again and the results are send from the server to the client.
  • On a space mission the time-overhead between transaction start and end is large. It is usually not possible to keep the client-server-connection open all the time.
  • On a military action-system the enemy try to interrupted the client-server-connection to disable data communication.

To use a §e longtime-transaction the results are send to a §e client-service registered with §RDocNsA{ServiceCreate}. This service and addtional data (I call this data §e local-context-data) have to be added to the §e longterm-transaction package to be available in the result. On the §e link-target the §e local-context-data is initial stripped from the §e data-package and is later added to the results again.§n

The §e local-context-data is added to the §e data-package with §RDocNsA{SendT_START} and §RDocNsA{SendT_END}. The §e local-context-data is read from the §e data-package with §RDocNsA{ReadT_START} and §RDocNsA{ReadT_END}.

§subsection V0_7_sp service proxy support

A §e service-proxy (§RDocNsA{ServiceProxy}) is used to forward the entire §e data-package from one context to an other context and is used in a §e filter like environment.

§n §n

§section V0_6 16 Feb 2010 - NHI1-0.6, PLMK-1.5 and libmsgque-4.4

This is a §e major-feature-release to prepare the environment for the new §e milestone-release coming soon

§subsection V0_6_gc Performing memory cleanup using Garbage-Collection

To find a §e safe moment to free unused memory is the most difficult part in a complex software. To solve this problem a §e refCount based §e Garbage-Collection has been introduced. This is not an easy step because the §e GC have to cooperate with the §RDocNsA{syn,callback-language} memory cleanup technology. To achive this goal a very §e conservative strategy was applied. §b No cleanup of lost objects is performed (this is the job of the §e callback-languages). Only deleted objects (§RDocNsA{ContextDelete}) with a MqS::refCount > 0 are added into the §e GC-Pool. The cleanup is done with the following conditions:

  • §RDocNsA{ProcessEvent} with the §e FOREVER flag (this is the §e main-loop) after an event was processed.
  • §RDocNsA{Exit}, on thread or process exit
  • on application-exit

The MqS::refCount is increased with §b ++ and decreased with §b –. The default MqS::refCount is §b 0. §n The refCount is modified to protect the calling object:

  • during a §RDocNsA{ProcessEvent} call
  • in a §e callback
  • during an §e event-action task, example: §RDocNsI{MqEventIF}

§subsection V0_6_log New message-logging API

The §PLMK logging was opened to give the user the abillity to create a §PLMK conform logging message on stderr.§n The following functions were added:

  • §RDocNsA{LogC}, to write a string message
  • §b LogV (§ref c_LogV "C", §ref cc_LogV "C++"), to write a §e printf style message
  • §b LogVL (§ref c_LogVL "C", §ref cc_LogVL "C++"), to write a §e vprintf style message

§n §n

§section V0_5 1 Feb 2010 - NHI1-0.5, PLMK-1.4 and libmsgque-4.3

This is a §e feature-release to prepare the environment for the new §e milestone-release coming soon

§subsection V0_5_con Recover from a Server or a Network downtime

§subsubsection V0_5_con_old Old Behaviour

A §e server-downtime is equivalent with a broken §e client-server-link and result in an §e exit-error-code from a §e link-access-operation. This error usually end in a §RDocNsA{ContextDelete} operation and the entire environment, including the local variables, is lost. No functions are available to act on the §e exit-error-code and to §e re-connect the server.

§subsubsection V0_5_con_new New Behaviour

Starting with the release §b libmsgque-4.3 two functions are available to act on the §e exit-error-code.

  1. §RDocNsA{ErrorIsEXIT}: in an §e error-handler separate the §e exit-error from the §e normal-error
  2. §RDocNsA{LinkConnect}: do a §e re-connect on a broken §e client-server-link

These two functions can be used together with §RCNs{ConfigS::ignoreExit}, §RDocNsI{MqEventIF} and §RDocNsA{ErrorSetCONTINUE} to build a filter to cache a §e service-request and guarantee the delivery.

§subsubsection V0_5_con_example C++ Example from the file "example/cc/Filter4.cc" §dontinclude Filter4.cc

§skip void Event §until } §until } §until } §until } §until } §until } §until } §until } §until }

§subsection V0_5_ident Identify the link-target

§subsubsection V0_5_ident_def Definition

A §e link-target is the direct neighbour and the identification of the §e link-target is used to modify the local behaviour. In different to §RDocNsI{Name} the §b ident is set by the programmer and can §b not be changed by the user. The goal is to give every major §e application a unique name like: §c "PayrollServer-V1.7" or §c "DocuStoreClient-V1.7-USR-aotto1968". This ident is exchanged during §e link-startup and can be retrieved with §RDocNsA{LinkGetTargetIdent}.

§subsubsection V0_5_ident_example C++ Example from the file "example/cc/Filter4.cc"

In the §e service-handler §b LOGF decide to use the §e string-data local or to send the §e string-data to the §e link-target §dontinclude Filter4.cc

§skip LOGF §until SendRETURN §until }