NHI1 10.0
NHI1 -
theKernel -
theLink -
theConfig -
theSq3Lite -
theCompiler -
theBrain -
Nhi1Label - Nhi1BuildExtension - Nhi1Config - Nhi1Exec - Nhi1Switch - Nhi1Tags - Nhi1Docs |
, (internal) the tool to build the 'NHI1'.
[Nhi1Env] setup=debug: > /dev/shm/dev1usr/Main/x86_64-suse-linux-gnu/debug/env-build.sh usage: BuildNhi1.bash ?options...? lang... options: --call=XXX commands on LIB LNG level ........................ LB # build Labels : call Nhi1Label.tcl CLEAN # clean files : call Nhi1Make clean TG # build Tags : call Nhi1Tags.tcl MI # build index for Makefile : call ./.makefile_index.bash RS # ALC build rpc server : call lng_RpcServer.tcl DOC # ALC build doc files : call lng_DOC.tcl MqS # ALC build declaration code : call lng_MqS.tcl MqC # ALC build definition code : call lng_MqC.tcl --call=XXX commands on PRE LIB level ........................ DVL # public DOC configuration : call: vim -p PKG/docs/public/LNG.config --call=XXX commands on LIB level ............................ CL # build CLASS definition : call: c_Class.tcl CM # build META definition : call: c_Meta.tcl DS # setup DOC : call: lib_DX.tcl to setup common DOC files TST # test the software : call: Nhi1Exec -check ... LOG # view the test-log : call: Nhi1Make log build options ............................................... -mk|-mq|-lc|-sq3|-tb|-tg|-tc|-top : package -tcl|-py|-php|-rb|-pl|-cc|-jv|-cs|-go|-vb|-c : language -f|--force # force build : clean and set META_CONFIG_FORCE=yes --clean # clean first : Nhi1Make clean tool commands ............................................... -doC # generate code : Nhi1Make MqC -doB|-doBB # build binaries : Nhi1Make -do-j -doR # generate rpc code : Nhi1Make RpcServer & RpcClient -doM # generate meta code *only* : Nhi1Make meta doc commands ................................................ -doD # generate the DOC target : make "DOC" -doX # generate all "docs" : cd docs && Nhi1Docs ?man|main|--release|...? # > example : BuildNhi1.bash -doX -mq -- --tM man -doc-release # generate the release documentation : alc compiler commands ....................................... --call* # [LAST] call the tool : call=RS,LB,TG,CL,DS,DOC,DVL,TST,LOG,CLEAN --test # [LAST] test the software : call Nhi1Exec -check ... --test-log # [LAST] show test-log : call Nhi1Make log maintenance commands ........................................ -e|--edit # edit this file : --alc-v* # use verbose mode : set META_CONFIG_VERBOSE=1, 2, 3, ... --alc-d* # use debug mode : set META_CONFIG_DEBUG=1, 2, 3, ... --alc-trace # generate trace event : set META_CONFIG_TRACE=yes -x # debug this script : set -xv -d|-dd|-ddd # debug this script : more '-d..' is stronger -make=* # make options : make (MqC|RpcServer|RpcClient|meta) ?make options? -erase-all # erase all generated code : set META_CONFIG_ERASE_ALL=yes --no-less # do NOT use less : default: use less, 1x use tee, 2x use nothing -h|--help # default help : -- # END of options : -* # invalid option :