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MqContextC - setup and manage a storage used to persist data-packagesMore...

+ Collaboration diagram for MqContextC_StorageApi_Storage_C_API:


enum MkErrorE MqStorageErrCnt_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR transLId, MK_I32 *cnt_out)
 increment and return the database row-error-count for the row defined with transLId
enum MkErrorE MqStorageOpen_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN const storageFile)
 switch to a file-based-transaction-database
enum MkErrorE MqStorageClose_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
 close the storage. …
enum MkErrorE MqStorageExport_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR *ltid_out)
 export the read-data-package into the STORAGE
enum MkErrorE MqStorageImport_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout)
 import the storage-package into the read-data-package
enum MkErrorE MqStorageIncrRef_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR transLId)
 increase the internal refCount lock of the database-entry
enum MkErrorE MqStorageDecrRef_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR transLId)
 decrease the internal refCount lock of the database-entry
enum MkErrorE MqStorageDelete_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout)
 delete the storage-row identified by the transLIdP_inout
enum MkErrorE MqStorageCount_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR *cnt_out)
 count the number of storage-rows
enum MkErrorE MqStorageResolve_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_CTX *otherCtxP_out, MQ_LTR *otherLIdP_out)
 extract the context->link.protect.rmtTransLId entry from the database


enum MkErrorE MqStorageLog_RT (MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN const callfunc)
 log the storage the status of the open transactions

MqContextC - MqContextC_StorageApi_Storage_C_API - overload

#define MqStorageLog_1(ctx)
#define MqStorageDelete_NULL(...)
#define MqStorageDelete(...)
#define MqStorageDelete_1(ctx)
#define MqStorageDelete_E(...)
#define MqStorageDelete_C(...)
#define MqStorageDelete_e(...)
#define MqStorageImport_NULL(...)
#define MqStorageImport(...)
#define MqStorageImport_1(ctx)
#define MqStorageImport_E(...)
#define MqStorageImport_C(...)
#define MqStorageImport_e(...)
#define MqStorageClose_NULL(...)
#define MqStorageClose(...)
#define MqStorageClose_E(...)
#define MqStorageClose_C(...)
#define MqStorageDecrRef_NULL(...)
#define MqStorageDecrRef(...)
#define MqStorageDecrRef_E(...)
#define MqStorageDecrRef_C(...)
#define MqStorageIncrRef_NULL(...)
#define MqStorageIncrRef(...)
#define MqStorageIncrRef_E(...)
#define MqStorageIncrRef_C(...)
#define MqStorageLog_NULL(...)
#define MqStorageLog(...)
#define MqStorageLog_1(ctx)
#define MqStorageLog_E(...)
#define MqStorageLog_C(...)
#define MqStorageOpen_NULL(...)
#define MqStorageOpen(...)
#define MqStorageOpen_E(...)
#define MqStorageOpen_C(...)
#define MqStorageCount_NULL(...)
#define MqStorageCount(...)
#define MqStorageCount_E(...)
#define MqStorageCount_C(...)
#define MqStorageCount_e(...)
#define MqStorageErrCnt_NULL(...)
#define MqStorageErrCnt(...)
#define MqStorageErrCnt_E(...)
#define MqStorageErrCnt_C(...)
#define MqStorageErrCnt_e(...)
#define MqStorageExport_NULL(...)
#define MqStorageExport(...)
#define MqStorageExport_E(...)
#define MqStorageExport_C(...)
#define MqStorageExport_e(...)
#define MqStorageResolve_NULL(...)
#define MqStorageResolve(...)
#define MqStorageResolve_E(...)
#define MqStorageResolve_C(...)

Detailed Description

MqContextC - setup and manage a storage used to persist data-packages

The storage is divided into: INTERNAL and EXTERNAL storage. Only the read-data-package can be stored or dumped into the storage.

The read-data-package is saved into the storage using:

ServiceStorage setup a service listen on a MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer and save all read-data-package into the STORAGE
StorageExport export the read-data-package into the STORAGE

The read-data-package is restored from the storage using:

StorageImport import the storage-package into the read-data-package
ProxyForward send the entire read-data-package-data to the link-target
All this usually happen in an Event Handler

Some important facts of the storage-feature:

The following internal storages are supported:

The default-storage is set with the configuration parameter --storage fileName and defaults to "#memdb#". If a package have to be saved into the storage and the storage is not open the default-storage id used. The open will always be performed. If an explicit storage is required the default can be changed or a storage can explicit be opened with MqStorageOpen. Keep in mind that the default-storage is a per-context configuration but only one storage per process or thread is currently supported.
This is the default storage and can be set explicitly with MqStorageOpen using the "#memdb#" parameter.
This storage is like an in-memory-storage but export data to the TEMPORARY filesystem if the application run out of memory. This storage can explicit be set with MqStorageOpen with the parameter "#tmpdb#".
This storage always work on files. Only this storage is persistent and can explicit be set with MqStorageOpen with the storageFile parameter.

Performance analyse:

database performance host crash application crash info
memdb 30.000 data lost data lost non persistent
tempdb < 30.000 data lost data lost uses memory and/or temporary file
filedb (mem) 10.000 data lost data safe in memory filesystem
filedb (disc) 50 data safe data safe disc-speed is the key factor

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ MqStorageClose

#define MqStorageClose ( ...)
#define MK_RT_CALL
enum MkErrorE MqStorageClose_RT(MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx)
close the storage. …

Definition at line 810 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageClose_C

#define MqStorageClose_C ( ...)
if (MkErrorCheckI(MqStorageClose(__VA_ARGS__)))
#define MqStorageClose(...)

Definition at line 812 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageClose_E

#define MqStorageClose_E ( ...)

Definition at line 811 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageClose_NULL

#define MqStorageClose_NULL ( ...)

Definition at line 809 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageCount

#define MqStorageCount ( ...)
enum MkErrorE MqStorageCount_RT(MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR *cnt_out)
count the number of storage-rows …

Definition at line 833 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageCount_C

#define MqStorageCount_C ( ...)
if (MkErrorCheckI(MqStorageCount(__VA_ARGS__)))
#define MqStorageCount(...)

Definition at line 835 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageCount_E

#define MqStorageCount_E ( ...)

Definition at line 834 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageCount_e

#define MqStorageCount_e ( ...)
int MQ_LTR
32bit longterm transaction token because PHP-32 does NOT support long long

Definition at line 836 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageCount_NULL

#define MqStorageCount_NULL ( ...)

Definition at line 832 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageDecrRef

#define MqStorageDecrRef ( ...)
enum MkErrorE MqStorageDecrRef_RT(MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR transLId)
decrease the internal refCount lock of the database-entry

Definition at line 814 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageDecrRef_C

#define MqStorageDecrRef_C ( ...)
if (MkErrorCheckI(MqStorageDecrRef(__VA_ARGS__)))
#define MqStorageDecrRef(...)

Definition at line 816 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageDecrRef_E

#define MqStorageDecrRef_E ( ...)

Definition at line 815 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageDecrRef_NULL

#define MqStorageDecrRef_NULL ( ...)

Definition at line 813 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageDelete

#define MqStorageDelete ( ...)
enum MkErrorE MqStorageDelete_RT(MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout)
delete the storage-row identified by the transLIdP_inout …

Definition at line 796 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageDelete_1

#define MqStorageDelete_1 ( ctx)
#define MqStorageDelete(...)

Definition at line 797 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageDelete_C

#define MqStorageDelete_C ( ...)
if (MkErrorCheckI(MqStorageDelete(__VA_ARGS__)))

Definition at line 799 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageDelete_E

#define MqStorageDelete_E ( ...)

Definition at line 798 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageDelete_e

#define MqStorageDelete_e ( ...)

Definition at line 800 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageDelete_NULL

#define MqStorageDelete_NULL ( ...)

Definition at line 795 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageErrCnt

#define MqStorageErrCnt ( ...)
enum MkErrorE MqStorageErrCnt_RT(MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR transLId, MK_I32 *cnt_out)
increment and return the database row-error-count for the row defined with transLId

Definition at line 838 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageErrCnt_C

#define MqStorageErrCnt_C ( ...)
if (MkErrorCheckI(MqStorageErrCnt(__VA_ARGS__)))
#define MqStorageErrCnt(...)

Definition at line 840 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageErrCnt_E

#define MqStorageErrCnt_E ( ...)

Definition at line 839 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageErrCnt_e

#define MqStorageErrCnt_e ( ...)
signed int MK_I32

Definition at line 841 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageErrCnt_NULL

#define MqStorageErrCnt_NULL ( ...)

Definition at line 837 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageExport

#define MqStorageExport ( ...)
enum MkErrorE MqStorageExport_RT(MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR *ltid_out)
export the read-data-package into the STORAGE …

Definition at line 843 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageExport_C

#define MqStorageExport_C ( ...)
if (MkErrorCheckI(MqStorageExport(__VA_ARGS__)))
#define MqStorageExport(...)

Definition at line 845 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageExport_E

#define MqStorageExport_E ( ...)

Definition at line 844 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageExport_e

#define MqStorageExport_e ( ...)

Definition at line 846 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageExport_NULL

#define MqStorageExport_NULL ( ...)

Definition at line 842 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageImport

#define MqStorageImport ( ...)
enum MkErrorE MqStorageImport_RT(MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR *transLIdP_inout)
import the storage-package into the read-data-package …

Definition at line 802 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageImport_1

#define MqStorageImport_1 ( ctx)
#define MqStorageImport(...)

Definition at line 803 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageImport_C

#define MqStorageImport_C ( ...)
if (MkErrorCheckI(MqStorageImport(__VA_ARGS__)))

Definition at line 805 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageImport_E

#define MqStorageImport_E ( ...)

Definition at line 804 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageImport_e

#define MqStorageImport_e ( ...)

Definition at line 806 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageImport_NULL

#define MqStorageImport_NULL ( ...)

Definition at line 801 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageIncrRef

#define MqStorageIncrRef ( ...)
enum MkErrorE MqStorageIncrRef_RT(MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_LTR transLId)
increase the internal refCount lock of the database-entry

Definition at line 818 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageIncrRef_C

#define MqStorageIncrRef_C ( ...)
if (MkErrorCheckI(MqStorageIncrRef(__VA_ARGS__)))
#define MqStorageIncrRef(...)

Definition at line 820 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageIncrRef_E

#define MqStorageIncrRef_E ( ...)

Definition at line 819 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageIncrRef_NULL

#define MqStorageIncrRef_NULL ( ...)

Definition at line 817 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageLog

#define MqStorageLog ( ...)
enum MkErrorE MqStorageLog_RT(MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN const callfunc)
log the storage the status of the open transactions

Definition at line 822 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageLog_1 [1/2]

#define MqStorageLog_1 ( ctx)
#define MqStorageLog(...)

Definition at line 823 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageLog_1 [2/2]

#define MqStorageLog_1 ( ctx)

Definition at line 5048 of file LibMqMsgque_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageLog_C

#define MqStorageLog_C ( ...)
if (MkErrorCheckI(MqStorageLog(__VA_ARGS__)))

Definition at line 825 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageLog_E

#define MqStorageLog_E ( ...)

Definition at line 824 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageLog_NULL

#define MqStorageLog_NULL ( ...)

Definition at line 821 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageOpen

#define MqStorageOpen ( ...)
enum MkErrorE MqStorageOpen_RT(MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_STRN const storageFile)
switch to a file-based-transaction-database …

Definition at line 827 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageOpen_C

#define MqStorageOpen_C ( ...)
if (MkErrorCheckI(MqStorageOpen(__VA_ARGS__)))
#define MqStorageOpen(...)

Definition at line 829 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageOpen_E

#define MqStorageOpen_E ( ...)

Definition at line 828 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageOpen_NULL

#define MqStorageOpen_NULL ( ...)

Definition at line 826 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageResolve

#define MqStorageResolve ( ...)
enum MkErrorE MqStorageResolve_RT(MK_RT mkrt, MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_CTX *otherCtxP_out, MQ_LTR *otherLIdP_out)
extract the context->link.protect.rmtTransLId entry from the database

Definition at line 848 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageResolve_C

#define MqStorageResolve_C ( ...)
if (MkErrorCheckI(MqStorageResolve(__VA_ARGS__)))
#define MqStorageResolve(...)

Definition at line 850 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageResolve_E

#define MqStorageResolve_E ( ...)

Definition at line 849 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

◆ MqStorageResolve_NULL

#define MqStorageResolve_NULL ( ...)

Definition at line 847 of file msgque_overload_mq.h.

Function Documentation

◆ MqStorageClose_RT()

enum MkErrorE MqStorageClose_RT ( MK_RT mkrt,
MQ_CTX const ctx )

close the storage. …

the next storage request will open the storage again with the location from Storage

[in]mkrtthe MkRuntimeS instance to work on - the runtime argument, used by MK_RT_CALL (C-only)
[in]ctxthe MqContextS instance to work on
MkExceptionC→ The default-exception from the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK)

◆ MqStorageCount_RT()

enum MkErrorE MqStorageCount_RT ( MK_RT mkrt,
MQ_CTX const ctx,
MQ_LTR * cnt_out )

count the number of storage-rows

[in]mkrtthe MkRuntimeS instance to work on - the runtime argument, used by MK_RT_CALL (C-only)
[in]ctxthe MqContextS instance to work on
[out]cnt_outnumber of rows, OLL if nothing is available
MkExceptionC→ The default-exception from the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK)

◆ MqStorageDecrRef_RT()

enum MkErrorE MqStorageDecrRef_RT ( MK_RT mkrt,
MQ_CTX const ctx,
MQ_LTR transLId )

decrease the internal refCount lock of the database-entry

[in]mkrtthe MkRuntimeS instance to work on - the runtime argument, used by MK_RT_CALL (C-only)
[in]ctxthe MqContextS instance to work on
[in]transLIdstorage-id … return from MqStorageImport
MkExceptionC→ The default-exception from the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK)
See also
MqStorageImport, MqStorageIncrRef

◆ MqStorageDelete_RT()

enum MkErrorE MqStorageDelete_RT ( MK_RT mkrt,
MQ_CTX const ctx,
MQ_LTR * transLIdP_inout )

delete the storage-row identified by the transLIdP_inout

The transLIdP_inout is the value returned by a previous MqStorageImport. If transLIdP_inout is nil than OLL is used. MqStorageImport and MqStorageDelete work together link an transaction and every successfull transcation have to delete the transLIdP_inout out of the storage. After sucessfull delete the transLIdP_inout is set to 0LL, on error the initial value is unchanged.

[in]mkrtthe MkRuntimeS instance to work on - the runtime argument, used by MK_RT_CALL (C-only)
[in]ctxthe MqContextS instance to work on
[in,out]transLIdP_inoutpointer to storage-id to delete, will be 0LL on success
MkExceptionC→ The default-exception from the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK)

◆ MqStorageErrCnt_RT()

enum MkErrorE MqStorageErrCnt_RT ( MK_RT mkrt,
MQ_CTX const ctx,
MQ_LTR transLId,
MK_I32 * cnt_out )

increment and return the database row-error-count for the row defined with transLId

The storage is typical used in the following workflow:

<----- AT CALLING CLIENT ----->|<----- AT RECEIVING SERVER ----->
    *setup transaction         |
    make service-request      -->    *start service-handler
                               |     save request into storage
    wait for confirmation     <--    confirm data receiving
                               |     *stop service-handler

  ====================  enter event loop  =====================

                               |     *start event-handler
                               |     load reqest from storage
                               |     process data
    *start transaction        <--    send result-data
    process result-data        |     *stop event-handler
    *stop transaction          |

Example Filter6 - store incoming packages into storage

[in]mkrtthe MkRuntimeS instance to work on - the runtime argument, used by MK_RT_CALL (C-only)
[in]ctxthe MqContextS instance to work on
[in]transLIdstorage-id … return from MqStorageImport
[out]cnt_outthe new value or -1 on error
MkExceptionC→ The default-exception from the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK)

◆ MqStorageExport_RT()

enum MkErrorE MqStorageExport_RT ( MK_RT mkrt,
MQ_CTX const ctx,
MQ_LTR * ltid_out )

export the read-data-package into the STORAGE

The export include all data required to setup a read-data-package later again. After import with MqStorageImport the read-data-package and the environment will be set as it was on MqStorageExport

[in]mkrtthe MkRuntimeS instance to work on - the runtime argument, used by MK_RT_CALL (C-only)
[in]ctxthe MqContextS instance to work on
[out]ltid_outif ltid_out != NULL return the storage-id
MkExceptionC→ The default-exception from the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK)
See also
MqDumpExport, MqStorageImport

◆ MqStorageImport_RT()

enum MkErrorE MqStorageImport_RT ( MK_RT mkrt,
MQ_CTX const ctx,
MQ_LTR * transLIdP_inout )

import the storage-package into the read-data-package

Select the read-data-package from the database using the transLIdP. Only a package with refCount = 0 will be selected.
After selection the refCount is incremented and the next call to MqStorageImport using the same transLId will fail.
MqStorageImport is used together with MqStorageDelete or MqStorageDecrRef to delete the selected package from database or to undo the select.

[in]mkrtthe MkRuntimeS instance to work on - the runtime argument, used by MK_RT_CALL (C-only)
[in]ctxthe MqContextS instance to work on
[in,out]transLIdP_inoutstorage-id or nil or 0 … return from MqStorageExport
*transLIdP > 0 return the read-data-package identified with the storage-id.
*transLIdP == 0 return the top-most (FIFO) read-data-package and set the transLIdP to the storage-id.
*transLIdP < 0 return an error
transLIdP == NULL like transLIdP == 0
*transLIdP invalid like transLIdP < 0
MkExceptionC→ The default-exception from the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK)
Read MqProcessEvent for the dependency with the event-loop.
There is no guarantee that a package will be read FIFO.
In principle, the first free package (refCount=0) with the smallest transLId is read.
However, if the package hangs in subsequent processing and the refCount is not reset or the package is not deleted, then the package remains locked and a subsequent call to MqStorageImport will read the next free package.
  • This approach protects a server or router from blocking after an unpredictable failure.
See also
MqDumpExport, MqStorageExport, MqStorageDelete, MqStorageDecrRef, MqStorageIncrRef

◆ MqStorageIncrRef_RT()

enum MkErrorE MqStorageIncrRef_RT ( MK_RT mkrt,
MQ_CTX const ctx,
MQ_LTR transLId )

increase the internal refCount lock of the database-entry

[in]mkrtthe MkRuntimeS instance to work on - the runtime argument, used by MK_RT_CALL (C-only)
[in]ctxthe MqContextS instance to work on
[in]transLIdstorage-id … return from MqStorageImport
MkExceptionC→ The default-exception from the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK)
See also
MqStorageImport, MqStorageDecrRef

◆ MqStorageLog_RT()

enum MkErrorE MqStorageLog_RT ( MK_RT mkrt,
MQ_CTX const ctx,
MK_STRN const callfunc )

log the storage the status of the open transactions

◆ MqStorageOpen_RT()

enum MkErrorE MqStorageOpen_RT ( MK_RT mkrt,
MQ_CTX const ctx,
MK_STRN const storageFile )

switch to a file-based-transaction-database

the value can also be set using the --storage commandline option.

[in]mkrtthe MkRuntimeS instance to work on - the runtime argument, used by MK_RT_CALL (C-only)
[in]ctxthe MqContextS instance to work on
[in]storageFilethe file used to create the transaction-database. Allowed values are:
  1. "#memdb#" for a in-memory-database (default)
  2. "#tmpdb#" for a temporary-database-file
  3. filename for a persistent-database-file
MkExceptionC→ The default-exception from the Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK)

◆ MqStorageResolve_RT()

enum MkErrorE MqStorageResolve_RT ( MK_RT mkrt,
MQ_CTX const ctx,
MQ_CTX * otherCtxP_out,
MQ_LTR * otherLIdP_out )

extract the context->link.protect.rmtTransLId entry from the database

[in]mkrtthe MkRuntimeS instance to work on - the runtime argument, used by MK_RT_CALL (C-only)
[in]ctxthe MqContextS instance to work on
[out]otherCtxP_outthe ctx of the resolve
[out]otherLIdP_outthe transLId of the resolve