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MqDumpC - various functions to create, initialize and destroy a dumpMore...

+ Collaboration diagram for MqDumpC_TOR_JV_API:


static native MqDumpC jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.Error (MqContextC error, MqDumpC dumpP_inout)
  Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Error(MqContextC error, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
export the context->error into the dump-package
static MqDumpC jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.Error (MqContextC error)
  Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Error(MqContextC error, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
export the context->error into the dump-package
static native MqDumpC jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.Export (MqContextC ctx, MqDumpC dumpP_inout)
  Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Export(MqContextC ctx, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
create a MqDumpC as export of the ctx-read-data-package
 jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.MqDumpC (MqContextC ctx, MqDumpC dumpP_inout)
  Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Export(MqContextC ctx, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
create a MqDumpC as export of the ctx-read-data-package
static MqDumpC jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.Export (MqContextC ctx)
  Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Export(MqContextC ctx, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
create a MqDumpC as export of the ctx-read-data-package
 jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.MqDumpC (MqContextC ctx)
  Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Export(MqContextC ctx, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
create a MqDumpC as export of the ctx-read-data-package
static native MqDumpC jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.BinSet (byte[] data)
  Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.BinSet(byte[] data) C-API
create an MqDumpS object from binary data
native byte[] jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.BinGet ()
  Java: byte[] dump.BinGet() C-API
export the binary data from an MqDumpS object
native void jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.Import (MqContextC ctx)
  Java: dump.Import(MqContextC ctx) C-API
import the dump-package into the ctx-read-data-package
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_CTOR (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jobject ctx, jobject dumpP_inout)
  Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Export(MqContextC ctx, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
create a MqDumpC as export of the ctx-read-data-package
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_Error (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jobject error, jobject dumpP_inout)
  Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Error(MqContextC error, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
export the context->error into the dump-package
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_Export (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jobject ctx, jobject dumpP_inout)
  Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Export(MqContextC ctx, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
create a MqDumpC as export of the ctx-read-data-package
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_BinSet (JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jbyteArray data)
  Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.BinSet(byte[] data) C-API
create an MqDumpS object from binary data
JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_BinGet (JNIEnv *env, jobject self)
  Java: byte[] dump.BinGet() C-API
export the binary data from an MqDumpS object
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_Import (JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jobject ctx)
  Java: dump.Import(MqContextC ctx) C-API
import the dump-package into the ctx-read-data-package

Detailed Description

MqDumpC - various functions to create, initialize and destroy a dump

Function Documentation

◆ BinGet()

native byte[] jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.BinGet ( )

Java: byte[] dump.BinGet() C-API
export the binary data from an MqDumpS object

◆ BinSet()

static native MqDumpC jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.BinSet ( byte[] data)

Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.BinSet(byte[] data) C-API
create an MqDumpS object from binary data

◆ Error() [1/2]

static MqDumpC jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.Error ( MqContextC error)

Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Error(MqContextC error, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
export the context->error into the dump-package

Definition at line 140 of file

140 {
141 return Error (error, (MqDumpC) null);
142 }
static native MqDumpC Error(MqContextC error, MqDumpC dumpP_inout)
Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Error(MqContextC error, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?...

◆ Error() [2/2]

static native MqDumpC jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.Error ( MqContextC error,
MqDumpC dumpP_inout )

Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Error(MqContextC error, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
export the context->error into the dump-package

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Export() [1/2]

static MqDumpC jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.Export ( MqContextC ctx)

Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Export(MqContextC ctx, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
create a MqDumpC as export of the ctx-read-data-package

Definition at line 153 of file

153 {
154 return Export (ctx, (MqDumpC) null);
155 }
static native MqDumpC Export(MqContextC ctx, MqDumpC dumpP_inout)
Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Export(MqContextC ctx, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?...

◆ Export() [2/2]

static native MqDumpC jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.Export ( MqContextC ctx,
MqDumpC dumpP_inout )

Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Export(MqContextC ctx, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
create a MqDumpC as export of the ctx-read-data-package

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Import()

native void jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.Import ( MqContextC ctx)

Java: dump.Import(MqContextC ctx) C-API
import the dump-package into the ctx-read-data-package

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_BinGet()

JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_BinGet ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject self )

Java: byte[] dump.BinGet() C-API
export the binary data from an MqDumpS object

Definition at line 232 of file MqDumpC_jv.c.

232 {
233 MQ_DMPN hdl = (MQ_DMPN)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqDumpC",self);
234 JavaErrorCheck;
235 MkRtSetup_X(hdl);
236 MkBinaryR __retVal__L = MqDumpBinGet(hdl);
237 jbyteArray __retVal__S = (*env)->NewByteArray(env, (jsize) __retVal__L.size);
238 JavaErrorCheck;
239 (*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env,__retVal__S,0,(jsize) __retVal__L.size,(jbyte*);
240 JavaErrorCheck;
241 return __retVal__S;
243 return 0;
#define MkRtSetup_X(x)
const struct MqDumpS * MQ_DMPN
class-shortcut for const struct MqDumpS *, all const shortcut using the XX_YYYC syntax (only for publ...
MkBinaryR MqDumpBinGet(MQ_DMPN const dump)
export the binary data from an MqDumpS object
MK_SIZE size
MK_BINN data
MqDumpC - the class known as dmp or dump is used to export a jvmqmsgque data package as binary …

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_BinSet()

JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_BinSet ( JNIEnv * env,
jclass class,
jbyteArray data )

Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.BinSet(byte[] data) C-API
create an MqDumpS object from binary data

Definition at line 212 of file MqDumpC_jv.c.

212 {
214 MQ_DMP dmp_out;
215 MK_BINN data_data = (MK_BINN) (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, data, NULL);
216 JavaErrorCheck;
217 MK_SIZE data_size = (MK_SIZE) (*env)->GetArrayLength (env, data);
218 JavaErrorCheck;
219 MkBinaryR data_ref = MkBinaryCreate(data_size,data_data);
220 enum MkErrorE errVal = MqDumpBinSet(data_ref, &dmp_out);
221 MkErrorC_Check(NULL, errVal)
222 jobject __retVal__S = MQ(MqDumpC_ObjCreate)(MK_RT_CALL env,dmp_out);
223 (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, data, (jbyte*)data_data, JNI_ABORT);
224 return __retVal__S;
226 return 0;
static MkBinaryR MkBinaryCreate(MK_SIZE size, MK_BINN data)
long MK_SIZE
#define MK_RT_CALL
#define MkRtSetup_NULL
#define MqDumpBinSet(...)

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_CTOR()

JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_CTOR ( JNIEnv * env,
jclass class,
jobject ctx,
jobject dumpP_inout )

Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Export(MqContextC ctx, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
create a MqDumpC as export of the ctx-read-data-package

Definition at line 165 of file MqDumpC_jv.c.

165 {
167 MQ_CTX ctx_hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",ctx);
168 JavaErrorCheck;
169 MQ_DMP dumpP_inout_hdl = (MQ_DMP)pObj2Hdl__null_allow(env,dumpP_inout);
170 JavaErrorCheck;
171 enum MkErrorE errVal = MqDumpExport(ctx_hdl, &dumpP_inout_hdl);
172 MkErrorC_Check(NULL, errVal)
173 jlong __retVal__S = (jlong)dumpP_inout_hdl;
174 return __retVal__S;
176 return 0;
struct MqContextS * MQ_CTX
class-shortcut for struct MqContextS *, all shortcut using the XX_YYY syntax (only for public API) …
struct MqDumpS * MQ_DMP
class-shortcut for struct MqDumpS *, all shortcut using the XX_YYY syntax (only for public API) …
#define MqDumpExport(...)
PUBLIC data structure for the jvmqmsgque-specific-data

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_Error()

JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_Error ( JNIEnv * env,
jclass class,
jobject error,
jobject dumpP_inout )

Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Error(MqContextC error, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
export the context->error into the dump-package

Definition at line 180 of file MqDumpC_jv.c.

180 {
182 MQ_CTX error_hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",error);
183 JavaErrorCheck;
184 MQ_DMP dumpP_inout_hdl = (MQ_DMP)pObj2Hdl__null_allow(env,dumpP_inout);
185 JavaErrorCheck;
186 enum MkErrorE errVal = MqDumpError(error_hdl, &dumpP_inout_hdl);
187 MkErrorC_Check(NULL, errVal)
188 jobject __retVal__S = MQ(MqDumpC_ObjCreate)(MK_RT_CALL env,dumpP_inout_hdl);
189 return __retVal__S;
191 return 0;
#define MqDumpError(...)

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_Export()

JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_Export ( JNIEnv * env,
jclass class,
jobject ctx,
jobject dumpP_inout )

Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Export(MqContextC ctx, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
create a MqDumpC as export of the ctx-read-data-package

Definition at line 195 of file MqDumpC_jv.c.

195 {
197 MQ_CTX ctx_hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",ctx);
198 JavaErrorCheck;
199 MQ_DMP dumpP_inout_hdl = (MQ_DMP)pObj2Hdl__null_allow(env,dumpP_inout);
200 JavaErrorCheck;
201 enum MkErrorE errVal = MqDumpExport(ctx_hdl, &dumpP_inout_hdl);
202 MkErrorC_Check(NULL, errVal)
203 jobject __retVal__S = MQ(MqDumpC_ObjCreate)(MK_RT_CALL env,dumpP_inout_hdl);
204 return __retVal__S;
206 return 0;

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_Import()

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqDumpC_Import ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject self,
jobject ctx )

Java: dump.Import(MqContextC ctx) C-API
import the dump-package into the ctx-read-data-package

Definition at line 247 of file MqDumpC_jv.c.

247 {
248 MQ_DMP hdl = (MQ_DMP)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqDumpC",self);
249 JavaErrorCheck;
250 MkRtSetup_X(hdl);
251 MQ_CTX ctx_hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",ctx);
252 JavaErrorCheck;
253 enum MkErrorE errVal = MqDumpImport(hdl, ctx_hdl);
254 MkErrorC_Check(hdl, errVal)
256 return;
#define MqDumpImport(...)

◆ MqDumpC() [1/2]

jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.MqDumpC ( MqContextC ctx)

Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Export(MqContextC ctx, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
create a MqDumpC as export of the ctx-read-data-package

Definition at line 158 of file

158 {
159 this(CTOR(ctx, (MqDumpC) null), true);
160 }

◆ MqDumpC() [2/2]

jvmqmsgque.MqDumpC.MqDumpC ( MqContextC ctx,
MqDumpC dumpP_inout )

Java: [constructor,static] MqDumpC MqDumpC.Export(MqContextC ctx, ?MqDumpC dumpP_inout = null?) C-API
create a MqDumpC as export of the ctx-read-data-package

Definition at line 148 of file

148 {
149 this(CTOR(ctx, dumpP_inout), true);
150 }