Documentation of the Filter6 tool used for trans2.test
The Filer6 tool is used to test the filter-feature of ccmqmsgque.
To run the filter test, a first client, one or more filters and a final server are created. All are connected to the ccmqmsgque protocol.
The trans2.test
carries out common filter tests and special stress tests. A stress test is performed by exiting one or more filters or servers and observing the response and behavior when reconnecting.
The GOAL for this test is:
/** * @file NHI1/example/cc/ * @brief - 12 Nov 2024 - aotto1968 * @copyright (C) NHI - #1 - Project - Group * This software has NO permission to copy, * please contact AUTHOR for additional information * @version 478c13192af70c38a452c665c8243fd6902efb63 * @date Tue Nov 12 14:49:07 2024 +0100 * @author aotto1968 <> */ /* LABEL-START */ #include "debug_mq.h" #include "LibMqMsgque_cc.hh" /* LABEL-END */ #define META_CONTEXT_S &context #include <stdexcept> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <regex> using namespace std; using namespace ccmqmsgque; class Filter6 : public MqContextC, public MqServerSetupIF, public MqServerCleanupIF, public MqEventIF { friend class MqFactoryCT<Filter6>; private: static MK_I32 retryCnt; private: Filter6(MK_TYP const typ, MqContextC* tmpl=NULL) : MqContextC(typ, tmpl) { ConfigSetIgnoreExit(true); rgx = "^(?:Filter6-1|Filter6|fs1.*)$"; } private: FILE *FH; regex rgx; void ErrorWrite () { auto err = ErrorFORMAT(); fprintf(FH, "ERROR: %s\n", err->GetText()); fflush(FH); err->Reset(); } void LOGF () { // get the "link-target" MqContextC *ftr = SlaveGetFilter(); // check "Ident" from the "link-target" if (std::regex_match(ftr->ConfigGetName(),rgx)) { // if "Ident" is not "transFilter" use the data as file-name to open a file FH = fopen (ReadSTR(), "a"); } else { // if "Ident" is "transFilter" send the data to the "link-target" ProxyForward(ftr); } SendRETURN(); } static void WRIT (MqContextC *ctx) { // get the "master" Filter6 *master = dynamic_cast<Filter6*>(ctx->SlaveGetMaster()); if (std::regex_match(master->ConfigGetName(),master->rgx)) { fprintf (master->FH, "%s\n", ctx->ReadSTR()); fflush (master->FH); } else { ctx->ProxyForward(master); } ctx->SendRETURN(); } void EXIT () { Exit(); } void SOEX () { ErrorFORMAT()->SetEXIT(); } void FilterIn () { StorageExport(); SendRETURN(); } void Event () { // check if data is available if (StorageCount() == 0LL) { // no data available, set error-code to CONTINUE ErrorFORMAT()->SetCONTINUE(); } else { MQ_LTR Id = 0LL; // an item is available, try to send the data try { // get the filter-context MqContextC *ftr = SlaveGetFilter(); // read package from storage Id = StorageImport(); // forward the entire BDY data to the ftr-target try { ProxyForward(ftr); } catch (const MkExceptionC& e) { if (StorageErrCnt(Id) <= Filter6::retryCnt) { StorageDecrRef(Id); return; } else { throw; } } catch (...) { throw; } } catch (const exception& e) { ErrorCatch (e); // on error write the error-text and "forget" the data ErrorWrite(); } // on "success" or on "error" delete item from storage if (Id != 0LL) StorageDelete(&Id); } } void ServerCleanup() { if (FH != NULL) fclose (FH); } // [filter_service_example] void ServerSetup() { MqContextC *ftr = SlaveGetFilter(); FH = NULL; // SERVER: listen on every token (+ALL) ServiceCreate ("LOGF", MqServiceICB(&Filter6::LOGF)); ServiceCreate ("EXIT", MqServiceICB(&Filter6::EXIT)); ServiceCreate ("SOEX", MqServiceICB(&Filter6::SOEX)); ServiceCreate ("+ALL", MqServiceICB(&Filter6::FilterIn)); ServiceStorage ("PRNT"); ServiceStorage ("PRN2"); ftr->ServiceCreate ("WRIT", MqTokenCCB(&Filter6::WRIT)); ServiceCreate ("WRIT", MqTokenCCB(&Filter6::WRIT)); ftr->ServiceProxy ("WRT2", MQ_SLAVE_MASTER); if (isParent()) { LinkCheckOptionI32 ("--retryCnt", &Filter6::retryCnt); } } // [filter_service_example] public: static void __attribute__ ((noreturn)) Help (MK_STRN base) { fputs("\n", stderr); fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [OPTION]... [ARGUMENT]...\n", base); fputs("\n", stderr); fputs(" This tool is database (MqStorage...) test tool of NHI1.\n", stderr); fputs("\n", stderr); fprintf(stderr, " %s [ARGUMENT]... syntax:\n", base); fprintf(stderr, " aclient... %c %s ... %c aserver\n", MK_ALFA, base, MK_ALFA); fputs("\n", stderr); fputs(MqHelp (NULL), stderr); fputs("\n", stderr); fprintf(stderr, " %s [OPTION]:\n", base); fputs( " -h, --help print this help\n", stderr); fputs("\n", stderr); fputs( " --retryCnt how often an item should be send on error (default: 3)\n", stderr); fputs("\n", stderr); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } }; int Filter6::retryCnt = 3; /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* M A I N */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ // [error_example] int MK_CDECL main (int argc, MK_STRN argv[]) { MqMsgque::Setup(); // define factory auto Filter6F = MqFactoryCT<Filter6>::Add("Filter6"); // modify default type Filter6F->Type()->fHelp = Filter6::Help; // create object from factory Filter6 *filter = Filter6F->New(); try { filter->LinkCreate (MkBufferListC {argc, argv}); filter->ProcessEvent (MQ_WAIT_FOREVER); } catch (const exception& e) { filter->ErrorCatch(e); } filter->Exit(); } // [error_example]