Documentation of the Filter6 tool used for trans2.test
The Filer6 tool is used to test the filter-feature of tclmqmsgque.
To run the filter test, a first client, one or more filters and a final server are created. All are connected to the tclmqmsgque protocol.
The trans2.test
carries out common filter tests and special stress tests. A stress test is performed by exiting one or more filters or servers and observing the response and behavior when reconnecting.
The GOAL for this test is:
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh #+ #: @file NHI1/example/tcl/Filter6.tcl #: @brief Filter6.tcl - 23 Jul 2024 - aotto1968 #: @copyright (C) NHI - #1 - Project - Group #: This software has NO permission to copy, #: please contact AUTHOR for additional information #: @version e6ce5cfbf6c7dfb4f0b3eb45bb50508830143224 #: @date Tue Jul 23 22:39:27 2024 +0200 #: @author aotto1968 <> #: package require tclmqmsgque namespace import tclmqmsgque::* namespace import tclmkkernel::* ::oo::class create Filter6 { superclass MqContextC export variable constructor {{tmpl ""}} { next $tmpl my ConfigSetIgnoreExit yes my ConfigSetServerSetup FilterSetup my ConfigSetServerCleanup FilterCleanup my ConfigSetEvent FilterEvent } ## [filter_service_example] method FilterSetup {} { set ftr [my SlaveGetFilter] my variable FH set FH "" my ServiceCreate "LOGF" LOGF my ServiceCreate "EXIT" EXIT my ServiceCreate "SOEX" SOEX my ServiceCreate "ERR1" ERR1 my ServiceStorage "PRNT" my ServiceStorage "PRN2" my ServiceCreate "+ALL" FilterIn $ftr ServiceCreate "WRIT" WRIT my ServiceCreate "WRIT" WRIT $ftr ServiceProxy "WRT2" MASTER } ## [filter_service_example] method FilterCleanup {} { my variable FH if {$FH ne ""} {close $FH} unset FH } self method errorWrite {ctx} { $ctx variable FH set err [$ctx ErrorFORMAT] puts $FH "ERROR: [$err GetText]" flush $FH $err Reset } method LOGF {} { set ftr [my SlaveGetFilter] if {[regexp {^(?:Filter6-1|Filter6|fs1.*)$} [$ftr ConfigGetName]]} { my variable FH set FH [open [my ReadSTR] a] } else { my ProxyForward $ftr } my SendRETURN } method WRIT {} { set master [my SlaveGetMaster] if {[regexp {^(?:Filter6-1|Filter6|fs1.*)$} [$master ConfigGetName]]} { $master variable FH puts $FH [my ReadSTR] flush $FH } else { my ProxyForward $master } my SendRETURN } method EXIT {} { my Exit } method ERR1 {} { # simulate a scripting BUG MkErrorC SetEXIT [self] } method SOEX {} { [my ErrorFORMAT] SetEXIT } method FilterIn {} { my StorageExport my SendRETURN } method FilterEvent {} { if {[my StorageCount] == 0} { # no data -> nothing to do [my ErrorFORMAT] SetCONTINUE } else { try { # with data -> try to send set ftr [my SlaveGetFilter] # read package from storage set Id [my StorageImport] #my StorageLog #my LogC "StorageLog-id = $Id\n" # forward the entire BDY data to the ftr-target try { my ProxyForward $ftr } trap {MkExceptionC} {errorMessage} { set err [my StorageErrCnt $Id] if {$err <= 3} { my StorageDecrRef $Id return } else { error $errorMessage $::errorInfo $::errorCode } } trap * {} { error $errorMessage $::errorInfo $::errorCode } } on error {} { # on "error" do the following: my ErrorCatch # on "normal-error" -> write message to file and ignore # continue and delete data in next step Filter6 errorWrite [self] } # on "success" or on "error" delete item from storage my StorageDelete $Id } } } # [error_example] tclmqmsgque::Main { set srv [[MqFactoryC Add Filter6] New] try { $srv LinkCreate {*}$argv $srv ProcessEvent MQ_WAIT_FOREVER } on error {} { $srv ErrorCatch } finally { $srv Exit } } # [error_example]