Documentation of the MyRouter tool used for route2.test
The MyRouter tool is used to test the routing-feature of pymqmsgque.
To perform the test multiple classes are created and connected using the pymqmsgque protocol.
The following class-hierarchie is used:
Base |----|----| WO1 WO2 WO3
The routing-test is perfomed by connecting multiple context.
|-> WO3#1 |-> WO2#1 -|-> WO3#2 client -> WO1 -| |-> W02#2 -|-> WO3#1 |-> WO3#2
All context created, 1x client and 7x server, are connected using the pymqmsgque protocoll and build together a tree-like structure.
The GOAL for this setup is:
#+ #: -*- coding: utf8 -*- #: #: @file NHI1/example/py/ #: @brief - 26 Jun 2024 - aotto1968 #: @copyright (C) NHI - #1 - Project - Group #: This software has NO permission to copy, #: please contact AUTHOR for additional information #: @version 08a242faddae5101924d8fe811888e78892a82d9 #: @date Wed Jun 26 14:26:21 2024 +0200 #: @author aotto1968 <> #: import sys from pymkkernel import * from pymqmsgque import * class Basic(MqContextC): id1 = 11 id2 = 12 def __init__(self, tmpl=None): super().__init__() def CreateWorker(self, master_id, factory): self.SlaveWorker( master_id, factory, \ "--prefix", "cl" + factory + "-" + str(master_id), "@", \ "--prefix", "sv" + factory + "-" + str(master_id) \ ) def HLWO(self): self.Send("R", "C", self.ConfigGetName()) def FOID(self): self.Send("R", "C", self.ClassOriginalIdentGet() + "-" + str(self.LinkGetCtxId())) def PATH(self): self.Send("R", "C", self.RouteGetPath()) def TREE(self): self.Send("R", "L", self.RouteGetTree()) def HLWS(self): self.SlaveGetMaster().Setup() self.SendRETURN() def Setup(self): self.ServiceCreate("HLWO",Basic.HLWO) self.ServiceCreate("FOID",Basic.FOID) self.ServiceCreate("PATH",Basic.PATH) self.ServiceCreate("TREE",Basic.TREE) self.ServiceCreate("HLWS",Basic.HLWS) class WO1(Basic): def __init__(self, tmpl=None): self.ConfigSetServerSetup(self.ServerSetup) super().__init__() def ServerSetup(self): if (self.LinkIsParent()): self.CreateWorker(Basic.id1, "WO2") self.CreateWorker(Basic.id2, "WO2") super().Setup() class WO2(Basic): def __init__(self, tmpl=None): self.ConfigSetServerSetup(self.ServerSetup) super().__init__() def ServerSetup(self): if (self.LinkIsParent()): self.CreateWorker(Basic.id1, "WO3") self.CreateWorker(Basic.id2, "WO3") super().Setup() class WO3(Basic): def __init__(self, tmpl=None): self.ConfigSetServerSetup(self.ServerSetup) super().__init__() def FINL(self): self.Send("R", "C", "FINL-" + self.ConfigGetName()) def ServerSetup(self): super().Setup() self.ServiceCreate("FINL",WO3.FINL) if __name__ == "__main__": # create buffer-list of the application arguments largv = MkBufferListC.CreateLA(sys.argv) # create the factories… MqFactoryC.Add(WO1).Default() MqFactoryC.Add(WO2) MqFactoryC.Add(WO3) # select factory using the !first! application argument # and create a new server srv = MqFactoryC.GetCalledL(largv).New() try: # configure and start the server srv.LinkCreate(largv) # start event-loop and wait forever srv.ProcessEvent(MqWaitOnEventE.FOREVER) except Exception as ex: srv.ErrorCatch(ex) finally: srv.Exit()