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MqContextC - create and manage a service … More...

+ Collaboration diagram for MqContextC_Service_JV_API:


interface  jvmqmsgque.MqServiceIF
 used for callback function pointer management → C-API: MqCallbackS More...


native void jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceCreate (String token, MqServiceIF callback)
  Java: ctx.ServiceCreate(String token, MqServiceIF callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
native void jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceDelete (String token)
  Java: ctx.ServiceDelete(String token) C-API
delete a service. …
native boolean jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceIsTransaction ()
  Java: boolean ctx.ServiceIsTransaction() C-API
check if the ongoing-service-call belongs to a transaction …
native void jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceProxy (String token, int id)
  Java: ctx.ServiceProxy(String token, ?int id = MqSlaveE.OTHER.get()?) C-API
create a service to link a master-context with a slave-context. …
native void jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceProxyCtx (String token, MqContextC target)
  Java: ctx.ServiceProxyCtx(String token, MqContextC target) C-API
same as MqServiceProxy but use an MqContextC as input.
native boolean jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceProxyCtxExists (String token, MqContextC target)
  Java: boolean ctx.ServiceProxyCtxExists(String token, MqContextC target) C-API
check if service who belongs to token is a proxy-service
native void jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceProxyRoundRobin (String token, String ident)
  Java: ctx.ServiceProxyRoundRobin(String token, String ident) C-API
create a proxy-service using Round-Robin as load-balancer …
void jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceProxy (String token)
  Java: ctx.ServiceProxy(String token, ?int id = MqSlaveE.OTHER.get()?) C-API
create a service to link a master-context with a slave-context. …
native void jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceStorage (String token)
  Java: ctx.ServiceStorage(String token) C-API
setup a service listen on a MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer and save all read-data-package into the STORAGE
native boolean jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceTokenCheck (String token)
  Java: boolean ctx.ServiceTokenCheck(String token) C-API
in an ongoing-service-call check if the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer is token
native boolean jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceTokenExists (String token)
  Java: boolean ctx.ServiceTokenExists(String token) C-API
check if the MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer token is defined as ctx service …
native String jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceTokenGet ()
  Java: String ctx.ServiceTokenGet() C-API
in an ongoing-service-call get the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceCreate (JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jstring token, jobject callback)
  Java: ctx.ServiceCreate(String token, MqServiceIF callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceDelete (JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jstring token)
  Java: ctx.ServiceDelete(String token) C-API
delete a service. …
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceIsTransaction (JNIEnv *env, jobject self)
  Java: boolean ctx.ServiceIsTransaction() C-API
check if the ongoing-service-call belongs to a transaction …
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceProxy (JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jstring token, jint id)
  Java: ctx.ServiceProxy(String token, ?int id = MqSlaveE.OTHER.get()?) C-API
create a service to link a master-context with a slave-context. …
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceProxyCtx (JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jstring token, jobject target)
  Java: ctx.ServiceProxyCtx(String token, MqContextC target) C-API
same as MqServiceProxy but use an MqContextC as input.
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceProxyCtxExists (JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jstring token, jobject target)
  Java: boolean ctx.ServiceProxyCtxExists(String token, MqContextC target) C-API
check if service who belongs to token is a proxy-service
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceProxyRoundRobin (JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jstring token, jstring ident)
  Java: ctx.ServiceProxyRoundRobin(String token, String ident) C-API
create a proxy-service using Round-Robin as load-balancer …
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceStorage (JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jstring token)
  Java: ctx.ServiceStorage(String token) C-API
setup a service listen on a MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer and save all read-data-package into the STORAGE
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceTokenCheck (JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jstring token)
  Java: boolean ctx.ServiceTokenCheck(String token) C-API
in an ongoing-service-call check if the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer is token
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceTokenExists (JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jstring token)
  Java: boolean ctx.ServiceTokenExists(String token) C-API
check if the MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer token is defined as ctx service …
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceTokenGet (JNIEnv *env, jobject self)
  Java: String ctx.ServiceTokenGet() C-API
in an ongoing-service-call get the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer

Detailed Description

MqContextC - create and manage a service …

To provide a service is the main purpose of a server and the main-purpose of a client/server connection is to call a service and to process the result.
A service can be defined on the server or on the client. On the server a service can be initial setup with MqServerSetupIF method and finally cleanup with MqServerCleanupIF.

‍A service is created with the MqServiceCreate and deleted with the MqServiceDelete.

A service can be created and deleted during the entire life-cycle of the server or the client. If the server/client-context is deleted all services of the are deleted also.

‍A MqServiceDelete is not required.

Creating or deleting a service is like granting or revoking the right to access a single feature.


To receive a data-package on a service the event-loop have to be active. The event-loop ia always active on an synchronous-service-call . On a server the event-loop is started with MqProcessEvent at startup.
A synchronous-service-call always block and enter the event-loop to wait for an answer
A asynchronous-service-call always return immediately and the possible result is received on a callback


A callback is the function called by a service and required to receive data from remote.
A callback is created with MqServiceCreate or is part of the service-call.
A callback can be a service-identifer or a service-callback.
service-call with callback
service-call without callback

Example from define the service SRV1 on the server-link-setup

package example;

import jvmkkernel.*;
import jvmqmsgque.*;

// package-item
final class MyServer extends MqContextC implements MqServerSetupIF {

  // Factory Constructor
  public MyServer(MqContextC tmpl) {

  // service to serve all incoming requests for token "HLWO"
  class MyFirstCallback implements MqServiceIF {
    public void Callback(MqContextC ctx) {
      SendSTR(ReadSTR() + " World");

  // define a service as link between the token "HLWO" and the class "MyFirstService"
  public void ServerSetup() {
    ServiceCreate("HLWO", new MyFirstCallback());

  // -------------------------------------------------------------

  // package-main
  public static void main(String[] argv) {
    // create the "MyServer" factory… and return the initial (top) object
    MqContextC srv = MqFactoryC.Add(MyServer.class).New();

    try {
    } catch (Throwable e) {

To provide a service is the main purpose of a server and the main-purpose of a client/server connection is to call a service and to process the result.
A service can be defined on the server or on the client. On the server a service can be initial setup with MqServerSetupIF method and finally cleanup with MqServerCleanupIF.

‍A service is created with the MqServiceCreate and deleted with the MqServiceDelete.

A service can be created and deleted during the entire life-cycle of the server or the client. If the server/client-context is deleted all services of the are deleted also.

‍A MqServiceDelete is not required.

Creating or deleting a service is like granting or revoking the right to access a single feature.


To receive a data-package on a service the event-loop have to be active. The event-loop ia always active on an synchronous-service-call . On a server the event-loop is started with MqProcessEvent at startup.
A synchronous-service-call always block and enter the event-loop to wait for an answer
A asynchronous-service-call always return immediately and the possible result is received on a callback


A callback is the function called by a service and required to receive data from remote.
A callback is created with MqServiceCreate or is part of the service-call.
A callback can be a service-identifer or a service-callback.
service-call with callback
service-call without callback

Example from define the service SRV1 on the server-link-setup

package example;

import jvmkkernel.*;
import jvmqmsgque.*;

// package-item
final class MyServer extends MqContextC implements MqServerSetupIF {

  // Factory Constructor
  public MyServer(MqContextC tmpl) {

  // service to serve all incoming requests for token "HLWO"
  class MyFirstCallback implements MqServiceIF {
    public void Callback(MqContextC ctx) {
      SendSTR(ReadSTR() + " World");

  // define a service as link between the token "HLWO" and the class "MyFirstService"
  public void ServerSetup() {
    ServiceCreate("HLWO", new MyFirstCallback());

  // -------------------------------------------------------------

  // package-main
  public static void main(String[] argv) {
    // create the "MyServer" factory… and return the initial (top) object
    MqContextC srv = MqFactoryC.Add(MyServer.class).New();

    try {
    } catch (Throwable e) {

Function Documentation

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceCreate()

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceCreate ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject self,
jstring token,
jobject callback )

Java: ctx.ServiceCreate(String token, MqServiceIF callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback

Definition at line 2203 of file MqContextC_jv.c.

2203 {
2204 MQ_CTX hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",self);
2205 JavaErrorCheck;
2206 MkRtSetup_X(hdl);
2207 MQ_TOK token_ptr = (token?(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,token,NULL):NULL);
2208 JavaErrorCheck;
2209 MK_CBP callback_ptr = MK(ProcCreate)(MK_RT_CALL env, callback, NULL, NS(MID_callback), true);
2210 JavaErrorCheck;
2211 enum MkErrorE errVal = MqServiceCreate(hdl, token_ptr, NS(ServiceCall), callback_ptr, NS(ServiceFree), NULL);
2212 MkErrorC_Check(hdl, errVal)
2213 if (token_ptr) (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env,token,token_ptr);
2215 return;
#define MK_RT_CALL
#define MkRtSetup_X(x)
struct MqContextS * MQ_CTX
class-shortcut for struct MqContextS *, all shortcut using the XX_YYY syntax (only for public API) …
#define MqServiceCreate(...)
MqContextC - a char[4+1] or hex[8+1] string used to unique identify a service …
PUBLIC data structure for the jvmqmsgque-specific-data

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceDelete()

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceDelete ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject self,
jstring token )

Java: ctx.ServiceDelete(String token) C-API
delete a service. …

Definition at line 2219 of file MqContextC_jv.c.

2219 {
2220 MQ_CTX hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",self);
2221 JavaErrorCheck;
2222 MkRtSetup_X(hdl);
2223 MQ_TOK token_ptr = (token?(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,token,NULL):NULL);
2224 JavaErrorCheck;
2225 enum MkErrorE errVal = MqServiceDelete(hdl, token_ptr);
2226 MkErrorC_Check(hdl, errVal)
2227 if (token_ptr) (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env,token,token_ptr);
2229 return;
#define MqServiceDelete(...)

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceIsTransaction()

JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceIsTransaction ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject self )

Java: boolean ctx.ServiceIsTransaction() C-API
check if the ongoing-service-call belongs to a transaction …

Definition at line 2233 of file MqContextC_jv.c.

2233 {
2234 MQ_CTX hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",self);
2235 JavaErrorCheck;
2236 MkRtSetup_X(hdl);
2237 MK_BOOL __retVal__L = MqServiceIsTransaction(hdl);
2238 jboolean __retVal__S = __retVal__L;
2239 return __retVal__S;
2241 return 0;
bool MK_BOOL
static bool MqServiceIsTransaction(MQ_CTX const ctx)
check if the ongoing-service-call belongs to a transaction …

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceProxy()

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceProxy ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject self,
jstring token,
jint id )

Java: ctx.ServiceProxy(String token, ?int id = MqSlaveE.OTHER.get()?) C-API
create a service to link a master-context with a slave-context. …

Definition at line 2245 of file MqContextC_jv.c.

2245 {
2246 MQ_CTX hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",self);
2247 JavaErrorCheck;
2248 MkRtSetup_X(hdl);
2249 MQ_TOK token_ptr = (token?(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,token,NULL):NULL);
2250 JavaErrorCheck;
2251 enum MkErrorE errVal = MqServiceProxy(hdl, token_ptr, id);
2252 MkErrorC_Check(hdl, errVal)
2253 if (token_ptr) (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env,token,token_ptr);
2255 return;
#define MqServiceProxy(...)

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceProxyCtx()

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceProxyCtx ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject self,
jstring token,
jobject target )

Java: ctx.ServiceProxyCtx(String token, MqContextC target) C-API
same as MqServiceProxy but use an MqContextC as input.

Definition at line 2259 of file MqContextC_jv.c.

2259 {
2260 MQ_CTX hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",self);
2261 JavaErrorCheck;
2262 MkRtSetup_X(hdl);
2263 MQ_CTX target_hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",target);
2264 JavaErrorCheck;
2265 MQ_TOK token_ptr = (token?(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,token,NULL):NULL);
2266 JavaErrorCheck;
2267 enum MkErrorE errVal = MqServiceProxyCtx(hdl, token_ptr, target_hdl);
2268 MkErrorC_Check(hdl, errVal)
2269 if (token_ptr) (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env,token,token_ptr);
2271 return;
#define MqServiceProxyCtx(...)

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceProxyCtxExists()

JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceProxyCtxExists ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject self,
jstring token,
jobject target )

Java: boolean ctx.ServiceProxyCtxExists(String token, MqContextC target) C-API
check if service who belongs to token is a proxy-service

Definition at line 2275 of file MqContextC_jv.c.

2275 {
2276 MQ_CTX hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",self);
2277 JavaErrorCheck;
2278 MkRtSetup_X(hdl);
2279 MQ_CTX target_hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",target);
2280 JavaErrorCheck;
2281 MQ_TOK token_ptr = (token?(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,token,NULL):NULL);
2282 JavaErrorCheck;
2283 MK_BOOL __retVal__L = MqServiceProxyCtxExists(hdl, token_ptr, target_hdl);
2284 jboolean __retVal__S = __retVal__L;
2285 if (token_ptr) (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env,token,token_ptr);
2286 return __retVal__S;
2288 return 0;
bool MqServiceProxyCtxExists(MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token, MQ_CTX const target)
check if service who belongs to token is a proxy-service

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceProxyRoundRobin()

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceProxyRoundRobin ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject self,
jstring token,
jstring ident )

Java: ctx.ServiceProxyRoundRobin(String token, String ident) C-API
create a proxy-service using Round-Robin as load-balancer …

Definition at line 2292 of file MqContextC_jv.c.

2292 {
2293 MQ_CTX hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",self);
2294 JavaErrorCheck;
2295 MkRtSetup_X(hdl);
2296 MQ_TOK token_ptr = (token?(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,token,NULL):NULL);
2297 JavaErrorCheck;
2298 MK_STRN ident_ptr = (ident?(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,ident,NULL):NULL);
2299 JavaErrorCheck;
2300 enum MkErrorE errVal = MqServiceProxyRoundRobin(hdl, token_ptr, ident_ptr);
2301 MkErrorC_Check(hdl, errVal)
2302 if (token_ptr) (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env,token,token_ptr);
2303 if (ident_ptr) (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env,ident,ident_ptr);
2305 return;
#define MqServiceProxyRoundRobin(...)

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceStorage()

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceStorage ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject self,
jstring token )

Java: ctx.ServiceStorage(String token) C-API
setup a service listen on a MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer and save all read-data-package into the STORAGE

Definition at line 2309 of file MqContextC_jv.c.

2309 {
2310 MQ_CTX hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",self);
2311 JavaErrorCheck;
2312 MkRtSetup_X(hdl);
2313 MQ_TOK token_ptr = (token?(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,token,NULL):NULL);
2314 JavaErrorCheck;
2315 enum MkErrorE errVal = MqServiceStorage(hdl, token_ptr);
2316 MkErrorC_Check(hdl, errVal)
2317 if (token_ptr) (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env,token,token_ptr);
2319 return;
#define MqServiceStorage(...)

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceTokenCheck()

JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceTokenCheck ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject self,
jstring token )

Java: boolean ctx.ServiceTokenCheck(String token) C-API
in an ongoing-service-call check if the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer is token

Definition at line 2323 of file MqContextC_jv.c.

2323 {
2324 MQ_CTX hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",self);
2325 JavaErrorCheck;
2326 MkRtSetup_X(hdl);
2327 MQ_TOK token_ptr = (token?(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,token,NULL):NULL);
2328 JavaErrorCheck;
2329 MK_BOOL __retVal__L = MqServiceTokenCheck(hdl, token_ptr);
2330 jboolean __retVal__S = __retVal__L;
2331 if (token_ptr) (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env,token,token_ptr);
2332 return __retVal__S;
2334 return 0;
bool MqServiceTokenCheck(MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token)
in an ongoing-service-call check if the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer is token …

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceTokenExists()

JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceTokenExists ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject self,
jstring token )

Java: boolean ctx.ServiceTokenExists(String token) C-API
check if the MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer token is defined as ctx service …

Definition at line 2338 of file MqContextC_jv.c.

2338 {
2339 MQ_CTX hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",self);
2340 JavaErrorCheck;
2341 MkRtSetup_X(hdl);
2342 MQ_TOK token_ptr = (token?(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env,token,NULL):NULL);
2343 JavaErrorCheck;
2344 MK_BOOL __retVal__L = MqServiceTokenExists(hdl, token_ptr);
2345 jboolean __retVal__S = __retVal__L;
2346 if (token_ptr) (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env,token,token_ptr);
2347 return __retVal__S;
2349 return 0;
bool MqServiceTokenExists(MQ_CTX const ctx, MQ_TOK const token)
check if the MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer token is defined as ctx service …

◆ Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceTokenGet()

JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_jvmqmsgque_MqContextC_ServiceTokenGet ( JNIEnv * env,
jobject self )

Java: String ctx.ServiceTokenGet() C-API
in an ongoing-service-call get the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer

Definition at line 2353 of file MqContextC_jv.c.

2353 {
2354 MQ_CTX hdl = (MQ_CTX)pObj2Hdl(env,"MqContextC",self);
2355 JavaErrorCheck;
2356 MkRtSetup_X(hdl);
2357 MQ_TOK __retVal__L = MqServiceTokenGet(hdl);
2358 jstring __retVal__S = JC2O(env,__retVal__L);
2359 return __retVal__S;
2361 return 0;
MQ_TOK MqServiceTokenGet(MQ_CTX const ctx)
in an ongoing-service-call get the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer …

◆ ServiceCreate()

native void jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceCreate ( String token,
MqServiceIF callback )

Java: ctx.ServiceCreate(String token, MqServiceIF callback) C-API
create a link between a service-token and a service-callback

◆ ServiceDelete()

native void jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceDelete ( String token)

Java: ctx.ServiceDelete(String token) C-API
delete a service. …

◆ ServiceIsTransaction()

native boolean jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceIsTransaction ( )

Java: boolean ctx.ServiceIsTransaction() C-API
check if the ongoing-service-call belongs to a transaction …

◆ ServiceProxy() [1/2]

void jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceProxy ( String token)

Java: ctx.ServiceProxy(String token, ?int id = MqSlaveE.OTHER.get()?) C-API
create a service to link a master-context with a slave-context. …

Definition at line 1007 of file

1007 {
1008 ServiceProxy (token, MqSlaveE.OTHER.get());
1009 }
native void ServiceProxy(String token, int id)
Java: ctx.ServiceProxy(String token, ?int id = MqSlaveE.OTHER.get()?) → C-API create a service ...
predefined slave-id for well known slaves …

◆ ServiceProxy() [2/2]

native void jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceProxy ( String token,
int id )

Java: ctx.ServiceProxy(String token, ?int id = MqSlaveE.OTHER.get()?) C-API
create a service to link a master-context with a slave-context. …

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ServiceProxyCtx()

native void jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceProxyCtx ( String token,
MqContextC target )

◆ ServiceProxyCtxExists()

native boolean jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceProxyCtxExists ( String token,
MqContextC target )

Java: boolean ctx.ServiceProxyCtxExists(String token, MqContextC target) C-API
check if service who belongs to token is a proxy-service

◆ ServiceProxyRoundRobin()

native void jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceProxyRoundRobin ( String token,
String ident )

Java: ctx.ServiceProxyRoundRobin(String token, String ident) C-API
create a proxy-service using Round-Robin as load-balancer …

◆ ServiceStorage()

native void jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceStorage ( String token)

Java: ctx.ServiceStorage(String token) C-API
setup a service listen on a MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer and save all read-data-package into the STORAGE

◆ ServiceTokenCheck()

native boolean jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceTokenCheck ( String token)

Java: boolean ctx.ServiceTokenCheck(String token) C-API
in an ongoing-service-call check if the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer is token

◆ ServiceTokenExists()

native boolean jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceTokenExists ( String token)

Java: boolean ctx.ServiceTokenExists(String token) C-API
check if the MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer token is defined as ctx service …

◆ ServiceTokenGet()

native String jvmqmsgque.MqContextC.ServiceTokenGet ( )

Java: String ctx.ServiceTokenGet() C-API
in an ongoing-service-call get the current MqContextC_ServiceApi_Identifer