Documentation of the MyRouter tool used for route2.test
The MyRouter tool is used to test the routing-feature of jvmqmsgque.
To perform the test multiple classes are created and connected using the jvmqmsgque protocol.
The following class-hierarchie is used:
Base |----|----| WO1 WO2 WO3
The routing-test is perfomed by connecting multiple context.
|-> WO3#1 |-> WO2#1 -|-> WO3#2 client -> WO1 -| |-> W02#2 -|-> WO3#1 |-> WO3#2
All context created, 1x client and 7x server, are connected using the jvmqmsgque protocoll and build together a tree-like structure.
The GOAL for this setup is:
/** * @file NHI1/example/jv/ * @brief - 19 Aug 2024 - aotto1968 * @copyright (C) NHI - #1 - Project - Group * This software has NO permissions to copy, * please contact AUTHOR for additional information * @version a5cb9f916df9a2d44f91871d69b296ab9a9d1e68 * @date Mon Aug 19 14:57:57 2024 +0200 * @author aotto1968 <> */ package example; import jvmsgque.mqmsgque.*; import jvmsgque.mkkernel.*; // F1 ********************************************************** abstract class Basic extends MqContextC implements IServerSetup { static int id1 = 11; static int id2 = 12; public Basic(MqContextC tmpl) { super(tmpl); } protected void CreateWorker(int master_id, String factory) { SlaveWorker(master_id, factory, "--prefix", "cl" + factory + "-" + master_id, "@", "--prefix", "sv" + factory + "-" + master_id ); } protected static class HLWO implements MqServiceIF { public void Callback(MqContextC ctx) { ctx.Send("R", "C", ctx.ConfigGetName()); } } protected static class FOID implements MqServiceIF { public void Callback(MqContextC ctx) { ctx.Send("R", "C", ctx.ClassOriginalIdentGet() + "-" + ctx.LinkGetCtxId()); } } protected static class PATH implements MqServiceIF { public void Callback(MqContextC ctx) { ctx.Send("R", "C", ctx.RouteGetPath()); } } protected static class TREE implements MqServiceIF { public void Callback(MqContextC ctx) { ctx.Send("R", "L", ctx.RouteGetTree()); } } protected static class HLWS implements MqServiceIF { public void Callback(MqContextC ctx) { Basic master = (Basic) ctx.SlaveGetMaster(); master.Setup(); ctx.SendRETURN(); } } public void Setup() { ServiceCreate("HLWO", new HLWO()); ServiceCreate("FOID", new FOID()); ServiceCreate("PATH", new PATH()); ServiceCreate("TREE", new TREE()); ServiceCreate("HLWS", new Basic.HLWS()); } } class WO1 extends Basic { public WO1(MqContextC tmpl) { super(tmpl); } public void ServerSetup() { if (LinkIsParent()) { CreateWorker (id1, "WO2"); CreateWorker (id2, "WO2"); } Setup(); } } class WO2 extends Basic { public WO2(MqContextC tmpl) { super(tmpl); } public void ServerSetup() { if (LinkIsParent()) { CreateWorker (id1, "WO3"); CreateWorker (id2, "WO3"); } Setup(); } } class WO3 extends Basic { public WO3(MqContextC tmpl) { super(tmpl); } protected class FINL implements MqServiceIF { public void Callback(MqContextC ctx) { ctx.Send("R", "C", "FINL-" + ctx.ConfigGetName()); } } public void ServerSetup() { Setup(); ServiceCreate("FINL", new FINL()); } } // main ******************************************************** final class MyRouter { public static void main(String[] argv) { MkBufferListC largs = new MkBufferListC(argv); MqFactoryC.Add(WO1.class, "WO1").Default(); MqFactoryC.Add(WO2.class, "WO2"); MqFactoryC.Add(WO3.class, "WO3"); MqContextC srv = MqFactoryC.GetCalled(largs).New(); try { srv.LinkCreate(largs); srv.ProcessEvent(MqWaitOnEventE.FOREVER); } catch (Throwable e) { srv.ErrorCatch(e); } finally { srv.Exit(); } } }