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MqContextC - construct an outgoing send-data-packageMore...

+ Collaboration diagram for MqContextC_SendApi_C_API:


 MqContextC - finish the send-data-block and call synchronous/asynchronous a remote-service
 MqContextC - append a native PRIMITIVE TYPE value to the send-data-package
 MqContextC - a wrapper to send a list-block or a transaction-block
 MqContextC - finish the send-data-block on the server and optional return the results. …


enum MkErrorE MqSendSetHandShake (MQ_CTX const ctx, enum MqHandShakeE handShake)
 set the hand-shake of the send-data-package

Detailed Description

MqContextC - construct an outgoing send-data-package

A data-package is send in two different scenarios:

  1. on a client to call a service on the server
  2. on a server to answer a service call from the client

Sending data is an active task and the opposite of reading data, which is a passive task. Active means that the send process is triggered by the software workflow or by the user.
For each basic type defined in MkBufferS, there is a send function and some help functions.

Sending data is an atomic task and must not be interrupted between MqSendSTART and MqSendEND. The MqContextC HIGH API is uninterruptible by design.
Basic rule: process first and send all data last.

If timeout != 0 is used, the application enters the event loop and waits in the current process or thread for timeout seconds until the service call is finished.
While waiting for a result, the application can continue to work on other events that are in the same or in a different process or thread.

If another-service-call arrives while waiting for a response from a previous-service-call, the previous-service-call will NOT end until processing of the other-service-call is complete.

Example-1: a service call, send and read a data-package

On a client: perform a service call

send the service-call MqSendSTARTSendTT... → MqSendEND_AND_WAIT
read the result packageReadTT... → ...

on a server: answer a service call

read the service-call ReadTT... → ...
send the result packageMqSendSTARTSendTT... → MqSendRETURN

Important in the code from above is the last command MqSendEND_AND_WAIT because this is just one of five possibilities:

command synchron database result
MqSendEND no no no
MqSendEND_AND_WAIT yes no single return data
MqSendEND_AND_SUB yes no multiple return data
MqSendEND_AND_CALLBACK no no single return data
MqSendEND_AND_TRANSACTION no yes two return data

To send a data-package is one task, to send it to the right receiver is an other one. The right receiver is identified using the token parameter argument. This parameter have to be a 4 character string. You'll probably ask "why 4?" the answer is that this string should be "human" readable and easy to "compare". As solution this string is mapped to a 4 byte integer used to find the proper key/value entry in the service-hash-table on the server. (in short: to search an integer is much faster as to search a string)

Example-2: (in C) At the client, calling the service and wait for an answer

enum MkErrorE MyServiceCall(MQ_CTX const ctx) {
// ... do some work
MqSendSTART_E(ctx); // init the Send-Buffer object
MqSendI32_E(ctx,int_value); // 1. argument: a MK_I32 value
MqSendSTR_E(ctx,"num:01"); // 2. argument: a MK_STRN value
MqSendBIN_E(ctx,mypicture,size); // 3. argument: a MK_BIN picture of size length
MqSendEND_AND_WAIT_E(ctx,"SRV1",60); // call service "SRV1" and wait max 60sec for the results
// ... get the results
MK_I32 retI = MqReadI32_e(ctx); // expect ONE integer as result
// ... do some work
return MK_OK;
error: // default error-handler
return MkErrorStack_1X(ctx); // on error, build up the error-stack
#define MkErrorStack_1X(...)
signed int MK_I32
#define MqReadI32_e(...)
#define MqSendSTR_E(...)
#define MqSendI32_E(...)
#define MqSendBIN_E(...)
#define MqSendSTART_E(...)
#define MqSendEND_AND_WAIT_E(...)
PUBLIC data structure for the libmqmsgque-specific-data

... or using the MqContextC HIGH API

enum MkErrorE MyServiceCall(MQ_CTX const ctx) {
// ... do some work
MqSend_E(ctx, "W", "SRV1:ICB", int_value, "num:01", mypicture, size);
// ... get the results
MK_I32 retI = MqReadI32_e(ctx); // expect ONE integer as result
// ... do some work
return MK_OK;
error: // default error-handler
return MkErrorStack_1X(ctx); // on error, build up the error-stack
#define MqSend_E(...)

Example-3: (in C) At the server, answer the service call

static MkErrorE SRV1(MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_PTR data) { // the name "SRV1" can be free chosen
// ... do some work
MK_I32 myInt = MqReadI32_e(ctx); // read a MK_I32 value
MK_STRN myStr = MqReadSTR_e(ctx); // read a MK_STR value
MK_BUF myPic = MqReadBUF_e(ctx); // read a MkBuffer64S object to store the picture data
// ... do some work
MqSendSTART_E(ctx); // init the Send-Buffer object
MqSendI32_E(ctx,int_ret); // return argument: a MK_I32 value
error: // something is wrong, error back
return MqSendRETURN(ctx); // send the package as an answer of a previous service-call
#define MqReadBUF_e(...)
#define MqReadSTR_e(...)
#define MqSendRETURN(...)

... or using the MqContextC HIGH API

static MkErrorE SRV1(MQ_CTX const ctx, MK_PTR data) { // the name "SRV1" can be free chosen
// ... do some work
MK_I32 myInt = MqReadI32_e(ctx); // read a MK_I32 value
MK_STRN myStr = MqReadSTR_e(ctx); // read a MK_STR value
MK_BUF myPic = MqReadBUF_e(ctx); // read a MkBuffer64S object to store the picture data
// ... do some work
return MqSend(ctx, "R", "I", int_ret); // send the package as an answer of a previous service-call
#define MqSend(...)

Function Documentation

◆ MqSendSetHandShake()

enum MkErrorE MqSendSetHandShake ( MQ_CTX const ctx,
enum MqHandShakeE handShake )

set the hand-shake of the send-data-package

[in]ctxthe MqContextS instance to work on
[in]handShakethe value to set