MqContextC - extract data from an incoming read-data-package … More...
Topics | |
MqContextC_ReadApi_Atom_C_API | |
MqContextC - read a single-data-item outof a read-data-package … | |
MqContextC_ReadApi_Block_C_API | |
MqContextC - read a block-of-data outof a read-data-package … | |
MqContextC_ReadApi_Misc_C_API | |
MqContextC - various functions to work on a read-data-package … | |
MqContextC - extract data from an incoming read-data-package …
A data-package is read in two different scenarios:
Reading data is a passive-task and the opposite of sending data, which is an active-task. Passive means that the reading process is triggered by an incoming-data-package and not by the software workflow or by the user.
There is a read function and some help functions for each basic type defined in MkBufferS .
Example from server.c
→ read-safety: Make a nested service-call
static enum MkErrorE Ot_CSV1 ( MQ_SERVICE_CALL_ARGS ) { // read the input-data from the CSV1-service-call // client → server MK_I32 retI, inI = MqReadI32_e(mqctx) + 1; // call the CSV2-service at the client, wait 10sec for timeout // server → client → server MqSend_E(mqctx, "Wt", 10, "CSV2:I@I", inI, &retI); // answer the CSV1-service-call with the result from the CSV2-service-call // server → client error: return MqSend(mqctx, "R", "I", retI+1); }