16 #undef BEGIN_LC_C_DECLS
18 #if defined(META_COMPILE_AS_CC)
19 # define BEGIN_LC_C_DECLS namespace liblcconfig { using namespace libmkkernel;
20 # define END_LC_C_DECLS }
21 #elif defined(__cplusplus)
22 # define BEGIN_LC_C_DECLS extern "C" {
23 # define END_LC_C_DECLS }
25 # define BEGIN_LC_C_DECLS
26 # define END_LC_C_DECLS
72 MK_OBJN const inst __parser__(null-allowed)
249 *value_out = (
MK_ARTIFICIAL LC_CFG LcConfigC_ObjNew(config_t *hdl)
return Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK) instance from native hdl …
#define LC_EXTERN
static library
Signals an error and is used as the return value of a function …
set the format of a LcSettingC …
define the data-type of a LcSettingC …
#define LcErrorE_Check(lc_hdl, PROC)
check on a liblcconfig error and convert into a liblcconfig error …
#define LC_INSTANCE_HDL(x)
LC_CFS LcSettingC_ObjCreate(config_setting_t *hdl)
return Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK) instance from native hdl …
MK_ARTIFICIAL LC_CFS LcSettingC_ObjNew(config_setting_t *hdl)
return Programming-Language-Micro-Kernel (PLMK) instance from native hdl …
MK_I64 LcSettingGetInt64(LC_CFSN setting)
These functions return the value of the given setting …
MK_STRN LcSettingGetString(LC_CFSN setting)
These functions return the value of the given setting …
MK_BOOL LcSettingGetBoolElem(LC_CFSN setting, MK_I32 idx)
These functions return the value at the specified index index in the setting setting …
LC_CFS LcSettingGetElem(LC_CFSN setting, MK_I32 idx)
This function fetches the element at the given index index in the setting setting,...
MK_I64 LcSettingGetInt64Elem(LC_CFSN setting, MK_I32 idx)
These functions return the value at the specified index index in the setting setting …
MK_BOOL LcSettingGetBool(LC_CFSN setting)
These functions return the value of the given setting …
MK_DBL LcSettingGetFloatElem(LC_CFSN setting, MK_I32 idx)
These functions return the value at the specified index index in the setting setting …
MK_I32 LcSettingGetIntElem(LC_CFSN setting, MK_I32 idx)
These functions return the value at the specified index index in the setting setting …
enum LcConfigFormatE LcSettingGetFormat(LC_CFSN setting)
These functions get and set the external format for the setting setting …
MK_STRN LcSettingGetStringElem(LC_CFSN setting, MK_I32 idx)
These functions return the value at the specified index index in the setting setting …
MK_I32 LcSettingGetInt(LC_CFSN setting)
These functions return the value of the given setting …
MK_PTR LcSettingGetHookHide(LC_CFSN setting)
These functions make it possible to attach arbitrary data to each setting structure,...
LC_CFG LcSettingGetConfig(LC_CFSN setting)
addon - return the LcConfigC from the LcSettingC …
LC_CFS LcSettingGetMember(LC_CFSN setting, MK_STRN name)
This function fetches the child setting named name from the group setting …
MK_DBL LcSettingGetFloat(LC_CFSN setting)
These functions return the value of the given setting …
MK_BOOL LcSettingIsNumber(LC_CFSN setting)
These convenience functions, some of which are implemented as macros, test if the setting setting is ...
MK_BOOL LcSettingIsScalar(LC_CFSN setting)
These convenience functions, some of which are implemented as macros, test if the setting setting is ...
MK_BOOL LcSettingIsAggregate(LC_CFSN setting)
These convenience functions, some of which are implemented as macros, test if the setting setting is ...
MK_BOOL LcSettingIsList(LC_CFSN setting)
These convenience functions, which are implemented as macros, test if the setting setting is of a giv...
MK_BOOL LcSettingIsArray(LC_CFSN setting)
These convenience functions, which are implemented as macros, test if the setting setting is of a giv...
MK_BOOL LcSettingIsRoot(LC_CFSN setting)
This function returns CONFIG_TRUE if the given setting is the root setting, and CONFIG_FALSE otherwis...
MK_BOOL LcSettingIsGroup(LC_CFSN setting)
These convenience functions, which are implemented as macros, test if the setting setting is of a giv...
LC_CFS LcSettingLookup(LC_CFS setting, MK_STRN path)
This function locates a setting by a path path relative to the setting setting …
enum MkErrorE LcSettingLookupInt(LC_CFSN setting, MK_STRN name, MK_I32 *value_out)
These functions look up the value of the child setting named name of the setting setting …
enum MkErrorE LcSettingLookupInt64(LC_CFSN setting, MK_STRN name, MK_I64 *value_out)
These functions look up the value of the child setting named name of the setting setting …
enum MkErrorE LcSettingLookupFloat(LC_CFSN setting, MK_STRN name, MK_DBL *value_out)
These functions look up the value of the child setting named name of the setting setting …
enum MkErrorE LcSettingLookupString(LC_CFSN setting, MK_STRN name, MK_STRN *value_out)
These functions look up the value of the child setting named name of the setting setting …
enum MkErrorE LcSettingLookupBool(LC_CFSN setting, MK_STRN name, MK_BOOL *value_out)
These functions look up the value of the child setting named name of the setting setting …
MK_BFL LcSettingLookupAll(LC_CFSN setting)
addon - read an entire configuration below setting into MkBufferListC …
enum MkErrorE LcSettingRemove(LC_CFS parent, MK_STRN name)
This function removes and destroys the setting named name from the parent setting parent,...
LC_CFS LcSettingAddIfNotExists(LC_CFS setting, MK_STRN name, enum LcConfigTypeE cfgtype)
addon - add name with type only if not exists in the setting …
enum LcConfigTypeE LcSettingType(LC_CFSN setting)
This function returns the type of the given setting …
MK_I32 LcSettingLength(LC_CFSN setting)
This function returns the number of settings in a group, or the number of elements in a list or array...
MK_STRN LcSettingName(LC_CFSN setting)
This function returns the name of the given setting, or NULL if the setting has no name …
enum MkErrorE LcSettingRemoveElem(LC_CFS parent, MK_I32 idx)
This function removes the child setting at the given index index from the setting parent,...
MK_STRN LcSettingSourceFile(LC_CFSN setting)
This function returns the name of the file from which the setting setting was read,...
LC_CFS LcSettingParent(LC_CFSN setting)
This function returns the parent setting of the given setting, or NULL if setting is the root setting...
MK_I32 LcSettingSourceLine(LC_CFSN setting)
This function returns the line number of the configuration file or stream at which the setting settin...
void LcSettingLog_RT(MK_RT mkrt, LC_CFSN const setting, MK_OBJN fmtobj, MK_DBG const debug, MK_STRN const callfunc, MK_I32 const lvl)
log the setting …
MK_I32 LcSettingIndex(LC_CFSN setting)
This function returns the index of the given setting within its parent setting …
bool LcSettingExists(const LC_CFS setting, MK_STRN name)
addon - return true if name exists in the setting otherwise false …
void LcSettingSetHookHide(LC_CFS setting, MK_PTR hook)
These functions make it possible to attach arbitrary data to each setting structure,...
enum MkErrorE LcSettingSetInt64(LC_CFS setting, MK_I64 value)
These functions set the value of the given setting to value …
LC_CFS LcSettingSetIntElem(LC_CFS setting, MK_I32 idx, MK_I32 value)
These functions set the value at the specified index index in the setting setting to value …
LC_CFS LcSettingSetStringElem(LC_CFS setting, MK_I32 idx, MK_STRN value)
These functions set the value at the specified index index in the setting setting to value …
LC_CFS LcSettingSetInt64Elem(LC_CFS setting, MK_I32 idx, MK_I64 value)
These functions set the value at the specified index index in the setting setting to value …
enum MkErrorE LcSettingSetFloat(LC_CFS setting, MK_DBL value)
These functions set the value of the given setting to value …
enum MkErrorE LcSettingSetString(LC_CFS setting, MK_STRN value)
These functions set the value of the given setting to value …
LC_CFS LcSettingSetBoolElem(LC_CFS setting, MK_I32 idx, MK_I32 value)
These functions set the value at the specified index index in the setting setting to value …
enum MkErrorE LcSettingSetBool(LC_CFS setting, MK_BOOL value)
These functions set the value of the given setting to value …
enum MkErrorE LcSettingSetInt(LC_CFS setting, MK_I32 value)
These functions set the value of the given setting to value …
enum MkErrorE LcSettingSetFormat(LC_CFS setting, enum LcConfigFormatE format)
These functions get and set the external format for the setting setting …
LC_CFS LcSettingSetFloatElem(LC_CFS setting, MK_I32 idx, MK_DBL value)
These functions set the value at the specified index index in the setting setting to value …
LC_CFS LcSettingAdd(LC_CFS parent, MK_STRN name, enum LcConfigTypeE __type)
This function adds a new child setting or element to the setting parent, which must be a group,...
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_get_bool(const config_setting_t *setting)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_set_int(config_setting_t *setting, int value)
LIBCONFIG_API config_setting_t * config_setting_set_string_elem(config_setting_t *setting, int idx, const char *value)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_lookup_int64(const config_setting_t *setting, const char *name, long long *value)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_remove_elem(config_setting_t *parent, unsigned int idx)
LIBCONFIG_API config_setting_t * config_setting_set_float_elem(config_setting_t *setting, int idx, double value)
LIBCONFIG_API const char * config_setting_get_string_elem(const config_setting_t *setting, int idx)
LIBCONFIG_API config_setting_t * config_setting_get_member(const config_setting_t *setting, const char *name)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_lookup_int(const config_setting_t *setting, const char *name, int *value)
LIBCONFIG_API config_setting_t * config_setting_add(config_setting_t *parent, const char *name, int __type)
LIBCONFIG_API const char * config_setting_get_string(const config_setting_t *setting)
#define config_setting_is_list(S)
#define config_setting_name(S)
#define config_setting_parent(S)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_index(const config_setting_t *setting)
LIBCONFIG_API config_setting_t * config_setting_lookup(config_setting_t *setting, const char *path)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_set_float(config_setting_t *setting, double value)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_set_int64(config_setting_t *setting, long long value)
LIBCONFIG_API double config_setting_get_float(const config_setting_t *setting)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_set_string(config_setting_t *setting, const char *value)
LIBCONFIG_API config_setting_t * config_setting_get_elem(const config_setting_t *setting, unsigned int idx)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_set_format(config_setting_t *setting, short format)
LIBCONFIG_API void config_setting_set_hook(config_setting_t *setting, void *hook)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_lookup_string(const config_setting_t *setting, const char *name, const char **value)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_lookup_float(const config_setting_t *setting, const char *name, double *value)
#define config_setting_get_hook(S)
#define config_setting_source_line( S)
LIBCONFIG_API short config_setting_get_format(const config_setting_t *setting)
#define config_setting_is_group(S)
#define config_setting_is_array(S)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_remove(config_setting_t *parent, const char *name)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_get_bool_elem(const config_setting_t *setting, int idx)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_get_int(const config_setting_t *setting)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_length(const config_setting_t *setting)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_set_bool(config_setting_t *setting, int value)
#define config_setting_is_root( S)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_lookup_bool(const config_setting_t *setting, const char *name, int *value)
#define config_setting_source_file( S)
#define config_setting_type(S)
LIBCONFIG_API config_setting_t * config_setting_set_int_elem(config_setting_t *setting, int idx, int value)
#define config_setting_is_number(S)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_is_scalar(const config_setting_t *setting)
LIBCONFIG_API double config_setting_get_float_elem(const config_setting_t *setting, int idx)
LIBCONFIG_API config_setting_t * config_setting_set_bool_elem(config_setting_t *setting, int idx, int value)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_get_int_elem(const config_setting_t *setting, int idx)
LIBCONFIG_API long long config_setting_get_int64_elem(const config_setting_t *setting, int idx)
LIBCONFIG_API config_setting_t * config_setting_set_int64_elem(config_setting_t *setting, int idx, long long value)
LIBCONFIG_API int config_setting_is_aggregate(const config_setting_t *setting)
LIBCONFIG_API long long config_setting_get_int64(const config_setting_t *setting)
Struct to represent the data from the LcConfigC …
Struct to represent the data from the LcSettingC …
config_setting_t * nat
internal - link between LcSettingS and native library